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and shitslinging
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Rules Log Spot Those Who Glow Protect Yourself
Resign from your position at the FBI or your mother will die in her sleep tonight

File: eb19f61c19c8730⋯.jpg (79.92 KB, 1035x772, 1035:772, R.jpg)

1bc9cc  No.245618

Maybe next time guys.


Seriously tho having any affiliation to swastikas, Hitler, Roman Salutes etc is beyond retarded.


Stop using ethnic slurs

and get vaccinated.

Btw I got banned from half for pointing out Swift is Jewish. Anyone in Hollywood making easy money could very well be Jewish.


Stop with the hate and memes and become a professional political movement aimed at changing the current immigration laws.

Write your congressmen, organize boycotts etc.

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1bc9cc  No.245620

Also I want you guys to start recycling, conserving water and using renewable energy.

Time to give up that v8 and start riding your bike etc.

Only then will you truly be alive.

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fb1858  No.245622


1) I don't worship celebrities or icons. Hollywood today is CRAP. 50s, 60s, 70s era good and some 80s era decent and it all started going downhill after the 80s. I keep multiple backup collections of all my favorite older music and TV shows and movies (online & offline).

2) I don't take vaccines. Please stop shilling them before I start digging up all these adverse reactions many are having.

3) I boycott pretty much any company that does not respect my individual freedoms, free speech or personal choice. It's gotten to the point more than 60% of my shopping is supporting local small family run businesses or smaller local-only retail chains (like a Dicky Bub & Ace hardware stores), besides a long trip to a Costco to bulk up on supplies. I'd also recommend boycotting all Big Tech 'smart' crap, cutting cable TV service and if you are younger do not go to college because it's a total scam and rip-off (join the trade!).

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ada07c  No.245628


shouldn't you be "making erroneous predictions"?

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ada07c  No.245629


congratulations on being the only heterosexual male fan of Taylo……. uhhh. Ooops

congratulations on being a Taylor Swift fan

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ada07c  No.245644

Btw, taylor swift is IRISH

her family is Irish Catholic white trash

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eb1a0b  No.245756

File: e059052ab874f82⋯.jpg (79.72 KB, 1041x675, 347:225, taytay_dailystormer.JPG)

File: ad196a03bbcb995⋯.jpg (119.07 KB, 1142x535, 1142:535, taytay_not_jewish.JPG)

File: a6fa0bd8041a703⋯.png (19.55 KB, 767x232, 767:232, taylor_swift_why_jews_hate….PNG)

Another high quality thread shitting on a white woman courtesy of the kikes at the (((dailystormer)))

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