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I have been gone for 6 months and nobody has claimed this board 51 reports wtf?????

File: 839f0e60e534907⋯.png (156.95 KB, 652x770, 326:385, covid_israel_8.png)

adbd67  No.255668

It's official: Covid is anti-Semitic.


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90f684  No.255669

It's the long con. Jews are dying on purpose so they can say, "See? We totally didn't manufacture this! Why would we kill our own?" I bet when you dig into which jews are dying, it's converts, half-breeds, and the low born.

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adbd67  No.255671

File: 9fad82727455e99⋯.jpg (88.15 KB, 1024x730, 512:365, face_to_bloodshed.jpg)


>jews killing their own for political gains

They were warned about this. But still the "good Jews" defended the "bad Jews." Not my problem.

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ae3e47  No.255688


It seems to be a bioweapon that genetically targets jews and colored people. That explains why everything gets shut down when it has a low kill rate.


I wonder if this bioweapon is a test run, as it isn't all that lethal.

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1c24fc  No.255761


"Israelis are heavily vaccinated, covid cases are increasing!"

"Palestinians refuse vaccines, and they're healthy!"


It's pretty damn clear to me or anyone with a brain.

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