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I have been gone for 6 months and nobody has claimed this board 51 reports wtf?????

File: 184da10fc6eaa47⋯.jpeg (35.75 KB, 600x338, 300:169, AALLuR8.jpeg)

85848b  No.245594[Last 50 Posts]

A security researcher has found that certain Wi-Fi networks with the percent symbol (%) in their names can disable Wi-Fi on iPhones and other iOS devices. Carl Schou tweeted that if an iPhone comes within range of a network named %secretclub%power, the device won’t be able to use Wi-Fi or any related features, and even after resetting network settings, the bug may continue to render Wi-Fi on the device unusable.

A few weeks ago, Schou and his not-for-profit group, Secret Club, which reverse-engineers software for research purposes, found that if an iPhone connected to a network with the SSiD name %p%s%s%s%s%n it would cause a bug in iOS’ networking stack that would disable its Wi-Fi, and system networking features like AirDrop would become unusable.

A 7 year old child offered a possible explanation for the weird bug:

the ‘%[character]’ syntax is commonly used in programming languages to format variables into an output string. In C, the ‘%n’ specifier means to save the number of characters written into the format string out to a variable passed to the string format function. The Wi-Fi subsystem probably passes the Wi-Fi network name (SSID) unsanitized to some internal library that is performing string formatting, which in turn causes an arbitrary memory write and buffer overflow. This will lead to memory corruption and the iOS watchdog will kill the process, hence effectively disabling Wi-Fi for the user.

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85848b  No.245595

it's funny how little you 'computer geniuses' actually know about computers, how little you "political masterminds" actually know about politics, how little you "life successes" actually know about fitting in or getting laid.

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94507b  No.245608


PCs and laptops are computers. These shitty iPhones are straight up Orwellian spy devices to eavesdrop 24/7. I would never use one of those things. Burner phones without internet, sure. Never smartphones.


Those things all have backdoors and have Big Tech companies collecting all your data even when you don't use any of their services. It's like using a Facebook phone, think of it that way.

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89818b  No.245610


>using wifi on your phone ever

It's like you chose to be smooth brained.

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beaf13  No.245613


>paranoid android

Nobody cares about you or your pathetic life. And if anyone is watching you, you deserve it for breaking the law, asshole!

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bf154e  No.245615


That was true 50 years ago. Not today. At all.

Have you heard of the Surveillance Industrial Complex before? Big Data industry? It exists and they make A TON of taxpayer funded subsidy literally sweeping up all private data from billions of users around the world for governmental dragnet surveillance. That have a huge industry $$$ and can even make more profits selling all your private data to other advertisement agencies!

Don't believe me? Read their fucking TERMS OF SERVICE!

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89818b  No.245627


No, you dumb fucking nigger. Don't use wifi on your fucking phone. Use the 4G/5G network at all times. WiFi is for niggers who want their shit stolen and their phone bricked.

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0d519c  No.245632

Killcen?…. you know LESS about technology than ANYBODY IVE EVER MET

my mother knew more about technology than you, and she was 18 years older than you

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0d519c  No.245633


taking "technology advice" from you is like taking marriage advice from Liberace

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0d519c  No.245635


lol as if YOU have ever read terms of service on a smartphone

you wouldn't even know how to turn it on, or where the volume rocker was

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0d519c  No.245637

KILLCEN ?…. your idiotic COPY & PASTE '7 years in the future's thread on JERRY'S DEAD EMPTY BOARD is funny as shit

because you (the copy n paste cowboy) and the idiot who wrote the garbage "article" both seem to think that we will still be talking about COVID 7 years from now…

You seem to think the world will stand still

are you SO OBLIVIOUS that you don't realize in 7 years, we will be dealing with an unpredictable set of new circumstances and events?

you're 72……. grow up

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e7d646  No.245639


True. And not ashamed one bit!


I know something about older operating systems and how to better secure them. But that's a whole lot of detailed info I'd rather not have to get into, I could make a whole blog about it.

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0d519c  No.245640


I don't wanna talk about technology

I wanna talk about your FUTURE thread

so, you think we will still be talking about COVID and masks in 6 years ?

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0d519c  No.245641


you've made hundreds of blogs about it

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0d519c  No.245642

a lot happens in a year….

a lot MORE happens in six years

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94507b  No.245643


Once the vaccinated die off from the spike proteins that are replicating and seizing iron from the blood cells, they'll blame all the deaths on new covid strains that they themselves manufactured and funded from the Wuhan virology lab!


They're going to blame those of us for not vaccinating when they're vaccines are killing people off in droves!!!

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0d519c  No.245645

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

if you think we'll still be debating masks & covid in 2027, then you haven't paid attention to real life.

seventy two years, huh ?…..

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0d519c  No.245646



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0d519c  No.245648


The Biggest News Stories of 2014 :

- Ebola Epidemic Becomes Global Health Crisis. The deadliest outbreak of Ebola, a deadly hemorrhagic fever, started in…

-Disasters on Malaysian Airlines. People walk amongst the debris, at the crash site of a passenger plane near the…

-Fighting in Ukraine and Crimea. Unidentified gunmen wearing camouflage uniforms

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0d519c  No.245649

unrealistic & out of touch

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0d519c  No.245651



but YOUR FUTURE only involves current known circumstances and events


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0d519c  No.245652

however, i can easily name WHAT YOU DON'T KNOW : you don't know WHAT THE FUTURE HOLDS

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0d519c  No.245653

in fact, youve been making predictions for 22 years ever since Y2Kand NONE of your predictions has come true



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0d519c  No.245654

not even one……. NONE !!!

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0d519c  No.245656

the fact of the matter is :

you could EASILY do some research, and try to make an EDUCATED GUESS regarding trends, and research emerging global health matters, so you could at least increase the odds of forecasting an accurate "prediction" of what the world will be dealing with in 2027

IT WONT BE COVID…… you can bank on it

However, theNIPPAH VIRUS(NiV) is very VERY likely to be a hot topic, due to its 70% mortality rate

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0d519c  No.245657

In 2027, President Harris will be running for her second term, and the world will most likely be dealing with the NIPPAH VIRUS, while NATO deals with sanctions regarding Taiwan

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0d519c  No.245658

see what I did there ?……..

off the top of my head, I outshined you in the REALISTIC PREDICTION DEPARTMENT

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db7835  No.245659

File: 7346376909934ae⋯.jpg (181.68 KB, 1397x1080, 1397:1080, ZombieTime.jpg)

▶ Spook Warns Of EMP False Flag For WWIII And Wiping Out Militias?

You are being watched.

You are not safe.

Operation SILVER WARTHOG (OSW) in its infancy stages.

Nuclear weapons in Hawaii were removed in the 1990s as part of the START I treaty signed 1991; but not really.

OSW will start with a secret nuclear missile fired from Hawaii. It will be detonated at extreme high altitude causing an nation-wide EMP or HEMP. This Detonation will coincide with a Global A-10 exercise (false premise for OSW) and then the real operation will start.

The HEMP will serve as a cover when the government disables all surface to air defenses to enable the OSW. As one of the only non fly-by-wire aircraft in the military inventory, the A-10s in the air will be unaffected by the HEMP. Their electronics (guidance, communications, and navigation) will be protected by their onboard EMP protection systems (nuclear hardened).

Fully loaded A-10s will simultaneously target and destroy right-wing extremist training camps through the US, which are under current surveillance. OSW will last, from start to finish, 2.25 hours, leaving little time to coordinate reactions on the ground. Operation NOBLE EAGLE (ONE) will be suspended during this time under the false premise of the HEMP along with surface to air defenses.

When the dust is settled, the attack will be blamed on a China-North Korea coalition. The missile will be blamed on North Korea and the ground strikes on China. This false narrative will be easily digestible as, since the current administration took over, China and North Korea aggression has been at an all time high.

Additionally, the ground strikes will be sold as an attack on American soil from these adversaries. They will use their dissenting opinion elimination Ops as an excuse to start a conflict in Asia to gain their resources.

Be careful out there.

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0d519c  No.245660

I am not sure if you'll still be alive in 2027


you ENJOY cortisol surging through your body

plus, there's the alcoholism….

so a stroke is very VERY likely….

but I'm going to make a bet….

and if you're still alive in 6 years……


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db7835  No.245661


At this point I am planning for both EMP grid-down attack or hardcore biological warfare against humanity, maybe both.

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2311ad  No.245662

File: b780f12f3330865⋯.jpg (455.25 KB, 1480x1952, 185:244, PicsArt_05_05_09_01_22.jpg)


I thought this was bullshit, but I changed my SSID to %8%k%u%n%S%u%c%k%s% and had my friend connect to it with his iPhone. He instantly won an iPhone! All he had to do was spend several hours subscribing to things! So, while he did that, his wife got bored and didn't want to waste data, so she asked if she could hook her iPhone up to my WiFi too. Of course I said yes. She instantaneously won two more iPhones and a puppy from the pound (with a minimal $250 donation to the Humane Society.)

All was well until they got through all the subscriptions and shit and went home. Now, whenever they try to hook to any WiFi on their phones pink gurgly noises come forth, along with unicorns prancing on purple bubbles! My friend was pissed, his wife was amused, and her boyfriend called me from his iPhone to inform me and bitch me out a bit. Alas, I have a WiFi phone, and just him calling me on my SSID was enough to cause bugle interspersed with fingernails-on-chalkboard sounds to emanate forth from his own spy device in perpetuity.

None of them have any meaningful relationships with their phones anymore, and all are disheartened and demoralized. They are 100% certain that they never want to run into another 1%er like me, who sets their SSID to a name including '%' characters!

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0d519c  No.245663


when you've got NOTHING, simply predict "false flag events"


It's the only safe ground a talentless psychic can possibly find

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d7e5e2  No.245664


I'll tell you the truth, I have prepped so much for SHTF that it might be a major disappointment if I actually die naturally.

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0d519c  No.245665


lol !!! that was funny

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0d519c  No.245666


You dying of natural causes is not guaranteed

But it's an overwhelming mathematical probability

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d7e5e2  No.245667


Due to the extreme stress from lack of SHTF, I think I best pour me another drinkypoo.

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0d519c  No.245668


A safe haven for psychics with no ability to predict anything whatsoever….

They can always point their finger towards ANYTHING and claim it was a false flag event

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0d519c  No.245669


I'd join you, but honestly after celebrating TRUMPS LOSS and CHAUVINS CONVICTION, I don't have any more desire to drink alcohol.

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0d519c  No.245670


When a talentless psychic's "predictions" don't come true, they can always insist that they were correct, and what you think really happened was nothing more than a "false flag event"

FALSE FLAG EVENT = I'm clueless

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0d519c  No.245671

FALSE FLAG EVENTS == I got everything wrong, but I'm still not big enough to admit it

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0d519c  No.245672

File: ab1454a5e6a990b⋯.jpg (38.66 KB, 300x250, 6:5, b41b73ea0ac64d0b92696d3fcc….jpg)


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94507b  No.245674


Wrong. A false flag event is when a government stages an attack against their own people or nation to blame it on another geo-political adversary because they want to stir up a war. In some cases, a false flag can be covert funding to an adversary to which would undermine the country in order to take advantage of such crisis to impose restrictions or new draconian laws or crackdowns. Like covid-19!

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0d519c  No.245675

lol @ the comments I left on Graham Allen's pages

he's not going to be happy with me when he hears what I have to say about his ugly wife's DISGUSTING SAGGY LARD TITS

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0d519c  No.245676



a false flag event is your way of hiding behind the fact that it cannot be proven or disproven

That's why you like talking about them so much

Because you are completely incapable of making

Accurate predictions, so you rely on cheap tricks

like claiming something was a false flag event,

Because there's no way to prove it, and no way


That's just your cheap kindergarten talent show magic act misdirection technique….

Trying to hide the fact that you're never correct

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db7835  No.245677


I do not make predictions. I predict the unpredictable, in which case could be any one of numerous SHTF scenarios, or a combination of them at one time. I have no idea what the next event is, but I do know enemies have another plan to attack us and our freedoms. As always.

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0d519c  No.245678

File: ec4bc2f906a9c24⋯.png (1.62 MB, 2300x1080, 115:54, Screenshot_20210705_143507.png)

Graham Allen PAID $5,000 CASH to stand next to the illiterate apeman

look at all the fake smiles…. almost painful

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0d519c  No.245679


I do not make predictions.

I predict the unpredictable


Do you realize how far your foot went?

Don't you have a gag reflex?

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0d519c  No.245680




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0d519c  No.245682

File: 507e850f5c38119⋯.png (824.29 KB, 1080x2300, 54:115, Screenshot_20210705_130740.png)

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0d519c  No.245683


so, in other words, you're ADDICTED TO FEAR

Tell Me something I Don't know

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2311ad  No.245684

File: 5db0af2f33d07d0⋯.png (70.04 KB, 300x100, 3:1, K.png)

File: e4c8dc9a3ce9684⋯.png (70.56 KB, 300x100, 3:1, PicsArt_05_17_08_48_49.png)

File: 936bcf7e49939fb⋯.png (839.81 KB, 1439x2291, 1439:2291, 8_n_Rummage_Sale.png)

File: 881f31de168bcf7⋯.jpg (778.77 KB, 1890x2773, 1890:2773, PicsArt_06_06_02_31_38.jpg)

File: b8a7255daea55d7⋯.jpg (105.26 KB, 640x637, 640:637, Sage_Whine.jpg)


> I am planning for EMP grid-down attack

I would refer you to:


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0d519c  No.245685

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0d519c  No.245686

File: 0733d4b64da8d22⋯.jpg (98.68 KB, 1024x519, 1024:519, PicsArt_07_05_02_43_11.jpg)

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9bc454  No.245687

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0d519c  No.245688


in /newsplus/, Philip Fairbanks has begun creating "news articles" under a new pseudonym.


he already uses the pseudonym "Mr. Anderson"

but now Little Philip Fairbanks has started using the name CASSANDRA FAIRBANKS

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0d519c  No.245689


I'll bet you $12,500 cash RIGHT NOW that Kamala Harris will be the next president

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0d519c  No.245690

in fact, let's make it a full $25,000 because I may as well clean you out for 25k

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0d519c  No.245691

File: 536f178519ffab1⋯.png (732.72 KB, 1080x1879, 1080:1879, 225aa9af5d2c7a1df2b11d01df….png)

eeewwww@ CASSANDRA

what kind of creepy faggot picks the name CASSANDRA as his female alter ego?

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0d519c  No.245692


I mean, c'mon…. If I'm going to clean you out for 12,500 I might as well just go ahead and clean you out for $25,000 and get it over with

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0d519c  No.245693


Keep in mind I never said that Iwanther to become president


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0d519c  No.245694


Philip reminds me of a hermaphroditic INSECT

with its skinny little arms protruding from its thorax

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89818b  No.245695


I'll take that bet.

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0d519c  No.245696

File: aae74ea1d9a69b6⋯.png (684.59 KB, 1080x1269, 40:47, PicsArt_07_05_02_58_52.png)

an ANT

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468e6f  No.245697


This is one more reason I am preparing for full out SHTF, collapse of America and likely hood of a civil war that will end with Russia and China seizing control over the country after the deadly chaos.

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0d519c  No.245699


YOU'RE ON !!!!!!

*digital handshake*

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468e6f  No.245700

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0d519c  No.245701


btw, when you're paying me my money (if you try screwing me out of my money after I win, I'll pay somebody $750 to extract the cash from you by force) JUST REMEMBER :

trump us the reason why she's going to win

Trump did this to you, not me

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0d519c  No.245702


not US

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89818b  No.245703


Very good, then. I look forward to taking your money.


Threats aren't necessary.

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0d519c  No.245704

not a threat……. a business model

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0d519c  No.245705


CASH….. no "monopoly crypto make believe garbage"

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0d519c  No.245706


HINT : try making a prediction that every other human being on Earth hasnt already made

Those are all current topics of discussion

And none of those are ever going to happen not in your lifetime at least

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0d519c  No.245707


SCORE !!!!

I just made $25,000

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89818b  No.245708


Cash is fine.

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0d519c  No.245709

LOL @ elon musk making ONE TWEET

and cryptofaggots lost 50% of their imaginary pile of NOTHING

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0d519c  No.245710



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df5211  No.245711



Very soon into the future that much money won't be worth very much anymore. The US dollar is going to be replaced and both Russia and China have globally announced they are liquidating their holdings and ready to trade outside the US dollar. When that day comes, US will see rising amount of other nations dumping the dollar and inevitably hyperinflation. And if the USSA thinks another world war is on the table…. they best take a close look at their own backyard, because it's loaded to the brim with angry disgruntled armed citizenry, that when become desperate, will start acting very hostile.

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2311ad  No.245712

File: 8a80872f36965c9⋯.jpg (151.24 KB, 900x900, 1:1, Ding.jpg)

I predict I will be poking some pussy within a couple hours…

and I'm not referring to the cat under the couch.

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0d519c  No.245713

it's amazing to think after the Great Depression ANYBODY would fall for speculation again

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0d519c  No.245714


Hee Hee !!! I'mnotgoing to wager against THAT

Because I'm positive you will

Btw how ya doing?

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df5211  No.245715


Same thing happens when the Federal Reserve makes a minor change or adjustment. It's because the whole system is rigged and nearly all of it fraudulently run by the same fat cats.

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0d519c  No.245716


It's STILL going to be worth more than NOTHING

NOTHING = crypto

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2311ad  No.245717


Yeah. You should just get a McJob.

I could give you a job…

Planting Tulips. on my Organ!

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0d519c  No.245718


I AGREE 100%

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0d519c  No.245719


lol you wanna know the truth ?

you actually just bet JON'S MOTHER…..

but she and Jon said they'll give me 1/3rd

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0d519c  No.245720

so…… yeah……. CHA-CHING !!

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0d519c  No.245721

Jon's mother is…. well…. let's just say she's doing well

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347661  No.245723


Crypto was likely a ponzi scheme created by the Federal Reserve with the help of the NSA, they need to "diversify" and outsource their systemic fraud into other markets so they wouldn't blow the whole economy up all at once.

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0d519c  No.245724

Jon's father was a surgeon, and when he died….


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0d519c  No.245725


I actually wouldn't doubt that

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0d519c  No.245726

My backstage passes to ZZ got approved today

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0d519c  No.245727

I am well aware that things aren't as they seem

and the powers that be WILL remain in power

but I'm never going to call it a conspiracy

It's business as usual

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0d519c  No.245728



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0d519c  No.245729

I was going to create the thread last night, but I got tied up

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6870b1  No.245730


To maintain power after all the abuse, lies, fraud and exploitation, it must be criminal, and if it is criminal then criminal conspiracy certainly exists.

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0d519c  No.245731

everybody be well… I've got shit to attend to

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0d519c  No.245732


try telling THEM that

see how much of a difference you'll make

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0d519c  No.245733


it was this way for your great grandfather, your grandfather, your father, and it's going to continue long after you're dead

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6870b1  No.245734


The whole point of Justice is to crackdown on criminal conspiracy.

If there is no crackdown on criminal conspiracy, then there is no more Justice.

It's that simply. The country is run by criminals.

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0d519c  No.245735

ADIOS gotta run

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0d519c  No.245736


you actually fell for the "justice" thing ?…. REALLY?

So I'm guessing you also believe in truth liberty and freedom and Santa Claus?

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0d519c  No.245737


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0d519c  No.245738

RE : justice

Be sure to read my thread later on about the criminal justice system

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2311ad  No.245739

File: 7f3b61192a186dc⋯.jpg (162.87 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, PicsArt_04_29_10_09_33.jpg)

File: c207b094ff5ba1a⋯.jpg (243.17 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, PicsArt_05_29_02_13_40.jpg)


Hate to break it to (You), but you are often confused; and this is one of those times. (You) might want to figure out who (You) are actually betting about what, and what you are actually risking…

I bet you wouldn't be able to handle it if people hated the Marxist policies you support more than they hated Trump, and re-elected him in 2024 merely to spite all the caustic persona-bashing cunts like you! Oh the salt! Not saying that could or would happen, but it would be delicious! And I'm betting you couldn't handle it without a total meltdown.

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e7d646  No.245740

"These people want you dead. They want to inject you, they want to kill you. There is no mincing words. They want to line you up and they want to slaughter you, and rather than using a firing squad, - they know they can't get away with that because there are 300,000,000 guns. - So they made everyone so afraid of something that many went in willfully for a death shot."

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0d519c  No.245743

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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0d519c  No.245744


You've got three years to gather my $25,000

So don't start making excuses in November 2024

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e7d646  No.245745


At least there was a time where treason was not so blatant and ruthless, and those that were engaged in it actually took a very serious risk doing so. No so much today.

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0d519c  No.245746


Time to hit the bottle….

The bottle of Seroquel

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bf154e  No.245748

Now days treason is outright celebrated on national TV as if were supposed to be the norm. They've gone as far as stating on national TV that Whites in America should be killed and rural Americans should be faced with discrimination by the federal government. It has gone THAT FAR.

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93ab4d  No.245749

>>245748 show me where (((they))) said that

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93ab4d  No.245750

>>245748 you haven't watched a television broadcast since normal fell died

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bf154e  No.245752


Exactly what the Jew Bolsheviks did during the USSR too. They targeted political demographics within the population for destruction, killing millions. Thank God we have the guns, but they also have drones and toxins laced in all the mass produced foods, meds, vaccines, tap water, etc.



I saw clips of CNN and MSNBC on Bitchute before of them saying stuff like that. Also calling conservatives "terrorists" too, even those who had NOTHING to do with the Capitol event!

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93ab4d  No.245754

>>245752 not "stuff like that". show me THAT

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d7e5e2  No.245755


There was a HUGE chemical plant explosion in Thailand: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wwhb7pKNYMY

In the last WEEK (7 days) alone, there have been FIVE major industrial blasts. Something is up.

Today's blast destroyed an area two kilometers across, (one kilometer radius) This type of thing has been happening a lot lately. And I believe it is probably a war being fought with Stuxnet or similar. Everyone notices the price of everything going up and no one has explanations - last week there were two similar explosions at chemical plants - one in Illinois and one in India - there are only so many chemical production facilities. They do not grow on trees. If you destroy enough of them around the world suddenly you will not have the building blocks you need for the rest of the stuff.

Recently (this last WEEK) we have now had (not counting the battery fire because that can be explained):

The Rockton Illinois Chem tool explosion This explosion shut down the manuacture of lubricants for industrial machines. Take a look at the first paragraph on their company page, and then (try) to wonder about why the globalists would want that destroyed. You will not have to try too hard.

The blast in Thailand This factory made the precursors to polystyrene (styrofoam). This was a huge explosion, with a blast damage zone two kilometers across.

The blast in India This facility made the precursors to polystyrene also.

This week there was also a refinery explosion in Romania. That was not specifically a chemical plant, but there was also another major petroleum explosion in Azerbaijan.

That is FIVE major industrial explosions in ONE WEEK. Three in chemical facilities and two in oil facilities. I have not seen that many explosions in such a short time before, something is probably up.

Since the countries are all spread out it does not look like an attack until one realizes that there are globalists who want things shut down and the prices pumped up, once the problem is globalists, the whole world is the target.

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d7e5e2  No.245757


I'll try my best to find it. I know someone has linked clips from MSM on Bitchute before. Don't recall the channel.

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d29999  No.245759

File: 6766d435d9187a0⋯.png (812.75 KB, 1091x1280, 1091:1280, 20210705_155416.png)

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3c83cd  No.245760


They're trying to collapse the global supply chain to FORCE their "Great Reset" since their hair-brained Covid false flag event didn't go exactly as planned.

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d7e5e2  No.245764



I think "The Hard Bastard" might have been the one that linked all the news clips I was mentioning, some of the most cringe-worthy despotism from the psycho propagandists on American media. I'm still looking for his channel!

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d29999  No.245766

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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bf154e  No.245768


Well not from him, but NOW the mainstream media is calling unvaccinated people murderers! How about that prediction? I called it earlier today, knew this was inevitable!


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bf154e  No.245771


Found his channel!


You'll have to scroll down a lot to find what I mentioned here: >>245748

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d29999  No.245773

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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d29999  No.245776

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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af556e  No.245780

MSNBC: FBI Lunatic Claims Republican Senators Should Be Arrested As Terrorists


MSNBC: Joy Reid & Lunatic Panel Claim Trump Supporters Are Gravest Threat To Democracy


MSNBC: Insane Propagandist Lawrence O'Donnell Likens Republicans To Murderers From Tulsa Massacre


MSNBC: Racist Commie Math Wizard Mara Gay Is Disturbed By American Flags


Young Turks Flip Out About Joe Rogan Defending White Men


David Pakman Is Fine With Police Brutality As Long As Its Against Conservatives


CNN: Brian Stelter Pretends Conservative Media Is At Fault For Division


The Old Hags From The View Want Vaccine Passports


The Harpies From The View Want To Take Away The Freedom Of People Who Don't Take The Vaccine


MSNBC: Balding Joy Reid Wants To Take Away The Freedom Of People Who Refuse The Vaccine


Two Closeted Homosexuals Are Angry At Tucker Carlson For Asking Reasonable Vaccine Questions


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2311ad  No.245781

File: a92e5dfe1b96ecc⋯.png (734.45 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, Some_of_Our_Stallions_2021….png)


After all that work, I hate to inform you, he never had any intention on clicking any of your links, nor did he give a shit about the sauce. He just wanted to waste your time while trying to make himself feel less miserable by laughing with glee at any form of perceived suffering he thinks he can encourage in others.

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af556e  No.245782


Note, could not (yet) find the CNN clip of them bashing rural Americans…. but I'll soon find it if I keep at it!

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6870b1  No.245783


Young Turks Suggest Republicans Are Murderers If They Don't Accept Vaccine Passports


Young Turks: Ana Kasparian Wants To Take Away Your Freedom If You Don't Take The Vaccine


MSNBC: Morning Joe Dog Whistles Locking Up Republican Governors That Open Their States


MSNBC Claims Conservative Immigration Policy Is White Supremacy


MSNBC: Joy Reid Dog Whistles Forced Vaccination


MSNBC Calls For Even More Censorship Because Of "Russian Disinformation"


Young Turks Wish Death Upon People Who Refuse The Vaccine


It seems more and more clear by the day that these people really do hate us, and would like us gone!

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bf154e  No.245785

Not related, something I found, and article from 2010 predicting the EXACT kind of shit we face today…….


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d29999  No.245786




He's right, but he's wrong. I was changing water and food for a little stray puppy, because animal control aren't available today


love the pic


He was wrong, but he was right


I don't click links

especially not when there are 50,000 links in one post

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d29999  No.245788


It seems more and more clear by the day that these people really do hate us, and would like us gone!

Gee… I wonder why

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d29999  No.245789

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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9bc454  No.245790


>I don't click links

That's fine, I'm just showing you how outright overboard despotic the TV propagandist networks have become today. They're the ones dividing the country apart. I think Americans need to boycott TV completely and cut their un-American services off completely.

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2311ad  No.245791

File: 654305f514fe320⋯.jpg (91.91 KB, 500x710, 50:71, Biden_Had_Hordes_of_JNs.jpg)

File: cbca328b34a7654⋯.gif (Spoiler Image, 1.72 MB, 721x1024, 721:1024, Biden_had_Hordes_of_Johnny….gif)



I, however, will click the links, Killcen…

Keep 'em comin'…

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db7835  No.245792

When someone says I'm a terrorist simply because I want to be left alone and have the right to self defense, that person is behaving like an enemy. The same kind of threat I would see if Russia or China were to attack us.

If I see someone calling for me to be arrested and faced with prison for the rest of my life for avoiding a vaccine, I see an enemy. The same kind of threat of a totalitarian regime were to take over.

These radicals are dividing up the country, but no, we are not going anywhere and we will not surrender to these insane despots.

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db7835  No.245793


I'm really upset I can't find that clip of the propagandists shrieking a fit over how millions of Americans live rural to avoid insane despotic idiots like them. It was very creepy and comical at the same time!

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db7835  No.245794

While looking for this clip using alternative search engines, I DID find an interesting report that Dems could consider learning from to avoid these kinds of 'mistakes' :


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0ebbd6  No.245796

File: 0cb42620a271664⋯.jpg (131.15 KB, 1024x487, 1024:487, ebola_nigger2.jpg)


Good times.

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d29999  No.245799


America was doomed before your father was born

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d29999  No.245800


RE : terrorist

you misspelled LUNATIC

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aa2d59  No.245801


How am I the lunatic when this is the hate they openly spew against Americans like myself all over mainstream corporate media?

SEE: >>245780 & >>245783

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eedcab  No.245802

At least 150 people were killed by gun violence in more than 400 shootings across the country during the Fourth of July weekend as major cities nationwide confront a surge in violent crime, according to data compiled by the Gun Violence Archive.

The data, which includes the number of shooting incidents and gun violence victims nationally over a 72-hour period from Friday through Sunday, is still evolving and will be updated.


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eedcab  No.245803


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768f9f  No.245804


No. Bad policies and political leadership in those cities and most of it is from inner city gang crime. Ironically, many of those cities have very strict gun control laws too. People in suburban and rural America don't shoot each other up all day!

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1a6f12  No.245805


Why are they defunding the police when they have so much violent crime? Why are they not allowing citizens to open carry and defend themselves and defend one another like we do out here? Why don't they crack down on the criminal gangs? Why don't they create more jobs for people instead of passing insolvent policies that kill jobs and their economy? Why do they blame all their bad policies on our guns when we don't even live there or shoot people?

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1a6f12  No.245807


You don't understand what "false flag" means.

A false flag event is when a government stages an attack against their own people or nation to blame it on another geo-political adversary because they want to stir up a war. In some cases, a false flag can be covert funding to an adversary to which would undermine the country in order to take advantage of such crisis to impose restrictions or new draconian laws or crackdowns. Like covid-19!

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eedcab  No.245809


hold on a second… I'll be right back


lol you claim "mass shootings" are false flag events


okay I'm back……….. stfu

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eedcab  No.245810


wake the kids, invite the neighbors, beat the dog

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eedcab  No.245811

only one or two cities are

even MINIMALLY 'defunding'

law enforcement………………

it's simply not true….

the cities I'm talking about aren't


they're simply incorporating

social workers and mental health

workers to assist the police

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1a6f12  No.245812

Operation Northwoods was a false flag event.

9/11 was a false flag event.

Event 201 was a false flag event.

I'm sure they'll plan another one soon, maybe huge cyber-attack against our infrastructure to keep pushing their Agenda 21 / Great Reset too.

It's important to note those who commit false flags are criminal conspirators, often guilty of treason, doing their best not to protect people but to either stir up a war against a perceived enemy or to subjugate their perceived enemy (foreign, or sometimes even domestic political adversaries). Profits are also key as many of these wars or political agendas have nefarious financial motives.

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eedcab  No.245813


I've been wanting to create the DUNKIN' THREAD

in /pnd/ for a while now, and this is a perfect time

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eedcab  No.245814


just a 'hunch' on your part, huh ?

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eedcab  No.245815

if it's not just a hunch, provide the evidence

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aa2d59  No.245816


Well it's not working out very well. Why don't they try something better?

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eedcab  No.245817


I don't agree with it

nor do I disagree with it

I'm simply stating facts

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eedcab  No.245818

File: 076c19b6b6d7e2b⋯.jpg (196.9 KB, 1313x1080, 1313:1080, PicsArt_07_05_06_08_01.jpg)

I'm starting to think he's nothing more than a cardboard cutout

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768f9f  No.245819


I say this for many reasons, but recently the US Navy have been drilling for potential grid-down attacks over cyberspace. That's an indication they are preparing for such crisis. And look no further to what the WEF have been "worried about" recently (just like their Event 201 before covid-19 was released upon the world!)


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768f9f  No.245820

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1a6f12  No.245822


What is ironic is that they don't want good law abiding citizens to be armed or carry guns for self defense and civic defense. Why should the gangs be the only ones carrying around guns?

FACT: this kind of crime wave does not happen around most of America, because most of America is very well armed and we have the right to defend ourselves (and in States like my own, a right to defend our property too).

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88a229  No.245823

FACT: I would be scared to death if I was a thief in rural Missouri, because any B&E job would come at the risk of sudden death!

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88a229  No.245824


Even in the suburbs…..

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88a229  No.245825

You know how to deter crime? You allow law abiding citizens to shoot at those criminals who perpetrate a crime!!! THAT is the ONLY WAY you stop these thugs. Even thugs are scared of getting shot.

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44c632  No.245827

Ask yourself something, would you risk a 50/50 chance of getting shot over $500 worth of stolen goods? Jail and medical bills if you were to survive too?

Hell no, you'd be a fool to risk that!

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44c632  No.245828



I kid you not, travel sometime outside the city of St. Louis as you pass by a lot of the suburban towns, heading toward the rural areas…. you'll see big ass signs up that say "You Loot, We Shoot!"

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44c632  No.245829


And guess what? …. not to many loot those areas lol!

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eedcab  No.245830


hold on I'll be right back




shut it

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eedcab  No.245833


data collected between March 2020 - March 2021

burglaries - 3,724

home invasions - 218

robberies - 1,843

rapes - 462

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eedcab  No.245834

face it……. you live in "meth alley"

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eedcab  No.245838

File: b168b9bbe528f2c⋯.png (1.82 MB, 1080x2300, 54:115, Screenshot_20210705_192007.png)

The two dead guys in the back of the pickup truck were Paul Pierson, an HIV+ gay Navy veteran, and his boyfriend, and Trump lost the election fair and square

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eedcab  No.245839

File: c683e37d148a07e⋯.png (1.36 MB, 1080x2300, 54:115, Screenshot_20210705_191202.png)



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89818b  No.245846


Considering only 300 people live in Missouri, that's insane!

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34150c  No.245854


It's 308 people, actually…

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34150c  No.245856


If you include all 8 of Killcen's multiple personalities

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99bcf2  No.245858


That's next to NOTHING compared to how big Missouri is, and guaranteed a lot of those B&E jobs happened when people were not at home. I can guarantee you around the area I live in they would have been shot on the spot. And rightly so.


Still 1000x better and safer than the cities. So what?


I could only wish my state was that rural.

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014087  No.245861


The ONLY other State I would not mind living would be Montana. And some may ask what's in Montana. The response is nothing much at all, just plenty of land, resources and tucked away homesteads. And that's a similar reason I live in Missouri, only Montana has mountain cover.

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4882ee  No.245866


the previous distance between our two homes has changed, now that Wendy and I moved into one of Jon's mother's properties closer to Atlanta.

Now, your house and my apartment are exactly 614 miles apart….

An 8 hour drive

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4882ee  No.245867


Montana : the 1st nuclear target in the continental United States for both Russia AND China

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2f7ea7  No.245871


And you know that how exactly?

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4882ee  No.245887


I went to school with China, and Russia is a buddy of mine, who helped me change a flat tire.

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841ab5  No.245939

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


> At least 150 people were killed by gun violence in more than 400 shootings across the country during the Fourth of July weekend as major cities nationwide confront a surge in violent crime, according to data compiled by the Gun Violence Archive.

> gun violence

Pretty sure you mean "Nigger Violence".

Let's call a spade a spade.


> the cities I'm talking about aren't DEFUNDING THE POLICE they're simply incorporating social workers and mental health workers to assist the police

Come on, man!

You live in Georgia.

You know damn well niggers ain't gonna stop nigging just because some purple-haired feminists try to talk them out of it.

Killcen is right. Niggers are not nigging-out in rural areas where folks are not controlled and beaten down through fear. Self-reliant responsible people are actually scary to niggers. They might fight back. They might be armed too.

Niggers are killing each other over stupid shit, like control of the street drugs trade. But they're just pawns in the game the Big Cheese is playing… People like Big Daddy Parmesan, Hunter Biden, who supplies niggers with illegal firearms and the Big Man's protection for their little civilization-destroying racial racket.

More money and more social workers will not solve the ills of society that have been brought on by the policies of the Democratic Party. Knocking niggers and little bitches like (You) back into their place would be a good start. Learn some self-control, man! Stop trying to control the behavior of others who are doing you no harm. Look to your nigger problem and fix your own niggerish behavior. Guns are inanimate objects; which is what you seem like yourself when you use terms like

> gun violence

You really do parrot everything the Progressive Leftist Marxist Media tells you to, don't you, Andrew?

Embed Related is for you…

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b64859  No.245963


So you just openly hinted that you are indeed a spook lurking here who uses foreign intelligence to spy on another American citizen?

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b64859  No.245968


That's pretty much crime statistics of the whole state OUTSIDE St. Louis, Kansas City & Springfield which is not bad at all. That means less than 0.001% of rural citizens were victims of crime.

Let's talk about NYC, LA and Chicago crime statistics where citizens get shot, raped and looted every single night by niggers in the streets. Compare all the other crime statistics to cities like New York for example:


"The number of shootings soared 97% from 777 in 2019 to 1,531 in 2020 and murders jumped by 44% from 319 to 462, according to the NYPD."

"Burglaries also shot up 42% from 10,909 to 15,463 and car thefts soared by 67% from 5,422 to 9,038, officials said."

"In Chicago, 956 people were shot in the first four months of 2021 — 217 more than the same point in 2020, which was a record-setting year for shootings in the Illinois city."


"But the biggest crime story of 2020 is carjackings, especially on the city’s West Side. The number more than doubled citywide from 603 in 2019 to more than 1,400 in 2020, the highest totals in nearly two decades."


While overall crime decreased in Los Angeles during the COVID-19 pandemic, the number of murders increased by 20% this year compared to 2019, according to a report released Monday.

Between January and September 2020, 239 people were murdered in Los Angeles compared to 199 people during the same period in 2019, according to the report produced by Crosstown, a nonprofit news organization based out of the USC Annenberg School of Journalism. Meanwhile, the city has seen a drop of 9.7% in overall crime.


Take a look at the overall crime statistics today: https://www.neighborhoodscout.com/ca/los-angeles/crime

Out of 3,979,576 citizens, your chances of being a victim of violent crime today is 1 out of 135 and your chances of being a victim of property crime (like robbery) is 1 out of 41. The recent rate of violent crime is 29,582 while crime against private property is 97,817 so far in 2021. And LA has far less crime than New York or Chicago!

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b64859  No.245969


That said, regardless all the guns we have in America, the crime rates are still very very low, even in the major cities which are facing a record surge in crime the chances you will actually be a victim are still pretty low!

Overall if you are an American, you still have anywhere from 0.001% to 0.07% chance of being a victim of crime today!

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4ca200  No.245980

>>245939 (TRUTH)

If you factor in ALL of urban, suburban and rural America - all the population everywhere - and look up nationwide crime statistics and factor the odds among the whole population, the crime rate in the US is about 47 per 100,000 people or 0.00047% chance of being a victim of crime.


If you factor just rural vs urban, communities with populations lower than 25,000 have the lowest crime rates, 278 per 100,000 for violent crime and 2,294 per 100,000 for property crime.

While average mid-major city (between 300,000 and 999,999 people) has the highest rate of violent crime (1,578 per 100,000) and property crime (7,359 per 100,000).

Among all crime types reported by the FBI, burglary has declined the most since 1999 (-51.2%), followed by motor vehicle theft (-45.8%) and robbery with a 42.6% decline. (Note since 1999, we now have nearly TRIPLE the amount of Americans who own firearms today!)


When all is said and done, it is a fact that America is much safer with guns for self defense. Just imagine the free-for-all if only criminals were armed.

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4ca200  No.245982



This map gives you a detailed and strategic look at the State of Missouri, mapped by rural land vs suburban vs urban areas:


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d18b83  No.246162







what do people think? paid agent or literally insane?

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c239fd  No.246199

File: 59823dda0cac4d8⋯.gif (362.25 KB, 499x384, 499:384, 0148.gif)


>reddit spacing

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1bbd36  No.256028


fuck off glownigger shill

besides glowniggers, everyone knows private companies are willing to pay for your data.


Is your phone listening to your every word and WATCHING you through your phone's camera? How thousands of people are convinced 'coincidence' adverts are anything but

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