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I have been gone for 6 months and nobody has claimed this board 51 reports wtf?????

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90e66b  No.252839[Last 50 Posts]

Racist sporting Swastika tattoo forced to clean Black man's car

A neo nazi with a tattoo of a Swastika on his left shoulder was left beaten and bloodied and forced to wash a Black man’s SUV after he allegedly hit the vehicle with a bottle, according to the black dude who beat the ever-livin' dogshit out of the white trash inbred faggot.

The video, which was posted by Twitter user Boss Man Banks, hit the airwaves on Saturday but caught the attention of the media this week, according to the millions of people who laugh behind the backs of neo-Nazi faggots.

The video, showing a contrite, powerless and terrified White man washing the car he allegedly hit, has gone viral — and then some — with over five million views, a laughing viewer reports.

The unidenfied White male is clearly bleeding from the left side of his face with an apparent laceration near his left eye. He also appears to be bleeding from the mouth. He can't fight, but thought he was 'intimidating'.

The video is also captioned:

“This racist ass white boy threw a bottle at my cousin’s truck and well … here’s the aftermath lmaooo.”

Photo: (Twitter – @BossManBanks).

The man filming the video can be heard admitting to beating the man, threatening to beat him more and asking him, “What’s your fucking problem, Hitler?”

“I don’t have a problem,” replies the White man washing the car, blood pouring from his face, begging not to be beaten again.

“I should split your other side cuz,” says the man who is filming the video.

At one point, the man filming asked the White male: “What if I made you suck my dick, sissyboy?”

lol you guys ain't shit. any 14 yr old could beat your ass

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90e66b  No.252841

File: 69e7dc8829dad01⋯.jpg (21.96 KB, 456x433, 456:433, Man_beat.jpg)

File: d4bc7c80d06c0c6⋯.png (201.7 KB, 635x522, 635:522, swastika_2.png)

File: 5532038021f3c92⋯.png (354.1 KB, 620x629, 620:629, swastika_.png)

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90e66b  No.252842

FACT: youthreeguys are COMPUTER SISSIES

the average 14 year old kid could beat the fucking shit outta you…. easy….

He'll, a 10 year old black girl could BEAT YOUR ASS INTO THE PAVEMENT…

(fast…. lightning fast)

lol @ you pretending to be a badass

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c13db4  No.252843

File: fba9c12c201033b⋯.jpg (19.61 KB, 400x266, 200:133, _neonazis_.jpg)

>A neo nazi with a tattoo of a Swastika on his left shoulder

Good. The degenerates among our race who, upon refusing to improve, are abandoned. Nazi VS. Bolshevik won't give kikes the victory this time around. Both sides are getting the gas.

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eff874  No.252847


especially YOU…..

you're a keyboard tough guy


it would be hilarious watching you get into a fight

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eff874  No.252848


by the way, you talk like a woman…..

lol you really do

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b25845  No.252849

Traveling a city, unarmed? While throwing bottles at random SUVs?

Wow, he is stupid.

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eff874  No.252850


the things you type are like a Harlequin Romance Novel

like you're a woman trying to "sound like a man"

it's ridiculous

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c13db4  No.252851

File: 62fea65f2c89020⋯.jpg (1.47 MB, 1858x1664, 929:832, Weev_Blacked.jpg)


You seem to refuse to admit that the "Neo-Nazi" movement was a Jewish movement from the beginning. All of the figureheads and thought-leaders were Jewish. Who is still falling for the deception? Some 85 IQ inbred in a trailer park, sure. But the ones who are capable and willing to destroy your "people?" No. Those are the ones I want. The white, the black, the asian, the faithful, the doubting, the calm, the angry..those are my people. But not the neo-nazi, not the bolshevik, not the kike puppet.

So where is your victory?

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eff874  No.252852


lol you all are…. you're white trash

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eff874  No.252853

File: 9299753b4cc58ee⋯.jpg (114.16 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, 104f4ade_3bd9_45f6_ae46_15….jpg)


A G A I N : you are white trash

'and you have NEVER been in a fist fight

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c13db4  No.252854

File: 8e58114ecfbb6b3⋯.png (52.84 KB, 818x230, 409:115, come_at_me_IRL_bro.PNG)


Who is "you all?" No one is following Weev an Anglin's retarded kosher nazism. No one is following the TRSodomites retarded kosher bolshevism. Literally who are you referring to? The many Jews LARPing as nazis or bolsheviks? Are you referring to your own people? lol the most funny thing about all of this is when the war starts you jews will be on the side of neonazis! LMAO


u know precisely where i am.

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eff874  No.252855

File: 6ca50e3857333bc⋯.jpg (190.29 KB, 1080x1275, 72:85, PicsArt_08_01_03_05_43.jpg)


u know precisely where i am.

(so does your mother)

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722e20  No.252857


No, I'm not dumb like that. I don't go near any city without a firearm in my truck. Come to think of it, I stay away from cities as much as possible. And I never start fights like that either. The guy got his assed whooped because he was dumb and did not think about what he was actually doing.

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c13db4  No.252858


im just saying. every single day i rekt you because your IQ doesnt preform as well as your mouth. youve been embarrassed so bad that youve actually dedicated entire days to nothing but spam (kvetching, if we're being honest)..and yet here i am, another day, and youre embarrassed. so what can you do? if you want to save face, save a little bit of your pride, why dont you come and put a bullet in my head? or at least pay some neonazi to do it. cmon, man! do something.

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408c42  No.252859

File: bf32386333f4db4⋯.jpg (30.21 KB, 400x400, 1:1, 1333804472713_400x400.jpg)


Youre right. A dumbass hillbilly is all he is. Just as that nigger is proving himself to be a nigger. Resorting to violence than films it. He'll be in prison soon for assault. No one ever said every white person is of value. White faggots exist. White liberals exist. White crack heads exist. The whole point is we just don't want to live around niggers or degenerates in general including that dude. We brought niggers over as SLAVES, not our friends. White guilt caused White people yo just let them in and hopefully integrate. Liberals in all their infinite stupidity don't seem to understand that niggers can't conform to White society and why they need to go back to their homelands.

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eff874  No.252860

all I'm saying is if pay $500 to watch one of you guys "intimidate somebody" on video

not joking……

protip: you don't Intimidate anyone

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408c42  No.252861

File: 54d36bbec2287f6⋯.jpeg (13.3 KB, 225x225, 1:1, images_3_.jpeg)


>free speech is supposed to he intimidating

Dumbass nigger thinks everything has to be violent and looking for a fight. You'll never be white.

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722e20  No.252862


It doesn't seem like you do either.

Protip: no one here ever said they wanted to intimidate anyone.

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408c42  No.252863

File: 52ced54873c49b2⋯.jpg (52.71 KB, 800x600, 4:3, sunset_town_black_history_….jpg)

File: 818156a9d2b9038⋯.jpg (12.89 KB, 460x259, 460:259, 200622203348_noose_ku_klux….jpg)


Don't forget, history is real no matter how much libtards and antifaggots want to erase it. Before white guilt set in, niggers were our bitch for how long? 2 or 300 years? When whites get their balls back, you'll get your gag back.

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eff874  No.252865


then ?……..

and you were saying there are stupid whites?


that's all you do in here is roleplay 'intimidating white supremacist"…….


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eff874  No.252866

File: b0cf1b4b403633c⋯.png (942.78 KB, 2300x779, 2300:779, PicsArt_08_01_07_11_27.png)


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408c42  No.252867

File: 1ba4d840627c0fa⋯.png (1.5 MB, 2034x1337, 2034:1337, 1625782167367.png)



So it's the autistic sperg behind all these BBC posts? I totally knew it was you. Pathetic.

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c13db4  No.252868

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

That's what I thought. You won't do shit but sit here and throw a temper tantrum at your own unwillingness to do shit. I will continue) destroying the world and bragging about it right here in front of (((you))).

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eff874  No.252869

File: b76c32186fcb6bb⋯.jpg (32.86 KB, 315x315, 1:1, url.jpg)



glad you mentioned it

no, you CAN'T erase your history

tough guy

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eff874  No.252870


lol you TOTALLY KNOW everything

don't you, Super Mario?

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408c42  No.252871

File: 63ab0fff2002c0c⋯.png (1.27 MB, 2034x1337, 2034:1337, 1625782592269.png)


Show nose, shlomo

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408c42  No.252872

File: e199efe3811fd4e⋯.png (730.11 KB, 1651x1647, 1651:1647, 1625293411043.png)


Get the fuck back in your contaminant thread!

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eff874  No.252873


oh, you were talking aboutME?….

I'm flattered, Super Mario videogame limpwrist

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eff874  No.252874

if you guys think any perceives you as BADASSES WHO ARE PRETENDING TO BE COMPUTER GEEK VIDEOGAME SISSIES, then I've got news for you

the truth is self evident

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eff874  No.252875

neither of you became IMAGEBOARD VIDEOGAME DUNGEONS AND DRAGONS ROLEPLAY SISSUES by "being badasses in real life"

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eff874  No.252877

File: cf8f50a862b63aa⋯.jpg (35.88 KB, 400x400, 1:1, 5010993732074.jpg)

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c13db4  No.252878


>in real life



Aren't you the "anti-human.. everyone should die" anon? I seem to recall you mentioning something quite anti-Cosmic in one of your much earlier posts. Am I mistaken?

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eff874  No.252879


breaking news !!!

This event took place three or four years ago.. maybe even five.. I'm not sure exactly…

I thought you guys would have been savvy enough to have researched it and realized this story is old news…

And nobody went to jail or went to prison

But that stupid white trash inbred sack of shit looked like the punching bag he truly is…

The only reason I posted this story was to remind you that none of you guys became computer geeks by fist fighting…

None of you guys became video game enthusiasts through real life fisticuffs

You sit in your sheltered little cocoon, in your stinky little computer chair, sheltered and coddled just like you've always been ever since you were little kids… And you fantasize and envision yourselves as being something that you're not :

Namely-. Able to defend yourself against a 14-year-old kid

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eff874  No.252881


I believe you meant to refer to me as the guy who calls you and Hitler small-minded and myopic?

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c13db4  No.252882


Are you afraid of me? You refuse to engage in a discussion within your own thread. I'm here as guest but you act like I'm the hostage-taker. Let me ask again:

Are you the anon who believes all human life should be extinguished?

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eff874  No.252883

Listen, dudes ………

I do not dislike you….


I'm not here trying to be confrontational

I'm not here to insult you

I don't dislike you

I just think your BEHAVIOR is lame





I'm actually a piece of shit

But I can't sit here and watch you guys pat yourself on the back, continually needing a circle jerk of false reassurance…. Somehow convinced that you are "superior"….

Because you're not

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eff874  No.252884


I'm not avoiding a conversation with you

I answered your question quite succinctly

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eff874  No.252885


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c13db4  No.252886


I asked if you hold the view that all human life should be extinguished because all humans are basically shit. It's a simple yes or no question. If you're too intimidated by me to answer such a question then I will leave your thread and harass your gentle spirit no longer ;)

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eff874  No.252888

I posted this thread as a reality check

if you OR I went out into the real world these days

a 14 year old nigger could BEAT THE EVER LIVING SHIT OUT OF ALL OF US

If you disagree with me, you're fooling yourself

You're not nearly as tough as you think

And if you going to say "muh guns"

Then you're simply admitting

That I'm correct

Because if you stood up from your computer, and took a break from your video games and anime and Dungeons and Dragons…. And walked outside and started a problem with a Jew or a black kid or an Iranian guy, they wouldn't break your jaw and bust your forehead open and kick your face until your teeth fell out after you were on the ground

It would be very humiliating

All I'm saying is YOU AINT TOUGH

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eff874  No.252889


Oh……. THAT???……..

yeah, that's me

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eff874  No.252890

AGAIN : you didn't end up sitting in front of that computer by being a rough and tumble Street fighter

But there are impoverished teenagers out there who did not spend their lives being coddled by their mother, allowed to withdraw from society and get lost in video games and image boards and anime….

And those little punks are HARD AS FUCK

They're off the chain

You'd be amazed

Exactly how badly

They would beat your ass

I'm talking about 13 and 14-year-old kids

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eff874  No.252891

The Correct Answer Was :

If you are a human being, you're a pile of garbage

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408c42  No.252892

File: 7016dd8f944daee⋯.jpeg (543.29 KB, 1906x1427, 1906:1427, aviary_image_162786142164….jpeg)


>life is a fight!

>Look at my old cheery picked news

>don't you feel silly because you're not an aggressive retard


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c13db4  No.252893

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Good. I was of the same mind, and because we shared the same space, I can see you. Those like us who wish for the total destruction of humanity aren't evil or bad, rather we are quite good and decent. We see how terrible mankind is and we sought to find a solution because we're more sensitive to man's suffering than man is himself. But failing to conjure a solution we fall into upset and finally despair. Despair leads us to hatred, first of mankind and then ourselves. So we dress in man's suffering. We put on the silks of debauchery, the robes of self-destruction, and the undergarments of every perverse corruption of the soul. This is the Mortal Sin of Despair and we fell into such error not because we are bad but rather quite good. Once I overcame that mindset (through no strength of my own!) I was able to look at the room objectively. Now I am able to weaponize that mindset and use it for good, as a solution to the problem of man's fallen nature. In fact, the only reason you didn't die after the many times you should have is so that you could hear this perspective and consider it. Again: Despair is a mortal sin. I've done my part in calling you out of this low state of mind and spiritual slavery. I will leave you to battle with your demons.

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eff874  No.252894

File: cdc07bcc3bbaf3d⋯.jpg (131.6 KB, 800x1200, 2:3, arcane_spellbook_cards_dd_….jpg)

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eff874  No.252895



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eff874  No.252896


I'm a huge Beatles fanatic and I painted an Elvis portrait for Mccartney and hung out backstage….

but that video SUCKS BALLS !!!

The music is garbage

The video is worthless

The concept is empty

The deep fake is so amateur

Maybe the worst deep fake I've ever seen

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eff874  No.252897

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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eff874  No.252898

Hey……. trust me…… I 'get it'…..

there are people you don't like……

I get it

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eff874  No.252899


while I concur, mostly……

You lost me @ SIN & DEMONS & anything vaguely religion based

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eff874  No.252900


(and the reason I didn't die was because my then 17 year old wife performed CPR)

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408c42  No.252901

File: 2fc77de838ce2da⋯.jpeg (13.58 KB, 226x223, 226:223, images_4_.jpeg)


Yeah..I donut lick dungins and dragoons. Listen, I may have mighty opinions and have an idea of a perfect world, but do i care to actually actually anything to make it happen? Fuck no. I'm gonna die someday. The sun will die someday. Humans will never travel beyond the stars and even than I won't get to live to see what could be. I don't get get live in an all white utopia. im not going to abide by the rules of society or even nature. I simply just exist, but I see no reason to live. Why would I want to bring more life when i loath it all so? Why bother with women and I want to just be left alone? Why fight when i don't even fucking care? You're an autistic sperg who's spamming in the wrong place. You need to leave. Or at least stay in your containment thread. It's the most I can do for you, retard.

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c13db4  No.252902

File: b5061dc02f6f498⋯.jpg (22.76 KB, 680x359, 680:359, mary_maymay.jpg)


You can't escape your present mindset without religion. I hope that you do try, though. Trying is better than ruminating in the sludge. Good luck.

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eff874  No.252905

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

WHYwould you release a "deepfake video" that featured THE ABSOLUTE WORST DEEPFAKE?

especially when you've got $600 million

btw, this is GREAT…. well worth watching

especially at the end

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eff874  No.252906


actually, I've escaped thousands of temporary mindsets

and no fairy tale 'religion' was required

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eff874  No.252907

I hate to even admit that the James Corden Karaoke Carpool video is good

Simply because it made the mainstream


it truly is fucking incredible

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eff874  No.252908

my 'religion' is sleep

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c13db4  No.252909


You haven't escaped this one. The one with you since when..? Childhood. Humility is the first and last step on the road to liberation. That's the last I'll say of the matter in this thread. I really do wish you good luck.

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9b7e23  No.252911

By the way, i hate the entire human race with a PASSION…..

but my hatred and loathing had an unexpected effect

I actually get along with EVERYONE

I really do….. I connect with peoplAnd I love interacting with them and learning from them

it's really odd…….

if I had access to "the button" that would instantly annihilate the entire human race in a flash, I'd probably push it….

But since I DON'T have access to that button, I have learned to accept that I don't control the world, and I accept the fact that I've got a front row seat toThe Lamest Show On Earth™and just enjoy the circus….

and in real life, I am OVERLY polite and courteous and considerate, and I get along SPLENDIDLY with everybody

I don't have to 'like' them… I can still 'hit it off' with millionaires or prison inmates and everything in between….

so I guarantee that if you and I met in real life, you and I would hit it off, laugh, and agree on at least 65% of everything we talked about…

Just becauseI FUCKING HATE THE HUMAN RACEdoesn't mean that I wish 'wish bad' for people

I genuinely enjoy interacting and living

I have no choice but to enjoy my seat at the circus

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9b7e23  No.252912


Oh, trust me……..

"THIS ONE" was hard earned over almost 60 years of hands-on in-your-face research & development…

Yeah, 'this one's is my pièce de résistance,

and I have no desire to modify it

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9b7e23  No.252913

AND ?……

If we met in real life, and had a few beers, and hung out, i would talk to you EGG ZACK LEE like I do in here …

I respect your Intelligence…. and that's why I'd call you out on your shit…. a d you'd call me out on my shit…

that's what buddies do

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9b7e23  No.252915

Until the human race vaporizes….

I'm NOT in control

of the world

not do I want to be

but I get it…. there are people who you guys dislike

me too……

that's an understatement

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9b7e23  No.252916

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

the ironic part is how friendly and cool mccartney was being for this shoot…

because in real life, mccartney is a total dick…

everyone in the industry who knows him will tell you what a fucking DOUCHEBAG mccartney is…

he's notorious for it… When I met him, he was a dick head… It's just his tone of voice and attitude… But in this shoot, he was going out of his way to be perfect sonable and cool

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21a927  No.252920

Actually, my religion is music, art, sex, laughing, helping animals…..


and sleep

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21a927  No.252921

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

By the way, I know Marquese Scott in real life…

he lives in Dunwoody, right near our old house (Disgraceland™) and from the Raves…

He's cool….. seriously, he's cool….

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21a927  No.252923

I'd have EVERY reason to hate Marquese….

He looks exactly like a god damn Somalian pirate on khat….

but it turns out nobody got to choose who they were born as….

and we CAN overcome adversity from our past

He's a good man….

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afff52  No.252924


it is sad to see an indian man attacked for his religion like that. anti-asian attacks have got to stop.

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21a927  No.252927

I actually had a business meeting with him and his manager one day, about a possible video directing gig….

Lol and I told that piece of shit to FUCK HIMSELF

I don't know why….

I just didn't like his manager

Some kind of Central American Cockroach…

. . and for no reason…


I decided "fuck this guy"

and "fuck this video"

so I trashed it


and walked out of his stupid office

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21a927  No.252928


honestly, at this point I don't care what happens to whom by whom anymore

this is a petri dish

and we are all bacillus

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21a927  No.252931


Honestly ?

if someone threw a bottle at my car, they'd WISH I limited it to a split open face

I'm not a tough guy

which is exacy why I'd take it too far

but yeah, the black dude had every right to beat his face in

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21a927  No.252933

I'm a bacterium

so are you and so is everybody else


so I don't care about the other germs

I'm not in control of this petri dish

If I was in control, we'd all be gone

so I don't care anymore I'm just going to ride it out

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21a927  No.252934

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

I'm the type of hot head who'd use his beer bottle on HIM and probably fuck up and go to prison for it

I'm famous for making stupid decisions

so it's best that I focus on music and play with my animals and eat and laugh

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21a927  No.252935

File: 2a4f3b3aad65d6c⋯.jpg (755.63 KB, 960x1280, 3:4, 20210728_123118.jpg)

she and I do animal rescue, and let the humans save themselves

fuck humans

we are the cause of ALL PROBLEMS

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21a927  No.252936

I saw NONSTOP (Marquese Scott) a month or so later

he laughed about it….. he's cool

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21a927  No.252937

File: 83ab49a9eaf13fd⋯.jpg (121.89 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, 20191220_111700_7137.jpg)

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5298ab  No.252962

File: 3e9a046da6fa506⋯.webm (2.93 MB, 480x480, 1:1, nigs_can_t_fight.webm)


Nigger gangs up on a weak crackhead and you start making a thread about it? What about those countless times where niggers got their asses handed to them by whites that actually knew how to fight?

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afff52  No.252963


you are completely whitewashing the fact this man identifies as indian hindu.

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