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I have been gone for 6 months and nobody has claimed this board 51 reports wtf?????

File: ac04dfe79c4a8cb⋯.jpg (35.62 KB, 462x506, 21:23, D99LMakXkAAWPyX.jpg)

File: 67259f906921ede⋯.png (99.6 KB, 220x193, 220:193, Dead.png)

558209  No.254651


The year is 1997. A horde of filthy fuckin' reds have invaded the United States. The communist menace, welcomed by insane, greedy politicians, are gunning down innocent people in the streets; bullets flying, blood spilling, mass hysteria, and the president, of all people, doesn't even give a fuck. Fast forward a year later, these democratic dipshits have taken control of the White House, and are now planning a full-on assault on our friends to the South: Mexico. Matters are slowly becoming more and more desperate, the United States is in danger of imminent collapse due to riots and homicide cases, with despicable niggers' weak claims-to-fame fueling this ever-burning fire. The only man in America, no, on EARTH that can neutralize this terrorist plot and it's foot soldiers, has been, by this point, arrested by the new regime, tortured in a dark, desolate basement by his nemesis known as "Phil", wrongfully hospitalized, threatened, and finally thrown out into the Saharan desert with no food, water, or money to his name. At this point, all hope is lost. Fast forward some more, Barack Obama is the first afrodescendant president to ever reach the White House, utterly besmirching it's name with his ugly, atrocious skin tone. Both Wayne Lambright and the remaining upstanding civilians of the nation have given up their resistance, the liberal menace reigning over every one of their pitiful lives. However, in China, there existed a secret plan to utilize Deng Xiaoping's preserved blood samples, to create a superpowered being, of whom can fight off the 1.2 billion socialists of which disgrace the name of Mao and The PRC by misinterpreting their ingenious marxist-leninist beliefs. This secretive entity, this godlike beacon of salvation and hope in restoring the great United States Of America, was none other than the man who was once destined to rescue it: Wayne Lambright. Unfortunately, though, while the proceedings of the plan were going all according to keikaku, it was soon brought to the attention of the director of this operation, Xi Jinping, that both himself, as well as the entirety of The People's Republic Of China, had lacked a sufficient amount of money, their budget being not even remotely close to the amount necessary for funding the machinery, let alone the required studies and blueprints for R&D and pre-test testing. Entering a depression, Chairman Xi faltered in his offensive against the insidious wannabes. He'd regretted having spent so much money on producing Huawei phones and bullet trains, (particularly those of which weren't working well). Xi, left with no choice, came to the affirmed conclusion that the only way he could get the money in time was via creating a gofundme.com page, posing as aforesaid legendary hero, Wayne Lambright, in the process, to garner a crowd support, along with some sweet, sweet moola. Moreover, as smart an idea as this is, it's goals can only be achieved through YOUR help, anonymous users! If you truly care, love, and pray for the idea of a free, beautiful nation, with a superpowered, formerly homeless person as it's dictator, support this thread, and support Wayne Lambright till his very end!


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0f3890  No.254653

File: ea164957af859b1⋯.jpg (68.21 KB, 1467x257, 1467:257, Wayne_Jewish.JPG)

piss off kike

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558209  No.254655

File: 69c0b9825a8c132⋯.png (149.86 KB, 1025x328, 25:8, run2.png)


I am not a kike

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0f3890  No.254656

File: 1aaada8c237a381⋯.png (171.05 KB, 739x514, 739:514, _Wayne_Lambright_.PNG)


>oy vey dont look at israel!

piss off sayinam.

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20b104  No.254677

Cool story, OP.

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