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Rules Log Spot Those Who Glow Protect Yourself
Resign from your position at the FBI or your mother will die in her sleep tonight

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24d28b  No.249293

Want To Know A Real Leader To Trust Listen, To Follow, You Must Read The Bible Revelation End Time

Source & Other Interesting Articles:

ultimatesavior . wordpress . com

finalsavior . livejournal . com

finalsavior . forumotion . com

finalsavior . aimoo . com

If you are looking for a real leader to help either you or your nation out of the darkness, you must read the Bible chapter revelation carefully.

The root problem of the society which cause a lot of problem in the society is the Babylon system which people “rely” on others.

The cheating activities such as corruption, market control is all because of the “Babylon system”.

But the cheaters can only “cheat” because they were given too much rights from others.

It does not matter whether government or company/cooperation, the most corrupt people is the one from the top group !

Most of you the public people are blind following various beings/entities/groups who are demanding and some kind of “orders, missions”, you are on the wrong path of life.

For the real leaders who everyone can trust will never ever able to demand any thing from you to do this or to do that, for he/she can do everything alone.

But that kind of fantasy leader is beyond God category level already, do not exist in real physical in your mortal world.

The closest, most trusted leader who can help your nation, your life is someone you can only find online. You better forget any kind of character who out of of nowhere and help you, because the “law, orders” only exist in Babylon system, while the real leader is come from non-Babylon system, thus have non-Babylon character, here is everybody is equal !

The real trusted leader, the last hope for your nation, for you is me, the real savior Messiah Buddha from many ancient prophecies.

But I am not looking for members to pray, to worship or to receive my orders.

My character is too unique, my words is too straight, I am not talking words you want to hear. I only talk about what I think I should say, what is truth in life. And that is maybe the main reason you guys will never ever understand me.

Example: I can tell exactly what deities you guys are worshiping, what the secret behind any governments/organizations. But then so what, I do not want to gain stupid followers which only cause more trouble in the future.

My time is very limited and my patience has coming to an end.

So if you want to save your nation or to save yourself, you must seek help from me as soon as possible and must before the end of August 20th, 2021.

Big talk is not easy, if you to not have real life experience you cannot talk like what I was and are talking right now!

Best Regard,

The Savior Messiah Mahdi Maitreya Kalki Christ Buddha

Source & Other Interesting Articles:

ultimatesavior . wordpress . com

finalsavior . livejournal . com

finalsavior . forumotion . com

finalsavior . aimoo . com

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