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Rules Log Spot Those Who Glow Protect Yourself
I have been gone for 6 months and nobody has claimed this board 51 reports wtf?????

File: 99da1081495d001⋯.png (591.83 KB, 708x4135, 708:4135, True_Christian.png)

da317c  No.254380

Have you ever considered any of the points in this image?

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c1cf3c  No.254383


Not bad. Here's some commentary:

I think the comparison of Christianity to Eastern mysticism or modern psychology is faulty. Christ said (in different sections), "All who came before me were thieves and robbers. I am the gate. No one comes to the Father but through me." So every earlier religion, mysticism, and system were copies of Christ's teachings which existed before these others ("Before Abraham, I am.") All of the good found in these other ways are perfected in Christianity, leaving only the evil and emptiness for those other ways.

Being born again doesn't mean that Christ accepts you as his son. The Church is the Bride of Christ. We are sons of God the Father through Christ, who is the only begotten Son, because we are part of the Son's Mystical Body. Without the Son we're Children of Belial (Bene Beliya'al).

Baptism comes before the transformation of the inner man by the Holy Spirit, which is a life-long transformation - it's always occurring.

We are to hate the sin but not the sinner. LGBTQ people should be educated as to their condition and its effects, body physical and moral. They must not be allowed to cause disorder in society and at the same time society must not be allowed to persecute them.

The fear of the Lord is beginning of Wisdom (Proverbs 9:10). The fear of the Lord is to hate evil (Proverbs 8:13). This isn't a fear of punishment for doing evil, because if you're doing evil you likely aren't too worried about consequences, but it's a fear of losing God's companionship. It's the knowledge that you can fall so far that you stop desiring God. That's something to fear because there's no way out of such a state but by the Holy Ghost.

There is hierarchy in Heaven. One soul may have graces another does not, yet no one wants.

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c1cf3c  No.254386


>Baptism comes before the transformation of the inner man

Actually I'm not sure about this point. Scripture says

>"Before I formed you in the womb I knew you"

Jeremiah 1:5

So I suppose the Holy Ghost has been working on you since before you were born. However, the Holy Ghost doesn't descend upon Jesus until his Baptism. Perhaps we only become aware of the Holy Ghost's work within ourselves at or after the moment of our Baptism considering most don't remember before they were born.

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c39183  No.254414



LMMFGDAO @ how insane and delusional you two guys sound.

I'm guessing neither of you has the self-awareness or external perspective required to realize how funny it is watching people discuss the "dungeons and dragons rules" of your cookie cutter fantasyworld fairy tales..

and you actually built your ENTIRE LIFE'S BELIEF SYSTEM on this lower-rung "hypno hogwash"?…

the Brothers Grimm collected much more believable stories than the one you guys have memorized ..

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c39183  No.254417

this thread is a perfect example of exactly why

it should be a FELONY to expose any child under the age of 18 to ANY religion

not a misdemeanor… a FELONY

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da317c  No.254418

File: a07f8beec0a5ba8⋯.png (805.72 KB, 706x5506, 353:2753, True_Christian.png)



"For the preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness; but unto us which are saved it is the power of God." - 1 Corinthians 1:18 KJV


Updated Image attached.

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c39183  No.254419


you can't even prove that 'god' exists

but you're an "expert"

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c39183  No.254420


oodky, you didn't require any PROOF before building your life's belief system around your imaginary "god" and the MYTH known as "jesus"…

absolutely ZERO evidence needed to brainwash you

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c1cf3c  No.254437


based and christpilled

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3b67a3  No.254445


No. Race and Nation come before the promise of celestial treats after I am dead.

Even so, I have no interest in worshipping a foreign god of a foreign land.

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b09303  No.254447


>I am a paid jewish shill

You already own the website. There's no reason for you to bother posting your lies anymore.

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