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I have been gone for 6 months and nobody has claimed this board 51 reports wtf?????

File: 4c9bc082b6a522c⋯.jpg (59.37 KB, 1064x798, 4:3, communism_sucks.jpg)

ccac33  No.253993

So with the commies burning down the small towns and rural communities all over Commiefornia via arson attacks, what's the point living in an overpriced shithole State like that anymore?

I predict massive taxpayer flight from CA when all the damage is done. Also, America needs to prepare for these arson attacks elsewhere in the near future. This is no doubt part of their "Great Reset" "UN Agenda 21" "Build Back Better" plan to bankrupt and enslave us.


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ccac33  No.253994

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98b49b  No.253995







Yah, dead board. Looks like even Johnny bailed. I'll come back in 5 or 6 hours to check up before dinner to see if anyone has commented or posted anything.

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1893f7  No.254172


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709499  No.254586

If you live innawoods i surely hope you have cut down vegetation within a 50-100 meter radius and also got a pond or well full of water with a high pressure pumpingsystem and some firefighters gear (and train using it)

More importantly though i hope you and your neighbors/community set up a plan with you fire department if you have one but if you don't. Set up a comms plan to warn eachother and cooperate to fight these wildfires. Be ready to help eachother !

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e0cfb8  No.254597


Absolutely, just make sure you have a strong water pump with high PSI (pressure) and can pump a ton of water GPM (at the very least 200 gallons per minute). With all the accessories a DIY firefighting system rigged up will cost around 2.5K to 3K total today (that includes all separate attachments plus sales tax). I have one with 200 foot 2" dia firehose (the 2" dia swivel attachments needed to be purchased separately and are absolutely crucial to hook the hose up to the pump). You'll need a long suction hose with a round filter hookup too (so you can pump water from dirty or rocky reserves). It is an investment to have and during SHTF it could save your life and homestead.

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5b2e02  No.255622


Communist College Professor Arrested For Dixie Fire Arson In Commiefornia

A former college professor was arrested on Tuesday on suspicion of setting fires near the massive Dixie Fire in Northern California, which has already destroyed over 500 homes and is nearing 500,000 acres, the second-worst in California history.

Gary Stephen Maynard, 47, is believed to have worked at a number of colleges in California, including Santa Clara University and Sonoma State University, where a Dr. Gary Maynard is listed as a lecturer in criminal justice studies specializing in criminal justice, cults and deviant behavior.

Maynard was arrested Saturday following an investigation that began July 20 and included a U.S. Forest Service agent placing a tracking device under his car after he had been stopped briefly by Susanville police on Aug. 3.

“Over the course of the last several weeks, Maynard has set a series of fires in the vicinity of the Lassen National Forest and Shasta Trinity National Forest…,” [Assistant U.S. Attorney Michael] Anderson wrote in a detention memo. “The area in which Maynard chose to set his fires is near the ongoing Dixie fire, a fire which is still not contained despite the deployment and efforts of over 5,000 personnel.



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fd2ab9  No.255659

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e0cfb8  No.255740


OP hit the nail right on the head, this is their goal, destroy any place that (((they))) don't have total control over. We must prepare for that.

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