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I have been gone for 6 months and nobody has claimed this board 51 reports wtf?????

File: bcdddde0a2e2989⋯.jpg (45.56 KB, 1024x800, 32:25, we_serve_whites_only_no_sp….jpg)

8c550b  No.250021


somethingg must be done about boomers. everyone hates this horrible generation


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839e32  No.250023


Why are you misrepresenting the boomer problem as an American only problem? Aren't Russian boomers still fapping to (((Stalin)))?

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839e32  No.250024

File: d9f0a6f47597561⋯.png (122.37 KB, 1222x773, 1222:773, _amerika_.PNG)

Oh I see. It's a shitty (((Dugin))) propaganda site. Figures.

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fd3981  No.250025

>yadda yadda yadda

>You know who did it goy? Boomers!

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b28b8d  No.250039


>We serve white's

White's what?!

Why do cumskins always have the worst grasp of English?

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fd3981  No.250042


>why can't Baptist spell?

It's a mystery. They can't read, either.

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8e5c50  No.250047

File: 91a44f55e01f96e⋯.jpg (23.88 KB, 288x252, 8:7, knight_stare.jpg)


>picrel tfw when i'm euro Spaniard descent and not allowed in white only places.

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e0f569  No.250052


Go back to Plebbit you LARPer

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a5a8b7  No.250077


boomers are not a consistent thing. they are moody, and demoralized on family & israel. i'm not visiting the blog spam but it might be a good one.

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047bec  No.250157

Well, they are a horrible generation in the USA, at least.

"Shut up, Boomer"



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047bec  No.250158

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047bec  No.250160



Depends. Each country might have its own boomer problem.

At least the site has a good solution:


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047bec  No.250161

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150689  No.250185


It's the central bankers who stole your future. The central banks are simply devaluing the currency by insolvent bailouts and propping up corrupted rigged stock markets. That's why prices are so damn high today, including housing prices.

On the contrary to EVERYTHING you claim, boomers worked for their savings! They worked hard so they could pay off that mortgage and provide for their families. Boomers deserve their money, they worked for it.

If you want to complain about how you can't afford to work for a living, then the blame should be placed on wasteful governmental spending, the federalized student loan racket and central bankers.

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72fc31  No.250208

Millennials will eventually come into power. When they do, they will vote to cancel the boomers' pensions, social security, and seize all their assets.



You must not understand the arguments. Boomers voted for and supported all of it, enacted by boomer politicians. They've had all the time in the world to change any of it.

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72fc31  No.250209

Naxalt applies, but they aren't hated for not working, but for being ladder pullers. They largely ruined the country for everyone that followed them. First generation to hate, and undermine, their own kids basically.

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72fc31  No.250210

when the day of the pillow comes, they will finally get their comeuppance

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1218fb  No.250253

File: 57b11240efb2ee6⋯.jpg (112.31 KB, 810x1080, 3:4, American_Youth_Face_Long_F….jpg)


At this point most boomers still own guns and have the majority to hold a pretty well armed resistance, not to mention the money to live far far away from the average youth. If the (((government))) gets its way, they will steal money from everyone regardless how young or old you are. That's just a historical fact!


The only thing you can do is wait until your elders die out. And when you do, you'll face what the book "Future Shock" forewarned about back in the 1970s! You have no idea the skill gap between the younger generations and the older. Most the people who know productive trade skills and construction tend to learn it from the older folks!! What happens to society when you lose all those well-learned skills over the years? You'll soon find out! FUTURE SHOCK.

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f3775f  No.250254


You'll soon change your tune when you do see boomers dying off. The modern infrastructure will begin to fall apart. The lack of productive skills due to marxist 'education' (subversion) will rear it's ugly head when there is a huge lack of skilled plumbers, electricians, mechanics, construction workers, miners, petro refiners, agricultural work, etc. Then what are you guys going to live off of? Government handouts that were stolen and highly devalued via monetary hyperinflation, bailouts and wasteful governmental spending? You are not thinking very clearly, hate can do that to you. If you think you are going to be saved by (((government))) (the ones who caused all these problems lol!) you are very sadly mistaken. You best get prepped and learn some trade skills so you have a future.

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cd0298  No.250390


Why do people pay any attention to the Nazbols? I mean, haven't people on the right learned their lesson about them at this point?

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cd0298  No.250392

File: 6386133c588e595⋯.jpg (606.06 KB, 1199x989, 1199:989, nathan_goldman_world_jewis….jpg)


This. I don't blame the boomers because they lived in better times. I blame the shitty kikes who were the ones who destroyed the nation to advance their own agenda.

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cd0298  No.250393


> not to mention the money to live far far away from the average youth. If the (((government))) gets its way, they will steal money from everyone regardless how young or old you are. That's just a historical fact!

This is why (((government))) is never the solution. To anything.

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839e32  No.250394

File: d2ffb45c0de14c5⋯.png (2.89 MB, 3976x1912, 497:239, Anglin_Nazbol.png)

File: 9279ed1907a0978⋯.png (2.23 MB, 1919x1012, 1919:1012, lauren_southern_nazbol_2.PNG)


Honestly I think Nazbols are just screeching into the void. When you have kikes like Andrew Anglin and Lauren Southern promoting Nazbol it's sure to fail. These people are poison. I can't imagine why Mossad hasn't put a bullet in their heads to send a message to other propagandists on their payroll – succeed or die.

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cd0298  No.250395


>I can't imagine why Mossad hasn't put a bullet in their heads to send a message to other propagandists on their payroll – succeed or die.

LMAO…maybe that comes next.

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acb0b3  No.250397


The original article is too shallow and superficial to warrant a response.

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839e32  No.250398

File: 394dea2184640ac⋯.gif (321.93 KB, 205x200, 41:40, fingers_crossed.gif)

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eebf6c  No.250601


> Why do cumskins always have the worst grasp of English?

because White supremacy is real

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0710a4  No.252191


Naxalt. But it's baby boomers that have been running the government. It takes at least four or five millennials to financially support one aging boomer.

And no, the benefit of a world without them will far outweigh any benefit from large numbers of them. It's the responsibility of each generation to pass on skills and knowledge to the next, so its the boomers fault if they've let following generations become subverted and unprepared.

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ae9d64  No.253926

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bac218  No.253941


>Why do people pay any attention to the Nazbols?

Because Christfags like you are obvious nigger lovers guzzling Kike semen.

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1b2e04  No.253961

File: ddee402ced0d20f⋯.png (40.86 KB, 550x471, 550:471, fbf9ca1be2b98c08f62.png)


Predators thrive on Americans' short memories. Student loans in their present scale did not exist prior to 1994. According to the Federal Reserve FRED database, the student loan balance was zero in 1993.

From zero in 1993 to $1.728 trillion in 2021: this is the predatory financialization of higher education which has enriched lenders, Wall Street and the Higher Education Cartel. As I've noted before, such parasitic rapaciousness would have been criminal a few generations ago; now it's cheered as a reliable source of profits by Wall Street and treated as business as usual by the corporate-owned media.

If America somehow managed to educate millions of college students without burdening them with $2 trillion in debt in 1993, why is it now "impossible" to do so, even as America's wealth and gross national product (GDP) have both rocketed higher over the past 27 years?

America is now a moral cesspool, and student loans prove it. Note that the $1.728 trillion isn't the entire load of debt crushing students; that's only the securitized student loans. Wily sharpsters have found all sorts of private-debt niches which they sell as "student loans" but which are actually consumer loans. Then there's the credit card debt from card issuers giving students "student-only cards." Add it all up and the total likely exceeds $2 trillion.

Monopolies, cartels, profiteers and insiders always have a raft of excuses and justifications for their exploitation of the powerless, and all those profiting from the $2 trillion have the usual excuses plus a novel set of noble-sounding academic rationalizations.

Journalist Matt Taibbi lays waste to one slice of the student loan racket in The Trillion-Dollar Lie (courtesy of correspondent Joel W.), the legal foundation of the entire parasitic swindle: "students can't escape student loans in bankruptcy court." But suppose the legal edifice were to recognize that universities are not "non-profits" but are instead a racketeering cartel?

While crying poor, universities have pursued a construction boom of trophy buildings without precedent and piled up slush funds with hundreds of millions of dollars extracted from student debt-serfs. If this doesn't make your blood boil, then you must be swimming laps in America's moral cesspool, praising the putrid stench as "the smell of money."

It doesn't have to be this way.



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05ed05  No.256403


Yes. This ties into boomers. It was the boomer generation that did this, and that keeps voting for politicians that prevent any solution on it. It's partly why, despite being better educated, boomers controlled seven times as much wealth as millennials at the same age.

Believe Biden when he speaks for boomers in general and says that he has no empathy for millennials.

Also, its worth pointing out many boomer talking points about college are blatant falsehoods, such as the idea that many millennials studies useless degrees in basket-weaving and women's liberation (it's only a tiny fraction).

"A Generation of Sociopaths" by Gibson is a good intro to the BQ.


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05ed05  No.256412

Before the boomers, it was seen as normal and inevitable for things to be better for one's descendents. They're basically the first generation to deliberately set things up so that things are worse for even their own kids.

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