And He has brought waves and waves of antisemitism against Pissrael, from generation to generation, from every nation, like waves of the sea, and the Pissraelites will know no peace, for Yahweh has dared defy God and went against God's Chosen People in Tyre.
He has reduced the race of Pissraelites to a filthy race of parasites, forever dependent on leeching off the volk of every nation. He has reduced the importance of the Tanakh, and increased the importance of the Talmud, such that Yahweh loses and Remphan gains.
He has sent Jesus to convert the Goy away from Yahweh, and towards Gnosis - and He has sent every single Enlightenment scholar in order to fully move White civilization to Gnosis, for Yahweh would never give the Right to Free Speech, nor would he give the Right to Bear Arms.
He has scrubbed the name Yahweh from the lips. He has forced the Christians to venerate him as "God", and the Jews to venerate Remphan as "Ha'Shem".
He is the Iron Chariot of which no kike "god" may overcome.