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I have been gone for 6 months and nobody has claimed this board 51 reports wtf?????

File: 229ea459daf3cc4⋯.png (427.64 KB, 1366x768, 683:384, 1964strangelove911.png)

f87ac5  No.252640

The image shows A code exactly at 9:11 Kubric put in his movie purposely

These Videos explains Kubric and Spielberg knew planes would hit the towers it is coded into the time runnings on film long before 2001.

Movie producers always knew what was coming September 11th 2001 they made references to the attacks in many movies at specific times. Some of these examples are from way before 2001 proving everything we were told about 9/11 was a coverup.

The numerological system movie producers use to encode references into movies is Gematria and numbers that represent years in real life. 19:44 in movie runtime will represent real life events of 1944.



pt. 2

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a446da  No.252642


You are fucking retarded.

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75d739  No.252648


so the reason you don't have a job is schizophrenia

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75d739  No.252649


I'm guessing the schizophrenia is also why no woman will fuck you? no wonder you stay awake all night.

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75d739  No.252650


why aren't you complying with the atypical antipsychotic meds?

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75d739  No.252651

obviously, you're unable to care for yourself or make financial decisions. mom handles your schizo benefits?

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75d739  No.252652


it's not "mental retardation"… it's textbook schizophrenia.

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75d739  No.252654


are you aware that by not complying with the psych meds, you can have your benefits cut off? does your mother realize this?

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94cc11  No.252655


he's correct. in order to continue receiving benefits, the recipient must maintain regular monthly visits with their psychiatrist AND stay on their schizophrenic psych meds.

by not complying, you risk having your benefits cut off, and your mother will no longer receive your monthly schizo benefits.

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94cc11  No.252656


by refusing to comply with the atypical antipsychotics, you're basically thumbing your nose at the taxpayers, showing that you don't want to get better, and don't deserve your benefits.

by allowing you to continue staying up all night, your mother is risking losing your monthly check.

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6d3aa9  No.252659


obviously you have decided that you don't need the psych meds. everybody can see that you're mistaken.

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37e46e  No.252663


apparently, you think you simply "deserve" to have your ass wiped by taxpayers, simply because psychiatric inferiority runs in your family.

schizophrenia is an organic psychiatric disorder, and it doesn't just suddenly 'appear out of the blue'.

it runs in families, meaning either your mother or father also had schizophrenia. since you OBVIOUSLY live with your mother, it's a safe bet that your father had schizophrenia too.

I'm guessing your schizophrenic father is no longer in the picture? that's not surprising. As you know all too well, no woman is going to stay with a schizophrenic bum…

unless it's her CHILD, of course.

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37e46e  No.252664


I wonder if you've reached the psychotic point of believing in gematria yet.

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37e46e  No.252665


it's a shame that you can't find a woman who's willing to overlook your lowly status in life, and allow you to get naked with her.

You could start your own 'master race' of unemployed schizophrenic children, who could take over the world by staying awake all night fixating on imaginary numerical connections.

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37e46e  No.252666


does the term 'mentally ill' rub you the wrong way?

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37e46e  No.252667


it shouldn't. you're quite ill, to be candid. you're obviously unable to function as an adult.

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37e46e  No.252668


functional adults don't stay awake all night 'exposing non-existent hidden numerical conspiracy theories' while refusing to take the prescribed atypical antipsychotics, refusing to keep monthly appointments with their psychiatrist, living with their mother, who is in control of the monthly schizophrenia benefit checks.

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37e46e  No.252669


just be happy your mother was willing to continue mooching off her, because otherwise, as of midnight last night, you'd be facing eviction.

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37e46e  No.252670


thank God for your mother. if not for her, there would be NO WOMAN ON EARTH who loved you, or felt sorry for you.

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37e46e  No.252675


why don't you post some numbers that MATTER?

like how many years you've been on schizophrenic benefits, how much you actually cost your mother after she's spent your monthly checks, and how long you intend on relying on her for a roof over your head?

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37e46e  No.252676


I would say it's very sweet of your mother to love you enough to allow you to destroy the quality of her life, but it's actually more of a matter of her feeling sorry for you, the washrag sympathy you rely on to continue manipulating her and victimizing her.

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37e46e  No.252677


take a screenshot of what you intend on doing when your washed-up mopbucket prostitute mother finally dies?

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37e46e  No.252679


what's your "numerologistic prediction" for where you'll live when the old whore finally kicks the mopbucket?

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37e46e  No.252680


let's just be honest…..

once mommy does, NOBODY will feel sorry for you anymore

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37e46e  No.252681


lol @ your untimely realization that staying awake all night fixating on imaginary numerical psychic conspiracies were your undoing once your spineless mother does and rots.

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37e46e  No.252682


describe your mother's breasts

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37e46e  No.252683


since you're an adult who still suckles on mommy's tit, you should be able to describe her breasts in vivid detail.

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87df64  No.252686

File: cf238dfc6f7d3c1⋯.png (979.6 KB, 1366x768, 683:384, 2021_07_31_Watters_World_F….png)


Here is something for you to ascribe more meaning to…

Please Post Your Gematria Elucidations on this video…

(I think all anons will find it enlightening.)

"Watters World" with Jesse Watters — FULL Show | 2021-08-01


My Thoughts RE:

The Insanity of the "Progressive" Left

Characterized by:

- Control of Others

- Maintaining Perpetual Fear (to control others)

- Disdain and Outright Hostility Toward Others Not Sharing Their "Woke" Ideologies

- Destruction of ALL That IS. (They create nothing but misery, because they are miserable)

- Mob-Rule (to control others and maintain power)

- Seek Power Over Others Above All Else

- Willingness to Serve Elites in Service of "Woke" Ideology (and they destroy freedom, which the elites hate)

- Self-Loathing. Guilt.

- Gaining a "Sense of Superiority" by Expressing More Guilt and Imposing the State of Self-Loathing Onto Others

- Assume a Stance of Moral Superiority

- Always Accuse Others of Doing What They Themselves Are Doing, and of Being What They Themselves Are

- Attack Persons, Personas, Statues Unto Insubstantiality

- Proffer Disastrous Policies, But Resort to Name-Calling and Attacks by the Cancel Culture Mob When Challenged on the Merits

- Speaking of "Merit", They HATE That! They Want EVERYONE EQUALLY WORTHLESS

- Characterized by Division & Hate, in the Name of "Equity" (which is all about tearing others down, Not building anyone up)

- They Don't Want ANYONE to Own Anything Except the All-Powerful State (which is, in turn, owned by an increasingly-powerful elite corporate oligarchy)

- They Support and Impose Totalitarianism; plain and simple.

- They Not Only Want to Control Others, They Want to BE Controlled. ("Woke"ism is a BDSM Cult)

> - "Become Like Us, or We Will Have the Mob Tear You to Pieces."

- Did I Mention What _Miserable_ People They Are?

(I guess I could have done a better job of cleaning up the audio, but there you are…)



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e2271d  No.252812


They are truly parasitic and despotic. There is only one thing these people understand when push comes to shove, and that's a bullet wound, just remember that.

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