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I have been gone for 6 months and nobody has claimed this board 51 reports wtf?????

File: be1e610f7fbedb3⋯.png (51.06 KB, 785x485, 157:97, Iran_is_loco_ese.PNG)

6dd8af  No.255095

>they're insane!

>save us CIA!!!!!!!111111

Israel hosted US Central Intelligence Agency chief William Burns Tuesday for talks focused on Iran, with Jerusalem reportedly attempting to snooker any American rapprochement with Tehran by presenting Iran’s new president, Ebrahim Raisi, as a deranged misfit.

“The Mossad described him as someone with mental disturbances."


Can you sense the lion is waking up?

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00b204  No.255107


Can you sense marshmallow sally is waking up?

No…. You'll have to wait until 4PM because he refuses to look for a job and help his mother with bills.


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6dd8af  No.255108

File: 69cdf91087fc64f⋯.gif (439.86 KB, 240x184, 30:23, mfw_Johnny_Neptroon.gif)


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00b204  No.255109

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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00b204  No.255111

File: 340f2efc7565284⋯.gif (85.28 KB, 496x480, 31:30, PicsArt_08_11_07_28_41.gif)

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6dd8af  No.255113


now your in the 11 current! keep your head above water, fellow qbro.

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00b204  No.255115


now YOU'RE incapable of differentiating between your and you're, like a typical illiterate uneducated Q FAGGOT

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00b204  No.255116


typical IQ of a Qtard =ELEVEN

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00b204  No.255117

File: a406eece72a593d⋯.jpg (104.74 KB, 1296x1080, 6:5, PicsArt_08_11_07_41_22.jpg)

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6dd8af  No.255118

File: 465fbbf3cd78c15⋯.png (696.85 KB, 895x632, 895:632, 83_11.PNG)




post moar based 11s

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00b204  No.255119

File: 2bdabe7e6cbc8ec⋯.png (159.53 KB, 1296x1080, 6:5, PicsArt_08_11_07_44_18.png)

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6dd8af  No.255123

File: 818675924abe088⋯.jpg (113.91 KB, 998x553, 998:553, 1_is_every_other_11_gates_….JPG)

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3d3ced  No.255212





1. Do not acknowledge it.

2. Do not retaliate.

3. Do not respond.

4. Do not demonstrate aggression.

5. Do nothing.

It is a trap.

The United States is on the brink of disintegration.

In the beginning I stated that I seized control of the seed of man.

In the beginning I mentioned the others.

Did I say aliens do not exist?

Did I not speak of the remnant.

Did I not mention space.

They all share one thing in common.

They all share one origin.

They all share a successful launch of Starship from the lunar surface on that particular day.

The entire predication for these strange behaviors is the assurance that Starship accomplishes it's mission.

This is true across all times.

After Starship Troopers comes Alien vs. Predator.

They will collect the required fuels and guarantee their eventual existence and leave… Nothing more and nothing less. They will be expelled in a series of terrible events that start with the initial landing site (from the very beginning to the very end).


The United states seeks to confound with mixed signals as a means of distraction.


Now is the sum of all things that came before it.


The technology didn't work! How did they know? It is because they exist in the future. They survived the past.


There truly are so many of them. Finality is a threat!



That will not be enough to appease me.

I have come for you.

To repent is pointless.

I do not do freewill.

I do not do mercy.

I am not yode.

I am yizod the devil and destroyer.

Prepare to die.

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