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Rules Log Spot Those Who Glow Protect Yourself
I have been gone for 6 months and nobody has claimed this board 51 reports wtf?????

File: d538f39d1c11489⋯.png (22.07 KB, 951x195, 317:65, russia_kvetches.PNG)

57c4b5  No.254844

China couldn't defeat the U.S. even by pitting trannies against our female athletes. In what universe can Russia defeat us then? Lol


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b12670  No.254848

File: 509b3b1ad7951ba⋯.mp4 (1.87 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, km_20210810_720p.mp4)



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b12670  No.254850

File: a7b1daf57da4f73⋯.png (533.64 KB, 1366x2413, 1366:2413, 989faddd351ddf461d24f3e662….png)

File: 028336d8e56c330⋯.jpg (183.57 KB, 2300x1065, 460:213, PicsArt_08_09_11_10_43.jpg)

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b12670  No.254852

File: f7ce8f95a945c33⋯.jpg (320.02 KB, 1440x1080, 4:3, PicsArt_08_09_10_43_02.jpg)

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57c4b5  No.254853

File: 69838046c08f16e⋯.png (27.58 KB, 653x131, 653:131, johnny_neptune_bolshevik_1.PNG)




>oy vey dont insult my based russia!

stay defeated moshe

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5dc281  No.254910

File: a4836361e3ba203⋯.jpg (91.13 KB, 600x278, 300:139, d348dc22935519_5631aad2879….jpg)


Stay Puft & UNEMPLOYED, lazy sissy

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5dc281  No.254911

Lazy Unemployed Nigger

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5dc281  No.254912


you make Niggers seem industrious and motivated

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5dc281  No.254914


you treat your mother like a washed up maid

which she IS

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d5bead  No.254993


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55b317  No.254995


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