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I have been gone for 6 months and nobody has claimed this board 51 reports wtf?????

File: 8891349b8304838⋯.jpg (37.63 KB, 485x487, 485:487, 8891349b8304838798279ee85d….jpg)

352876  No.252362[Last 50 Posts]

Imagine life without women. we'd all be gay.

I've got the douchebag long hair. women love it.

yet no woman will fuck me.

I've even shaved the sides of my head. Trendy !!

yet no woman will fuck me.

I've got the stupid facial hair. It proves I'm a "man"

yet no woman will fuck me.

I'm into Heavy Metal. it makes me seen 'tough'

yet no woman will fuck me.

I fantasy roleplay as "the antichrist" (Intimidating)

yet no woman will fuck me.

Imagine life without women.

We'd all beGAY

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352876  No.252363

File: 4b7ed41496c031b⋯.jpg (83.4 KB, 768x512, 3:2, PicsArt_07_30_04_08_10.jpg)

mommy tells me girls are just jealous of me

which doesn't even make sense….


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352876  No.252364

File: 701586842b7fb47⋯.jpg (393.08 KB, 1642x1080, 821:540, PicsArt_07_30_08_29_27.jpg)

File: 908fb5d2faeb644⋯.png (1.43 MB, 1366x2420, 683:1210, PicsArt_07_30_08_12_28.png)

File: cfbbd54f06348d2⋯.png (845.72 KB, 1786x1080, 893:540, PicsArt_07_30_06_11_31.png)

File: 778f1e63e842759⋯.png (658.9 KB, 1124x1080, 281:270, PicsArt_07_30_05_47_55.png)

File: 97a7d1c4248bd38⋯.png (1.36 MB, 1080x1280, 27:32, PicsArt_07_30_05_34_33.png)

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352876  No.252365

File: 64ce968ff03722b⋯.jpg (862.32 KB, 2088x3136, 261:392, PicsArt_07_30_03_58_49.jpg)

File: b110f4c2b26b33a⋯.png (1.86 MB, 2171x1080, 2171:1080, PicsArt_07_30_02_16_59.png)

File: 4c0606933bfff05⋯.jpg (1.28 MB, 2647x3000, 2647:3000, PicsArt_07_30_02_10_14.jpg)

File: 84bfafd058553c3⋯.jpg (381.29 KB, 1802x1712, 901:856, PicsArt_07_30_01_57_24.jpg)

File: 15abd82e0cd225a⋯.png (1.43 MB, 2300x956, 575:239, PicsArt_07_30_01_41_51.png)

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352876  No.252366

File: bb61926d29b3ca1⋯.png (1.67 MB, 2300x956, 575:239, PicsArt_07_30_01_37_48.png)

File: 142807e920c3fa5⋯.png (2.12 MB, 2300x1051, 2300:1051, PicsArt_07_30_01_33_20.png)

File: 1b0aee83d1e90f6⋯.png (798.75 KB, 2300x604, 575:151, PicsArt_07_30_01_19_49.png)

File: 157c731b69140f1⋯.jpg (969.6 KB, 2088x3136, 261:392, PicsArt_07_30_01_08_49.jpg)

File: ab1eefea3588261⋯.jpg (1009.68 KB, 2088x3136, 261:392, PicsArt_07_30_12_26_11.jpg)

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352876  No.252367

File: a8ad14451a4a65d⋯.jpg (502.42 KB, 1274x1280, 637:640, 20210715_144013.jpg)

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352876  No.252369

I am weak and powerless….

I live with my mother.

I'm the only guy from my high school graduating class who doesn't have kids already

I don't even have a girlfriend

Ispecialize in FANTASIZING about being INTIMIDATING

lol because I'm an irrelevant sissy

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352876  No.252370

File: 5318717bfc752c0⋯.jpg (147.42 KB, 1080x1084, 270:271, PicsArt_07_31_11_16_02.jpg)

My ANTICHRIST roleplay character is the manifestation of my insecurity, and inferiority complex.

I'm SUCH AN AMATEUR that I literally overcompensate for my feelings of powerlessness in front of people

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967a55  No.252372

File: 9b7b0741185bf22⋯.gif (Spoiler Image, 67.32 KB, 400x360, 10:9, JN_CAN_JKI.gif)

This place…

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9b3aee  No.252379

File: 68b0fdca53a088c⋯.jpg (283.67 KB, 1620x1080, 3:2, PicsArt_07_31_11_21_21.jpg)

File: 5529ab2e71e3e47⋯.jpg (281.4 KB, 1620x1080, 3:2, PicsArt_07_31_11_22_42.jpg)

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967a55  No.252380

File: 98bb5af6a963395⋯.jpg (22.5 KB, 320x256, 5:4, thot_keeps_jki_in_line.jpg)


> Women

Some would gouge out their own eye to be with one; whereas others would rather just let them gouge it out.

If you're lucky the pain will still be "WORTH IT".

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9b3aee  No.252381

File: 619db0170234eda⋯.gif (200.75 KB, 524x480, 131:120, PicsArt_07_31_11_42_16.gif)


Did I mention that I'm the Antichrist?

I bet you're intimidated now

stay defeated

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9b3aee  No.252382

File: 3f8695f36cb5e6d⋯.jpg (182.18 KB, 1350x1080, 5:4, PicsArt_07_31_11_44_25.jpg)

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967a55  No.252383

File: 1b9fd61af27da91⋯.jpg (33.44 KB, 474x709, 474:709, girafficus_femoid.jpg)


That was what my actual eye looked like not so long ago, and I still had no trouble getting a woman to fuck me! And it wasn't a Pity-Fuck either. Reasons to get laid aren't really all that important anyway… You don't really need a reason. In fact, having one seems to be counterproductive and counterintuitive.

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9b3aee  No.252384

I've tried EVERYTHING…

I've tried listening to intimidating devil inspired heavy metal music

I tried growing long hair and shaving the sides of my head

I've tried facial hair

I've tried being the Antichrist

And I still can't get a girl other than my mother

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9b3aee  No.252385


wtf @ your eye

what happened?

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9b3aee  No.252386


Since I'm the Antichrist (I bet you're intimidated) obviously I'm not sexually attracted to females…

I just want a girlfriend so Johnny Neptune will stop picking on me and my mother will leave me alone and stop making subtle hints about me "finding a nice guy and settling down"

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967a55  No.252387


Surgery to remove tumor.

I can still see!

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9b3aee  No.252388

If I had my way (which still hasn't happened in 34 years) I would find a beautiful intelligent woman

And I would move in with her

And she would work all day while I slept

And when she came home I would wake up and ask her to make a sandwich for me

And while she slept I would stay awake all night role-playing as the Antichrist

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9b3aee  No.252389


GOD DAMN !!!!!!!

WOW !!!!

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9b3aee  No.252390


Jeeesus fucking CHRIST !!!!

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9b3aee  No.252392

For some reason I had a feeling you had a health situation happening….

I wasn't sure what it was, but I mentioned it several times to Killcen

I openly asked if you were okay and if you had experienced some kind of health Emergency

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9b3aee  No.252394

Btw, I do NOT dislike you at all

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9b3aee  No.252395

I hope nothing but THE VERY BEST for you & your lived ones

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967a55  No.252396

File: 1f16b7a9fbfa7ab⋯.jpeg (18.7 KB, 413x345, 413:345, Jesus_Fucking_Christ.jpeg)



Killcen disapproves of your language.

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9b3aee  No.252397

File: bb5bf115a3215d5⋯.jpg (192.33 KB, 1350x1080, 5:4, PicsArt_07_31_11_54_15.jpg)

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9b3aee  No.252398


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9b3aee  No.252399

or in the surrounding tissue?

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9b3aee  No.252400

File: 7792a910974fcdb⋯.jpg (376.52 KB, 1280x610, 128:61, 20210731_115836.jpg)

File: a22dab5993f9aa6⋯.jpg (318.83 KB, 1280x630, 128:63, 20210731_115821.jpg)

File: a7466233f0a9b50⋯.jpg (375.14 KB, 1280x853, 1280:853, 20210731_115849.jpg)

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9b3aee  No.252401

LOVED* ones

lol @ technology

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9b3aee  No.252405

we're still going to see ZZ in concert next month

not for the "show" anymore, but to finalize things backstage afterwards

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967a55  No.252406

File: 7243593dec6f342⋯.png (1.7 MB, 1600x1372, 400:343, JKI_Eeyore_Eye.png)



All up next to it.

I gotta go tend to my woman today.

This place no good for fun sexy times…

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9b3aee  No.252407

With Elmore playing bass of course it won't be the same

But this is a Time to put an end cap on everything

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9b3aee  No.252408


Yes sir……

Tell her I said hello

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9b3aee  No.252409

wendy's been out in the garden since before sunup

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9b3aee  No.252410

she's been digging a clandestine tunnel to china

preparing for my upcoming ARREST

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9b3aee  No.252411



was that the source of the sinus problems?

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967a55  No.252412


I have to make pickles today. Too many pickle cucumbers to not make a bunch more. I like the salt brine ones, no vinegar, myself. The eggplant parmesan will be glorious tonight. Got loads of peppers too. This year has been pretty lean on the tomato harvesting so far. Been too hot.

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9b3aee  No.252413

File: 10d16d3870718a1⋯.jpg (242.63 KB, 1643x1080, 1643:1080, PicsArt_07_31_12_16_20.jpg)

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9b3aee  No.252414


AGAIN :was that the hidden source of the sinus problem?

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967a55  No.252415

File: 393ff460758495a⋯.jpg (28.36 KB, 526x701, 526:701, future_reduced.jpg)


Well, some of it. There's more. Lots more. Just enjoying every moment. Watching so many folks stressing out about their fear of death is interesting. Thinking they can put it off by controlling other people seems silly too. There is no escape. All part of the deal. "Pain & Suffering? Sign Me Up!", we all said…

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9b3aee  No.252419


aahhh….. I see…….

yes… yes…..

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9b3aee  No.252420



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9b3aee  No.252421

well…… I certainly hope your journey consists of enjoyable twists and turns

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9b3aee  No.252422

strangely enough, only after learning of your eye situation did I suddenly begin experiencing spontaneous ocular myokymia

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967a55  No.252423

File: bd1fddb61d3e4df⋯.png (617.24 KB, 1111x1111, 1:1, eye_be.png)

File: 8535622b7ee9bdf⋯.png (22.08 KB, 111x111, 1:1, eye_be_111x111.png)


>Tell her I said hello

Done. She laughed at posts and shitty shoops.

Here be two pics of eye for your editing pleasure.

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967a55  No.252424


>ocular myokymia

upper or lower lid? left or right?

Inquiring Minds Want to KNOW!

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9b3aee  No.252429

File: e8fd0e852d8ed22⋯.jpg (1.39 MB, 2048x1553, 2048:1553, 1528548774921.jpg)


Lower Left

And speaking of mind over matter :

Obviously it was triggered by learning about your eye

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9b3aee  No.252431

because it stopped as soon as I told you about it

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967a55  No.252437

File: 9031e075e573ac7⋯.png (285.5 KB, 500x450, 10:9, Been_So_Long.png)

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9b3aee  No.252441



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9b3aee  No.252442

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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967a55  No.252443

Don't trip over this next one…

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967a55  No.252444


You mean this one?

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967a55  No.252446


That'd be the one…


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9b3aee  No.252447

File: b1c3c8e66531323⋯.jpg (85.13 KB, 1080x1080, 1:1, PicsArt_05_30_05_28_42.jpg)

I wonder what ever happened to THE PURPLE PANZER

it's almost as if he left out of embarrassment after his campaign to become elected FÜHRER OF PND didn't work out the way he hadfantasized

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9b3aee  No.252448

File: 865e762a7d986b1⋯.jpg (353.93 KB, 809x1280, 809:1280, 20210509_141130.jpg)

after Purple Panzy left, it created a POWERLESS VACCUM, and The Antichrist Vampire Hitler Dungeon Master Warlock Demon stepped in

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9b3aee  No.252449

File: 5872556c8ddc4cb⋯.png (1.62 MB, 1080x1290, 36:43, PicsArt_07_29_10_12_03.png)

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9b3aee  No.252450

/PND/ : home of SOMETHING

not sure exactly what

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967a55  No.252453

File: d8e975cbf9f32ef⋯.jpeg (6.85 KB, 284x178, 142:89, cows_gotta_clean_their_di….jpeg)


I came here to discuss the politics of news.

I guess the news discussion here is mostly about the news surrounding where a Marshmallow's bed is, who is in it, and when.

Newsworthy and political to some, maybe, but it seems more disgusting than discussable to me.

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9b3aee  No.252469


lol @ thinking /jewjewjewjewjewjewjewjew/ featured "news"

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9b3aee  No.252470



the Superior Antichrist Nazi of Superiority lives a secret life

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9b3aee  No.252471

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9b3aee  No.252472


the "news" is "jews"

and I'm the cure

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9b3aee  No.252473


Me?…… after last year, I want to AVOID NEWS

avoid any mention of news

avoid any and all OPINIONS, even

I'd rather drink liquid farts

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9b3aee  No.252474


1: politics

2: news

3: discussion

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9b3aee  No.252475

unless the 'politics' is blaming others for your own turds

and the 'news' is blaming others

and the 'discussion' is "jews aren't as superior as me"

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9b3aee  No.252476


Marshmallow Sally is a roleplay vampire antichrist of SUPERIOR superiority over you, me, and everyone… even his mother

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cf4ece  No.252477


can you make a thread about drone wars? 20 days ago israel used a "drone swarm" against hamas. and more recently iran used drones tk attack a freighter. it's a hot war, with real casualties, and the fags who write the news are not catching on. line of sight warfare is like hand 2 hand, it's going to be verrrry rare in all wars now on.

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9b3aee  No.252478

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9b3aee  No.252479


but YOU indeed, should

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9b3aee  No.252481


you ALWAYS delivar

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cf4ece  No.252482



can't, 8kun's verification doesn't show up for me

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9b3aee  No.252483


By the way, if you've noticed a decided TRENDING SCENARIO in here recently, it's important to remember that a few days ago,Marshmallow Sallydecided that he would challenge me, and began making idiotic empty sissyboy threats against me…

Translation : he invited me to destroy this board for the next two years….

maybe three

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9b3aee  No.252484


them disable whatever 'privacy measures' you've enabled

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9b3aee  No.252486


yeah…. Sally assumed he knew how to "get rid of me" (he had no fucking clue who he was dealing with) and made the foolish decision toguarantee that I won't leave for at least 2 more yearsand like I said, maybe even 3

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9b3aee  No.252487



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967a55  No.252541

File: 08776a63727fac2⋯.jpg (150.09 KB, 1080x599, 1080:599, PicsArt_05_11_10_29_46.jpg)


> can't, 8kun's verification doesn't show up for me

Ahh… I forgot what it's like to be such a newfag that you don't have a pass for all that shit! They're not giving them away anymore, but a semi-decent crypto donation to either of the addresses in pic related will still get you a Platinum Pass.

No more captchas FOREVER!

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967a55  No.252555

File: 5d6d255715f99a5⋯.png (722.34 KB, 1366x687, 1366:687, 2021_07_31_Something_is_Fi….png)


Something is Fishy Here…

`QRab` good.

Sending Bitcoin Now.

Please Post 8kun Pass.

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967a55  No.252557

File: 60a78b69bc30098⋯.png (73.49 KB, 1366x599, 1366:599, 2021_07_31_Waiting_for_Don….png)



Nice trips, but…

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a376ac  No.252621

File: af9ece5dd332da6⋯.jpeg (10.64 KB, 336x150, 56:25, download_2_.jpeg)



>I'm such a cum brain loser that I must fuck anything breathing within my reach and it's why I white knight for women cause if i spent any time around men I might try to fuck and suck them because I'm a COOOOOOOMMMMER

your logic is flawed and you've come undone. Don't fucking project your homosexual desires onto others because some don't care to put pussy on a pedestal.

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