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Resign from your position at the FBI or your mother will die in her sleep tonight

File: c9c5fb3a76a4c72⋯.jpg (864,79 KB, 1800x783, 200:87, 1596060505267.jpg)

ec1e98  No.245975

trump lost

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92be89  No.245978

File: 1819d8bf677d132⋯.png (812,34 KB, 671x819, 671:819, president_ishygddt_598b9fe….png)

Trump won

(First time)

Every time

He's still winning, despite the rigged election, HES STILL WINNING!

)seeth harder fur fag(

Seeth and yiff in hell

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f6dbd2  No.245986

File: 2a0be99e09b981c⋯.png (184,12 KB, 1050x723, 350:241, zzybbo0hqai61.png)


based kobold fucker.


shut the fuck up boomer

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cc1568  No.245991


Well he "lost" the second election due to voter fraud, but what he did accomplish is pissing you commies off and he helped stir up the Republican party and it ended with some neo-cons being tossed out, and a more rebellious political party at that. So…. whatever.

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cc1568  No.245994


He definitely changed up and tossed a monkey wrench into America's political paradigm which at least that is worthy of being grateful for. If Bernie Sanders would have gotten elected he likely would have done similar and had a 'populist effect' for the Democrats. Although the DNC has tighter control and grip than the RNC has (imagine my shock!)

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92be89  No.245996

File: d9eb4c4ea1edcd9⋯.jpg (38,01 KB, 735x598, 735:598, d9eb4c4ea1edcd9cea5e3fe51d….jpg)


Kill yourself Lonley teenage dirtbag

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580fea  No.246004




>source: from deep within my ass

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21813a  No.246015

OP is fake, lame, gay, and dickless.

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f6372b  No.246055


How about you go back

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7f144f  No.246058


fuck yourself

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59de37  No.246062


nigger do you know where you are? accelerate

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498502  No.246373

File: ff7afa3da06cedc⋯.jpg (1,04 MB, 1650x954, 275:159, 13cb9bf231d6fddd7c39e16b5b….jpg)











Trump lost, no seriously he actually lost.

I'm also ban evading btw though lmao

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538f09  No.246377


You are going to find out, very soon, it's this whole country that lost. This is not about Trump or Biden. At least not anymore. It's now increased to civil turmoil and a growing domestic cold war. You'll see what happens. Get ready for hyperinflation and an economic 'reset' too. As well as a whole lot of unrest, and maybe even war.

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498502  No.246380

File: 9de9b4096c4d372⋯.gif (2,01 MB, 600x672, 25:28, 089.gif)


in two more weeks right?

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92be89  No.246517


In two more weeks you're gonna kill yourself right? Why wait though? Live stream it please

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781c29  No.246532

File: 79e06ac51994dba⋯.jpg (150,08 KB, 434x524, 217:262, trump_bibi.jpg)


Trump was robbed, but I expect it was all part of the show. My only question is who will protect Israel when Whitey is gone?

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94c2d7  No.246679

File: 5de94719609fa3d⋯.png (530,33 KB, 952x1156, 14:17, Sip.png)

File: 44fb91b656307b3⋯.jpg (176,42 KB, 868x675, 868:675, ZionBihan.jpg)

Oh no… Zion Don got out jew'd by the bigger Zionist. How will us NatSocs cope!

Oh right, we won't, because you commies are the copers. Copy harder, coper.

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