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I have been gone for 6 months and nobody has claimed this board 51 reports wtf?????

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e945c9  No.255632

Really?… Is that even possible?

can an animal be a kike?

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e945c9  No.255633


Obviously, I had connectivity issues, and it didn't appear that my thread had been created…

So I tried a few times….

My bad…

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e945c9  No.255634

HOWEVER : as you can see

this is VERY important to me

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8c0f7f  No.255638

See, when I was a kid, I used to watch The Pink Panther cartoons, and I remember the Aardvarks voice my whole life

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8c0f7f  No.255639

But as a kid, I didn't realize the Aardvark was JEWISH

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8c0f7f  No.255640

File: 5ab9e7169f7c7fc⋯.jpg (14.62 KB, 220x267, 220:267, 220px_Joey_Bishop_1967.JPG)

File: 8fa22b3889c49d5⋯.jpg (9 KB, 300x168, 25:14, images_4.jpg)

As I got older, I realized it was JOEY BISHOP doing the voice of the Aardvark

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8c0f7f  No.255641

The secret HIDDEN INFLUENCE of Jews in children's cartoons…..

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8c0f7f  No.255642

But it turns out that it's NOT Joey Bishop

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8c0f7f  No.255643

File: 14326e0da6c859a⋯.jpg (9.26 KB, 220x234, 110:117, JackieMasonOct06_1_.jpg)

The voice of the Aardvark isYacov Moshe Hakohen Maza

also known as Jackie Mason

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8c0f7f  No.255644

well……. kind of

not exactly

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8c0f7f  No.255645

File: 000c96276f3a803⋯.jpg (5.56 KB, 221x228, 221:228, images_3.jpg)

The voice of the Aardvark was JOHN BIENER

doing an impersonation of Jackie Mason

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8c0f7f  No.255646

the voice of the Aardvark was done by a JEW

doing an impersonation of a JEW

that sounded exactly like Joey Bishop

who happened to be a JEW

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2d0712  No.255647

honestly, The Aardvark might be the reason why an EVERYTHING BAGEL W/ LOX SPREAD, TOMATO & ONION is my favorite thing to eat, hands down, day or night…

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2d0712  No.255648

If you've never tried an everything bagel with Lox Spread, tomato & onion, you're missing out on one of the most amazing things on earth !!!

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