Covid Vaccine Backlash Now Joined With Two Global Extinction Warnings
An informative new Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today first sees this transcript showing Security Council Members reviewing a document prepared by the Ministry of Health (MINZDRAV), wherein it reveals that clinical trials of another Russian coronavirus vaccine, Betuvax-CoV-2 developed by the Institute of Human Stem Cells, may begin in September—and is a revelation preceded by top Russian infectious diseases specialist Doctor-Scientist Yekaterina Stepanova stating: “As preliminary research shows, various strains require various levels of antibodies…For example, protection against the South African strain requires a level of over 1,000 BAU/ml…The level for the Delta strain is presumed to be even higher, at 1,500 BAU/ml”, after which she informed everyone: “If you haven’t been vaccinated yet, I advise you to get the jab, regardless of whether you had fallen ill or not”.
Security Council Members in this transcript note that a coronavirus is a group of related RNA viruses that cause diseases in mammals and birds, and in humans and birds cause respiratory tract infections that can range from mild to lethal—best exampled by the Common Cold, that has over 200 virus strains, with rhinoviruses, coronaviruses, adenoviruses and enteroviruses being the most common—the importance of knowing about is because Yale University scientists released a new study that found “exposure to the rhinovirus, the most frequent cause of the common cold, can protect against infection by the virus which causes COVID-19”—which is why Doctor-Scientist Stepanova asserts that serum diagnostics cannot be 100% precise, and should not be viewed as an ultimate reason to skip vaccination—then she dismissed rumors about a certain “dangerous” level of antibodies, when vaccination is not advised—and stated: “COVID patients are being treated with donor plasma, boosting the number of protective antibodies to speed up recovery…Therefore, there have been no evidence supporting this theory…The same applies to the theory of antibody-dependent enhancement of the infection, according to which a virus can find its way into a cell quicker when it merges with antibodies…Again, the success of plasma therapy proves this is not possible for the time being”.
With it now being beyond scientific dispute that Covid-19 was created in a laboratory, Security Council Members in this transcript note that this fact doesn’t matter anymore, because like all coronavirus, Covid-19 will continue to endlessly evolve—an evolution that will see Covid-19 adapting itself into never ending strains, exactly like the Common Cold and Flu Viruses—which is why famed Wall Street Journal editorial board member Holman W. Jenkins Jr. released his open letter last week entitled “The Delta Variant Is A Reality Test”, wherein he first states: “Americans haven’t wanted to understand what it means for a virus to be endemic”, then sees him truthfully revealing: “If you haven’t had Covid yet, you will…If you’ve had it once, you’ll have it again…If you’re vaccinated or were infected previously—which will one day be most people except the very young—your symptoms will likely be mild or nonexistent, but it’s not guaranteed…Nobody is surprised when they get the flu for the second, the third, the eighth time in their lives…This is what epidemiologists meant when, for the last 15 months, they said the new coronavirus was likely to evolve and become endemic”.
Just like Russia, this report details, Sweden also knows that COVID-19 is endemic, which is why they refused to place their citizens under draconian masked-up lockdowns—and while refusing to lockdown their citizens, Swedish scientists continue examining Covid-19 vaccines that work for the known strains of this virus that have evolved, with them finding the best two being Russia’s Sputnik V and Johnson & Johnson’s, both of which are based on the dead virus vaccine model used for decades to create vaccines for influenza virus strains that mutate yearly—as opposed to the experimental mRNA vaccines for Covid-19 being forced on most Westerners by their socialist governments.