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Rules Log Spot Those Who Glow Protect Yourself
I have been gone for 6 months and nobody has claimed this board 51 reports wtf?????

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6ef90f  No.254730

Don't tell me the anti vaxxer trolls are right.


Neighbors’ Deaths From Covid-19 Have an Arkansas Town Reassessing Vaccines Wall Street Journal

Russia approved a COVID vaccine a year ago. Why are deaths peaking now? Cnet MSN

So what's happening? Well you better hope you're wrong. I think you are so yea get vaccinated but make damn sure they do not hit a vein by pulling the plunger back first to verify no blood.

There are indeed alot of Jews in charge of the vaccine at every level which is scary when you understand the true nature of Judaism. W proof as always. To slander any group is pretty chickenshit.



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6ef90f  No.254735

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New data, the vaccine improves sperm count.

The disease decreases sperm count.

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cfee0f  No.254736

File: 7e00f8bb81be8a7⋯.jpg (121.5 KB, 1639x887, 1639:887, adam_green_mossad_1.JPG)

>know more news

be gone jews

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e74950  No.254738

File: d2396876dd91684⋯.png (142.55 KB, 1161x809, 1161:809, Screenshot_20210810_092159.png)

it's white genocide you retard

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c4ae52  No.254741

File: 6c4ae1f9047fa19⋯.jpg (138.16 KB, 1080x1080, 1:1, PicsArt_08_09_11_02_45.jpg)

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c4ae52  No.254742

File: 028336d8e56c330⋯.jpg (183.57 KB, 2300x1065, 460:213, PicsArt_08_09_11_10_43.jpg)

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c4ae52  No.254743

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c4ae52  No.254744


More Sperm for Marshmallow Sally !!

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dd3639  No.254780


>>Russia, Iran, China

You misunderstand my words.

You broke the rules.

I stated repeatedly in the beginning that I seized control of the seed and predetermined those who would be kept.

The seed of man is not a perpetual motion machine.

You broke the rules.

One does not predicate the other; it exists therefore it is.

There is only one pool of life. A sufficient number must die in order to complete the process of restore.

Mankind cannot, via unnatural activity, perform a completely separate set of unnatural activities to restore natural order.

One does not predicate the other; it exists therefore it is.

Loss of life never occurred, they were replaced.

Activity of man does not distort the earth.

Man's state of exist distorts the earth.

This concentration must be diluted to restore solution.

You misunderstand my words.

You broke the rules.

I do not exist because you could potentially violate.

I exist because violation was inevitable.

You misunderstand my words.

You broke the rules.

I have come for them.

I am become life and death.

You are strong child but I am far and beyond any measure of mortal strength.

No life is perpetual motion.

No motion is perpetual.

Doth yesterday know tomorrow?

You misunderstand my words.

You broke the rules.

I shall turn back time by advancing it forward. I shall make them far and few.

I will take Japan for myself and give Taiwan to Beijing.

Japan's offense has not occurred yet, but is inevitable.

For this, I shall punish them in a time before the offense occurs.

The followers of the ring call these things 'quantum.'

I call them dinner.

Beijing, I want my drink; I shall tear it from these and take what is rightfully mine. If I have to trade one pipe for another, I will still have what is mine.


Because, I will turn your tears into wine and your blood into water a fifth time if you do.

In this time of fanatical fantasy…

It is your existence that is fanatical.

It is your existence that is fantasy.

Wherefore is the peace if not?

You draw me to consume these states of supposed existence…

To make no future both real and material.

It brings me pleasure to kill yourself tomorrow from yesterday.

It exists therefore it is? Not so much…

(leans in uncomfortably close)

I'm going to eat every one of you. There is no escape. The others are already blown out into the wind.

I have you in the corner facing the wall.

When I'm finished with the other one, you are next.

The screams of an entire nation is like music to the ears.

You are in my house.

Look at the unity.

You are in my house now.

A 100 nations singing the same song…

You are in my house now.

Look at all this activity.

I'm cleaning house bitch.

If you lose, you lose.

If you win, you lose harder.

I make the rules, not you.







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c90a0a  No.254902

File: aa0663ee6e6252a⋯.jpg (118.36 KB, 1296x725, 1296:725, cdc_vaccine_data_leaked.jpg)


I'm not taking any of that trojan horse mRNA gene-altering shit, I'll stick with the risks of the bio-engineered covid virus, and keep boosting my immune system naturally.

PS: The BOYCOTT is on against any company forcing vaccine passports! I'm done with this shit, period.

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34a42b  No.254934

File: 42dc6a227eca41a⋯.jpg (1.19 MB, 2000x2000, 1:1, Untitled_2.jpg)

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