If You Want To Defeat The Evil, You Must Stop Hope Others & Must Believe In Unseen Divine Force
ultimatesavior. wordpress. com
finalsavior. aimoo. com
You cannot win the game if you continue do what others are doing.
The stupid people group is out number you !
If you continue only believe in “things” you seen with your eyes or via science, then you will always lose.
That’s fun fact but not many people can understand because most of them are still not using the brain to create, to analyze, they only “remember” and blind following others.
The thousand year old floods in China, EU is the direct divine warning to all nations, but how many of them will understand or they will just say “bad luck”, and keep continue put hope in China beings/deities/gods.
Many of them still instead to testing, trying something new, they only sit there and hope for any better beings come to save them like a dog waiting for a human.
That is not the the life work with humans.
If you do not save your city, your nation by out-of-box strategy, you are gone too.
The divine force and the destruction gods have no pattern in their actions so no matter what you did in the past, you still can be destroyed if you doing wrong actions at the present moment.
All the “elites” and rich money people group are ditching their own grave and blind follow others.
The true evil of life is yourself, if you do not put hope in the savior and listening to him, you are all gone. My deadline is August 20th 2021, after that even if you open your mouth I won’t care anymore, I will destroy all the elites group, all nations who are lying, deceiving the public over the fake virus pandemic and other matters.
Do not believe it, just look at the natural catastrophe mega disasters.
If there is gamble between what will occur first between the COVID event end or a natural catastrophe kill hundreds of millions people instantly, then I would pick the second one.
That is your final opportunity of life to survive.
Best Regard,
The Savior Messiah Mahdi Maitreya Kalki Christ Buddha
ultimatesavior. wordpress. com
finalsavior. aimoo. com