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I have been gone for 6 months and nobody has claimed this board 51 reports wtf?????

File: 6ad7973e3ffc2d3⋯.jpg (441.29 KB, 1280x773, 1280:773, 20210731_080322.jpg)

5b669f  No.252268

This morning, I was awoken by several FBI Agents who asked if they could kick my door in…

I said "sure, I hate that door"

I was promptly arrested, and taken to Guantanamo

for the past 30 minutes, I've been languishing in a holding cell… They were thoughtful enough to allow me to keep my phone so I could shitpost…

It's hard typing behind my back while handcuffed.

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159d43  No.252301


GOOD !! everybody hates you, johnny!!

you don't use trendy imageboard catchphrases

you don't play videogames

you don't watch anime

you never played Dungeons and Dragons

you have the unmitigated audacity to make observations that others find uncomfortable

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b78665  No.252302


I was in here one day, and some asshole was formatting his text in a configuration that I found irritating.

the next thing you know, he realized that I fixate on large breasts because I have very little real life experience with women, and I'm still metaphorically suckling on my mother's teet.

then he made me feel bad about my addiction to videogames.

was this johnny ?

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88eee3  No.252315


my first experience with asshole neptune was back in the old 8chan, when he called me a "sissy" just because my mother nurtured my effeminate personality by coddling me and allowing me to play videogames while other kids my age were already robbing banks and gangraping elderly women.

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cfe7cc  No.252320

I hate his guys because he correctly assessed that an entire generation of young adult males were raised by videogames, and never learned how to become men.

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f2bec9  No.252322


I think most people here hate you because you are a jew, a pedophile and you sexually torture the innocent. Also, we all know what a VPN is. You can stop (not that it really matters since I will be hiding this dumb fucking OP).

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f8c6d6  No.252354



your mother doesn't mind?

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f8c6d6  No.252355


you weak, inexperienced, cowardly, snivelling, insecure, inferior PARTIALLY WHITE blue collar trash geneticsFantasy VAMPIRE, you

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f8c6d6  No.252358


Yesterday, you woke up at 3:45 PM

you DEFINITELY didn't go to sleep early last night

you CERTAINLY didn't wake up early this morning



you're a mooch

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f8c6d6  No.252359

File: 64ce968ff03722b⋯.jpg (862.32 KB, 2088x3136, 261:392, PicsArt_07_30_03_58_49.jpg)

File: b110f4c2b26b33a⋯.png (1.86 MB, 2171x1080, 2171:1080, PicsArt_07_30_02_16_59.png)

File: 4c0606933bfff05⋯.jpg (1.28 MB, 2647x3000, 2647:3000, PicsArt_07_30_02_10_14.jpg)

File: 84bfafd058553c3⋯.jpg (381.29 KB, 1802x1712, 901:856, PicsArt_07_30_01_57_24.jpg)

File: 15abd82e0cd225a⋯.png (1.43 MB, 2300x956, 575:239, PicsArt_07_30_01_41_51.png)

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f8c6d6  No.252360

File: bb61926d29b3ca1⋯.png (1.67 MB, 2300x956, 575:239, PicsArt_07_30_01_37_48.png)

File: 142807e920c3fa5⋯.png (2.12 MB, 2300x1051, 2300:1051, PicsArt_07_30_01_33_20.png)

File: 1b0aee83d1e90f6⋯.png (798.75 KB, 2300x604, 575:151, PicsArt_07_30_01_19_49.png)

File: 157c731b69140f1⋯.jpg (969.6 KB, 2088x3136, 261:392, PicsArt_07_30_01_08_49.jpg)

File: ab1eefea3588261⋯.jpg (1009.68 KB, 2088x3136, 261:392, PicsArt_07_30_12_26_11.jpg)

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f8c6d6  No.252361

File: 908fb5d2faeb644⋯.png (1.43 MB, 1366x2420, 683:1210, PicsArt_07_30_08_12_28.png)

File: cfbbd54f06348d2⋯.png (845.72 KB, 1786x1080, 893:540, PicsArt_07_30_06_11_31.png)

File: cf8316cebb453a1⋯.png (653.19 KB, 1124x1080, 281:270, PicsArt_07_30_06_05_26.png)

File: 97a7d1c4248bd38⋯.png (1.36 MB, 1080x1280, 27:32, PicsArt_07_30_05_34_33.png)

File: f4bd3ac3390d9bd⋯.png (834.52 KB, 1124x1080, 281:270, PicsArt_07_30_05_31_10.png)

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a494dd  No.252480

Uh oh…… There's police knocking at my door

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