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I have been gone for 6 months and nobody has claimed this board 51 reports wtf?????

File: 4323580609cfd43⋯.jpg (68.73 KB, 500x399, 500:399, tumblr_98c2e46bc979f5ce66e….jpg)

db7cb1  No.254062

Is 8kun less of a honeypot than 4chan? At least you can delete posts. Pic unrelated

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4f96de  No.254087

File: a5ccbc445950dc4⋯.jpg (90.87 KB, 512x464, 32:29, unnamed.jpg)

I like it here, I like it there, I like it everywhere.

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19db98  No.254638

Does it matter? In case you forgot the CIA invented the internet with the purpose of surveillance, tracking cataloging and targeting.

It's safe to say that most clearweb discussions and memes are of low-mid interest to glowniggers unless it breaks their laws or threatens their power hierarchy.

We're to smart to be normies and to stupid to not use the web in the first place if privacy and anonymity is our concern.

Eh i'm just some bored nerd with spicy opinions seeking lulz and entertainment.

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19db98  No.254648

Addendum mindfart. But i think the chans are perfect places to find some potential recruitment material because there are sometimes highly skilled detectives, scripters and social engineers to be found on imageboards.

Those times anons came together to do some epic operations, sometimes for lulz other times for justice.

It's a beautiful thing.

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51258b  No.254650

File: f07e927c7ae12ee⋯.jpg (153.09 KB, 1869x500, 1869:500, 8kun_DOD.JPG)

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