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I have been gone for 6 months and nobody has claimed this board 51 reports wtf?????

File: 8b611b80418f3a1⋯.jpg (29.08 KB, 500x358, 250:179, 4_idf.jpg)

50215e  No.249261



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c6d48a  No.249263


I just had a good fap at myself being a child getting pounded

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e7547f  No.249290

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

take a walk to the common land… Silver trees and purple sand… Close your eyes and you will find…. The window and the Stars divine

this storm has thrown us through the sky

This storm has thrown us through the sky

just you and I

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e7547f  No.249291

take a walk throufgh the common lands……

°Silver trees and purple sands……

°°Close your eyes and you will find….==

The window and the Stars divine….

this storm has thrown us through the sky

This storm has thrown us through the sky

just you and I

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584b6e  No.249301

File: e4957aea27cece2⋯.png (1.51 MB, 1265x1633, 55:71, jidf_girls_6.png)


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c6d48a  No.249342


These are the people who call the left or liberals or coomers degenerates who're easily swade, I cant' imagine changing my political beleifs based on what turns me on holy shit

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584b6e  No.249343


They've always appealed to the lowest class of people whom they later put into power. That's why their governance always fails and they're deported as enemies of state.

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b70f0e  No.249344


Jesus Christ bro that's weird.

You do you though ig

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c0d899  No.250034

I used to believe such bullshit. But the fact that I have never met a good jew convinces me that probably all of them are evil.

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eadd89  No.250037


Every single encounter with them is very disturbing and very creepy. I was at a coffee house the other day when one sat next to me. It was very loud, very obnoxious and proudly announced it ('she') used to be a drug dealer in CA to a Christian man it happened to pin down out of politeness. After some time when things had quieted down and it wasn't hassling every passerby, a man came out of the coffee store and got in his car which was park a ways away in front of us. I wasn't looking at him but it was summer and he had rolled his windows down while he waited for his car to cool.

Anyway the jew who was sitting the next table over all of the sudden yells out very loudly at the person in the vehicle, "Don't pick at your face." Then it explains that it was "Just the mother in them" that caused them to basically yell as loud as they could to a man in a parked car that was a total stranger to them not to pick at their face. I alternated between being horrified and appalled. Thankfully that jew must have moved on because I haven't seen them in my town since. How totally gauche and disturbing.

But it is pretty much the same as every other encounter with them in our town. One time, same place, a group of NY jews, women and daughters sat at the table next to me very loudly discussing many different married men and whether or not they would 'fuck them' and what their qualities might be. Keeping in mind that everyone knows everyone here and that many people are family or kin and that all the men they were discussing were married so totally inappropriate as well as mother and daughter lusting after the same man. Just gross since the mothers were basically teaching their daughters to fuck married men while being unfaithful to the daughters fathers as well as destroying a marriage and (possibly) infecting the man with their slutty disease ridden cooch.

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6e839c  No.250038


>>Russia & China

I grow tired of hearing these statements and questions.

-In the matter of sustained existence of the state and the 'legacy' of it's peoples.

You feign ignorance on the topic… Such a disappointment…

In many futures approximately 25 years from now, there exists new mutual principals.

1. Mutually assured destruction.

2. Mutually assured preservation.

3. Mutually assured reconstruction.

4. Mutually assured recitation.

5. Invoke by check.

6. Invoke by balance.

7. Save state.

8. State save.

The only thing to fear is secrecy itself.

China- I will never give you dominion or power over money.

Russia- I will never give you dominion or power over the use of physical force.

It is to the both of you to swap leadership of each other's powers and likewise with Iran.

It is Iran's ability to survive, invoke, and powers of recitation that shall create well managed empire and prevent fray between the other two. Consultation on management during critical multiple-power failure is most useful indeed as well as continuity therein.

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3789eb  No.252985



Yes, when the right one takes my D-pill

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436316  No.253194



left one for throat

middle one for ass

right one for pussy

too bad the middle is a tranny and still has a dick

wop wop wop!

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