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Resign from your position at the FBI or your mother will die in her sleep tonight

File: 04024f53d2b037f⋯.jpg (2.85 MB, 3264x2448, 4:3, IMG_20210704_174022901.jpg)

c8e843  No.245499

KIllcen says "8kun is the last bastion of free speech", but they DELETED HIS 4TH OF JULY THREAD

pic related : vegetarian IMPOSSIBLE BURGERS

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12fe1d  No.245500

File: 91499d5f3cf0bea⋯.png (36.46 KB, 650x1236, 325:618, soyjak_7.png)

>KIllcen says "8kun is the last bastion of free speech", but they DELETED HIS 4TH OF JULY THREAD

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88de0e  No.245501



Post more of your soyjak collection uwu

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bdb86c  No.245503

File: b90f38bc4996760⋯.jpeg (9.96 KB, 242x209, 22:19, images_2_.jpeg)


Wojack and pepe are mascots of Chan culture. They belong here, there, and everywhere. It may have taken time for their conception to happen, but the idea of them has always existed in the minds of Chan users

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88de0e  No.245508

File: 49a2ff11ddbcb45⋯.png (391.56 KB, 927x514, 927:514, 1610832015192.png)

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476d57  No.245509



trite predictable clichés are all that's required to make you feel like you are part of something bigger than yourself?


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476d57  No.245510

unplug the stupid computer

then tell me you're part of

s o m e t h i n g

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476d57  No.245512

File: 778f9f5d9993dc7⋯.jpg (765.22 KB, 1280x960, 4:3, 20210704_193404.jpg)

File: 06c20506b0ee549⋯.jpg (639.92 KB, 874x1280, 437:640, 20210702_215652.jpg)

My wife's Spicy Hot Korean Pineapple Cucumber Salad… fucking awesome !!

equal parts pineapple and cucumber, rice vinegar, Go Chu Jang Sauce, Cilantro…

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476d57  No.245513

Trust me…. You DO NOT want too add too much of the vinegar/hot sauce mix…

just enough to cover all the pieces, and it'll light your ass up

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6ab40b  No.245515

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


I have a gift of sorts for my disciples, slaves, servants, and children.

A surprise.

A twist.

A wrinkle in these dimensions of despair.

Behold the power of my words in the in the deafening silence.


Through imposition you force them to be in treason of the tongue before their faith whilst reserving the right to make them kill themselves.

You speak of the end as if it is a distant fantasy, yet parts of it are creeping into today.

I told them months ago that I would give them as slaves. hehehehahaHaHaHaHaHAHAHA

Weeks before any deal. HAHAHAHA

I manipulated the deal into their minds. HAHAHA

Trump had no true faith and thus split by half whilst I occupied one… HAHAHAHAHAHA

Lack of sleep is an enemy indeed. hehehe


What power?

I have all of it… hehehe

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476d57  No.245516

File: 75b5633c3ef0e9b⋯.jpg (685.29 KB, 1280x960, 4:3, 20210704_193442.jpg)


hands down, the most delicious and totally convincing vegetarian burger you'll ever eat

the shit tastes, smells, looks & cooks exactly like a burger,except it actually tastes 10 times better

It's really impossible to describe exactly HOW good it really is… Well worth the $6 for 2 huge burgers…

You really ought to try it, just to say you did…

It even "bleeds" beet & pomegranate juice

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12fe1d  No.245517


>vegetarian burger

at least youre in the kitchen, you fucking little girl. gtfo with your pussy diet.

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476d57  No.245518

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Happy Sunday, Marshmallow Sally™

I hope your weekend went well

this chick Elliphant is HOT AS SHIT

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476d57  No.245519


actually, unlike you, I'VE GOT A WOMAN COOKING WITH ME…

you really ought to try heterosexuality one day

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12fe1d  No.245520


Your other personality, "Wendy," doesn't count you mentally ill freak. Just chop off your dick already. You come across as a Jewish woman as is.

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476d57  No.245521

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


The entire "antichrist" thing is SO low self esteem

…..it's stupid…. it's sub-infantile….

It's actually more barrassing than Christianity

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476d57  No.245522


lol @ pussybutt antichrist homobesity boy

accusing other people of having alter egos

that's rich

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476d57  No.245523


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476d57  No.245524


impress me some more with your



Soliloquy of social ineptitude

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476d57  No.245525

I didn't realize THE ANTICHRIST helped his mother pick out their 4th of july meal for two at Publix

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12fe1d  No.245526

File: 3cb51b60faa8309⋯.gif (431.89 KB, 300x180, 5:3, villain_laugh_2.gif)




Get a load of this triggered troon.

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476d57  No.245527

Dear Marshmallow Sally ™

Tell me about the stupid Heavy Metal Music…

For some reason, you seem to be reluctant to discuss theSTUPID AS SHIT IMMATURE ANGRY LITTLE TRAILERPARK BOY HEAVY METAL MUSIC

Pantera? Judas priest?

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476d57  No.245528

You listen to trash music….

As in : white trash

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476d57  No.245529

Why you apprehensive about telling me your favorite heavy metal bands?

Is it because you realize only loser prepubescent sexually frustrated cystic acne low rent white trash 14-year-old boys who can't get any pussy and gravitate to heavy metal music?

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476d57  No.245530

your taste in music is G A R B A G E

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476d57  No.245531

"That's some really cool heavy metal music"

said NO FEMALE…… E V E R

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476d57  No.245532

fucking white trash


worthless white trash

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476d57  No.245533

Your life apparently revolves around

Trying to deny you realize that you

Are nothing more than worthless

Human garbage white trash

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12fe1d  No.245534

File: 952c760b0ddcbef⋯.png (10.06 KB, 233x216, 233:216, soyjak_4.png)


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a4024c  No.245535

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476d57  No.245536

I'd expect you to laugh….

if course…. everybody does

that's "what you do"…. you DENY

so why would we expect anything else?

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476d57  No.245537


Man In Denial DENIES AGAIN!!!

world is caught off-guard

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476d57  No.245538

you deny & distract….

that's the only skill you've mastered

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476d57  No.245539

because I've been waiting for you to present with AN ACTUAL TALENT….. and you've left me hanging, nigger

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476d57  No.245540

the only discernible talent I've seen you demonstrate so far is denial….

you're terrible at misdirection & distraction, but that doesn't mean you don't try…

but your TALENT ?….


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476d57  No.245541

You can't draw, you can't paint, you can't sculpt, you can't sing, you can't do 3D animation, you can't develop original music, you don't know how to produce and engineer music, you can't sequence music, you're not funny, your 'creative ideas' are unoriginal garbage…

You're simply not talented

not from what I've seen so far…..

Prove me wrong, earlobes

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dbb6a1  No.245542

File: 785b7e616d804b3⋯.jpg (66.33 KB, 782x652, 391:326, Capitalism_has_failed_1692….jpg)

>ITT triggered troons!

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476d57  No.245543

btw, marshmallow sally just whispered to himself, "how the fuck did he know mom and I shop at Publix?"

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476d57  No.245544

Heavy Metal = the music of choice for sexually rejected outcast angry frustrated young males

that's the demographic

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476d57  No.245545

It's NOT guesswork……. .


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476d57  No.245546

that's the actual targeted demographic for Heavy Metal Music….

that's who record companies specifically target


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dbb6a1  No.245547

File: 8f21bdde98b59dc⋯.png (224.88 KB, 720x810, 8:9, tranny6.png)

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476d57  No.245548

If it weren't for angry surfaced sexual losers,

there would've only been ONE heavy metal song.

there never would've been a market for a second song

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476d57  No.245549


tell me about the heavy metal

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dbb6a1  No.245550

File: 6d3e77289fcc99e⋯.jpg (112.63 KB, 1024x917, 1024:917, 911BiggerTragedy.jpg)

>Suicide is next for him. Oy vey, it's annudah shoah!

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476d57  No.245551

well, tell me about your attached earlobes

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12fe1d  No.245552

>Jew tranny is now shitting on trannies so as to make himself seem less of a troon


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bdb86c  No.245568

File: 23d3443b74a2732⋯.png (1.52 MB, 1939x1403, 1939:1403, 1625198106423.png)


Of course it's the autistic sperg

Don't forget to widen for Biden

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88de0e  No.245599


Cumming in your wife sure does make me feel like a grown up man while you get beat up by bullies

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