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I have been gone for 6 months and nobody has claimed this board 51 reports wtf?????

File: 10d16d3870718a1⋯.jpg (242.63 KB, 1643x1080, 1643:1080, PicsArt_07_31_12_16_20.jpg)

e22463  No.252416

and I ain't got nobody

I got some money cuz my mother got paid

How I wish I had someone to talk to

I'm the Antichrist

(I bet you're intimidated now)

stay defeated

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e22463  No.252417

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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e22463  No.252418


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e22463  No.252426

File: 619db0170234eda⋯.gif (200.75 KB, 524x480, 131:120, PicsArt_07_31_11_42_16.gif)

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e22463  No.252427

File: bfe227aaeb9d736⋯.jpg (209.5 KB, 731x1024, 731:1024, PicsArt_07_30_03_31_00.jpg)

If I had my way (which still hasn't happened in 34 years) I would find a beautiful intelligent woman

And I would move in with her

And she would work all day while I slept

And when she came home I would wake up and ask her to make a sandwich for me

And while she slept I would stay awake all night role-playing as the Antichrist

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e22463  No.252432


and mom went shopping, do there's nobody to make a sandwich for me or bring me the remote control

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840800  No.252439

File: 9031e075e573ac7⋯.png (285.5 KB, 500x450, 10:9, Been_So_Long.png)

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e22463  No.252445


god DAMMIT !!….

moms not here to pass me the remote control

so I have to sit here and watch a channel I hate until she gets home

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