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Rules Log Spot Those Who Glow Protect Yourself
I have been gone for 6 months and nobody has claimed this board 51 reports wtf?????

File: ac37d41e3800389⋯.jpg (138.13 KB, 998x697, 998:697, nothing_happened_wuhan.jpg)

8cb5f8  No.244910

nothing happened

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2b0cc9  No.244942


Why are all you NIGGERS on 8kun so afraid of the truth coming out about covid?

Is most of 8kun full of glow in the dark niggers?



Not only is there mountains of evidence coming out that this was mad-made in a lab in Wuhan, China but also being funded using US taxpayer money, directly connected to kike-run organizations like (((The National Institute of Health))), (((The Rockefeller Foundation))) and (((Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation)))

So far we know (((Dr. Anthony Fauci))) is not only a HUGE FRAUD… and outright liar… he is a criminal who lied about and covered up real medical treatments for Covid-19 such as Hydroxychloroquine, Ivermectin, Vitamin D and Zinc supplement! He also knew masks would not prevent the virus from spreading, draconian lockdowns would not help at all, that vaccines were dangerous and risky, he knew about the "gain of function" research in Wuhan and admitted "it's worth the risk"…. !!

Another criminal by the name of (((Peter Daszak))) ordered Dr. Fauci to cover-up this "gain of function" research while helping re-direct taxpayer funds for it, as former president Trump cut the NIH funding to China altogether. (((Peter Daszak))) is president of (((EcoHealth Alliance))) also connected to the (((Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation))) which sponsored the plans for "ID 2020" aka the global vaccine passport agenda for Covid (which was set up BEFORE Covid-19 ever hit the media)!

This is all so criminal - and yet - no one dares talk about it here. WHY?

I'm really starting to suspect 8kun is orchestrating a massive corruption cover-up too, just like most of the State-run mainstream corporate media.

That does not matter anymore. I'm not going to let glowing niggers cover this up!

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632b40  No.244943



























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b8353b  No.244968

Did you ever notice how much Wuhan looks like the word Woman?

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3594eb  No.244974


No. But I do often wonder if a lot of stupidity and senseless politics is deliberately posted to distract legitimate debate and conversation about criminal conspiracy, insider corruption, usury and other thorny topics to keep people from seeing reality for what it really is.

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3c85a3  No.245002


you actually think anybody would waste time or money worrying about what three irrelevant losers talk about in an empty imageboard

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b8353b  No.245014


Explains why you are here.

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502dc6  No.245027


You don't know the history of /pnd/ and how popular it once was. It used to have over 80 posts per minute. Glowing niggers, bootlicking shills, CP spammers and hateful trolls like yourself drove a whole lot of anons off 8kun. For around 7 months last year I missed a lot of the decline as I was very busy moving, but I do recall some of the negative issues by nefarious users before I left. When I came back there were maybe 6 or 7 people left here, and a few of those anons are now gone too and I really can't blame them. A lot of the older popular threads that were once here are long gone. I remember the coronachan threads which were useful for learning about the virus as well helped expose some of the criminal conspiracy behind it. I remember the old corona prepping thread lol, damn that was a good thread with a whole lot of anons posting useful tips. I remember anons creating threads posting streams from the first BLM riots too, we watched the cities burn together while we pigged out on snacks and had our guns loaded beside our computer desks ready for SHTF.

But not today. Anons were driven away. Now days we have empty threads like this "nothing happened" which is complete utter BS.

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74e232  No.245033


Did you ever notice how the word "Yahoo" looks like the word Yellow"?

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74e232  No.245037


so, in other words, I was correct?

nobody gives a flying fuck what 3 resentful unemployed socially rejected sexually inexperienced videogame WANNABE HITLERS (and one 72 year old insane guy) say in THE EMPTIEST WEBSITE ON EARTH?

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74e232  No.245040


but if you're going to tell me that you think some secret government agency would spend time or money trying to 'prevent you from posting in here's, then you're much, MUCH more insane than I thought.

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74e232  No.245042


have you ever noticed how the word "putty" looks like the word "pussy"?

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74e232  No.245043


Did you notice that the word "you're" sounds like "your"?

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74e232  No.245044


have you ever noticed that the words "your" and "you're" sound the same?

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050a82  No.245045


No, you are not correct, you are ignoring everything I had to say about /pnd/ and how it was once very popular. Glow niggers and spammers like you is what killed this board, and now you blame the victims of it. Just like any other despot would do, destroy something and go blaming someone else in the aftermath.




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74e232  No.245073


did you notice that the word "wuhan" looks like the word "mnqen" upside down?

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a44950  No.245076



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74e232  No.245084


RE: what /pnd/ used to be :

I had a pair of stinky rotting sneakers several years ago, and they started decomposing SO bad, that I had to burn them, because the garbage men refused to touch the garbage can I tossed them in

but they didn't start that way…

They were brand new when I purchased them…

I could tell you the story about the 'life' Richard disgusting dry rot pair of abominations, how we first met, how well they fit me, all the places we went together , all little details about how the fucking shoes started off….

……. But nobody cares…….

And I don't give a flying how this piece of shit MPs board began, because the only thing that matters is what it became…

This may be most irrelevant

broken toilet

I've ever seen

in my life

This entire website is nothing short of pathetic

And this laughable board

Speaks for itself

This board is a children's day care centre

With only three children

They've got special needs….

For some reason, they "need"

To overcompensate for feelings

Interiority, and they constantly

Need to reassure themselves

That they are "not inferior"….

And this isn't just an occasional need

This is continual literally around the clock

Everyday all day and all night every night

It's the exact same conversation

From the exact same three guys

Their entire premise is white people

Becoming the underdog, the downtrodden

The victims somehow…. They always

List all of the many many ways Jews

At manipulating and exploited white people

Using them like puppets……………………..

And they're always talking about this

"Big revolution" they are part of, where

Some mysterious non-existent

Massive army of white people

Are in the process of "taking the world back"

Yet they claimed that they're not inferior

While at the same time it meaning that

even the lowly jew or the stupid nigger

was able to manipulate and exploit them

With little to no effort at all…

3 angry bitter adult males

Unable to cope

In continually needing

A security blanket

a pat on the back

Lonely sexually

Failed adult males

Who have no life

Away from their computer

No girlfriends

No wives

No children


Just them and a stupid fucking computer

Little children needing reassurance

Three butthurt little unemployed children

…….. And then there's you…

You're a good guy

You've lived your life

You work hard your entire life

You loved your wife

And she loved you

And your daughter does too


you're a fucking but

but you're a good guy


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74e232  No.245085



you were right

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74e232  No.245088

Lol @ "richard"

speech to text is funny

I said Of The Wretched Disgusting

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050a82  No.245091


Johnny, this is one of the only places on the internet that allows people like myself, whether I'm a kook or narcissist or 100% accurate and hated for it, this is the ONLY place on the web that allows people like myself to post freely.

ALL the Tech giants censor users outright, and most outright block Tor and VPN use too. Including Reddit to 4chan! Even those sites are compromised and censored and vet the users.

8kun, no matter how underground or shitty it may be, is the LAST REFUGE outside of Minds or Bitchute but even they have their limitations to free speech. This is the only place that allows me to be fully anonymous and doesn't block my proxy IPs or censor what I have to say. Simple as that.

And make no mistake: once the real internet is turned into something like corporate TV service, I'm cutting the service completely. I'd have no use for it. I would miss sharing tons of media on p2p networks though, but whatever. I have everything I need already backed up numerous times on different offline mediums.

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74e232  No.245092

I heard the Senate Subcommittee on Appropriations has decided to increase

funding this year to pay for the FBI's

Top Secret Clandestine Surreptitious

"Prevent Killcen From Posting in /pnd/

Counterintelligence Program"…..

They're investing MILLIONS into it

obviously, it must be important to them

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74e232  No.245094


no…. it actually ISN'T….

apparently, you don't do Facebook

Neither do I, unless I'm looking for

photos of certain people…..

and occasionally, I'll see a news channels page


what Marshmallow Sally calls "trolling"

(he's a trendy bitch who uses catchphrases)

and let me explain something to you ;


of course, I don't type words like "fuck" or

"shit" or "nigger", because it's a public forum

with community standards…

of course…..

but that's okay

because typing the word "nigger" isnt important

to me, nor is typing "fuck" or "shit"

my "freedom of speech" isnt hinging on

my desire to use cuss words…

And when you or I go to a restaurant, we

don't say nigger or fuck or shit…. simply

out of common courtesy…. we don't go

to the grocery store and start telling

nigger and fuck and shit….

so who cares…

but you are WRONG …

You have the exact same freedom of speech

I'm Facebook or Instagram or whatever

Being able to speak your mind is not limited to this stupid image board… If you think this is the only place where you can say what you want, you are sadly mistaken…

And regarding your insane conspiracy theory bullshit :

There are literally millions of insane lunatic conspiracy theory not faces on Facebook just like you .. even worse… You seem tame compared to some of them…

So stop fooling yourself, because this imageboard is NOT the "last bastion of free speech"

not at all…….

I say extremely outrageous controversial disrupted shit ALL THE TIME, and none of my comments ever get deleted, and none of my profiles ever get banned, and nobody is censoring me….

The reason you don't know is because


So you have no idea what that happening there

And you don't have enough information to make the comparison

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74e232  No.245095



the place that CENSORS PEOPLE is8KUN

take Jerry for example….,

the biggest hypocrite sissy censor on earth

I manipulated him into PROVING WJAT A

HYPOCRITE HE IS…. I made him turn his


Grand Central Station of Censorship

8kun's empty irrelevant boards are

censored Willy Billy by butthurt sissy

board operators….


to be censored here than in facebook

in fact, you continually gripe about having your threads deleted in here….

the only reason /pnd/ and /random/ don't currently censor is because THE BOARD CREATOR GOT BORED AND ABANDONED IT….

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74e232  No.245097

if you're SO ANGRY about Censorship

you should go protest your local grocery store

because they don't want you yelling nigger or

shit or fuck….

but the grocery store doesn't actively censor you



so it's okay to voluntarily allow censorship

when buying groceries but not online?

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15d97a  No.245099


>There are literally millions of insane lunatic conspiracy theory not faces on Facebook just like you .. even worse… You seem tame compared to some of them…

But the terms of service of Facebook is what keeps me away, not just the censorship or shadow banning. The fact you have to use a real phone number and corporate email account (just as invasive) to register keeps people like me off that site. I would never subject myself to such privacy invasion, it would undermine my OPSEC completely.


>in fact, you continually gripe about having your threads deleted in here….

Most of them are not, but the few times they are I can re-post them any time with an archive link too. Something that Big Tech has algorithms to prevent.


You would never be able to tell I was a "conspiracy theorist" if you saw me in real life out in public. I conceal myself like the rest of the normies and blend right in. You think I actually rant and rave about criminal conspiracy out in public? Hell no. I am very cautious not to cause any red flag.

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74e232  No.245109



Now you're changing your story?

A minute ago you said 8kun was

The ONLY PLACE where free speech was allowed

the final last bastion without censorship…

but now you're telling me it's not about

censorship at all, you're simply paranoid

about using a phone number….

tsk tsk tsk

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74e232  No.245110

"You would never be able to tell I was a "conspiracy theorist" if you saw me in real life out in public. I conceal myself "

yes….. correct…

you've got no problem voluntarily submitting to rules


and yes, they only delete a few of your threads here…

but even ONE deleted thread = Censorship

and if they censor you at all

then it's not a bastion of free speech

I leave RUDE AS SHIT comments on facebook

I call people idiots, ridicule their stupidity

critique how far their wives are

I upload my original art

and it's outrageous content

guaranteed to infuriate people

and they never delete ANYTHING I say

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74e232  No.245111

lol @ jerry's uncool fixation on "freedom"

"Freedom of speech this, Freedom of speech that"

Freedom of speech freedom of speech

that's all he talks about


It's always the ones who toot their self righteous horn the most .. ,

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62bbc4  No.245112


I told you it was privacy invasive in the first comment, and yes, that is another big part of the problem, plus they have algorithms to auto-ban undesired content too. But the main key to OPSEC is never giving your real credentials when it comes to shitposting or exposing corruption online! I can't begin to tell you all the precaution I take to do so safely and anonymously.


I can mitigate censorship here when it does happen. Not so on most major social media networks that outright ban proxy IP ranges and have auto-censor algorithms in place!

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74e232  No.245113


we learned that you shouldn't blow smoke up my ass about 8kun being the "only place online where you can say what you want without being censored" and instead, just be honest and say "you're too paranoid to go anywhere else"

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74e232  No.245114


have you ever noticed how the word "TREE" looks like the word "FREE"?

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74e232  No.245116


Me ? …….I don't mind having my garbage deleted

I actually WANTED Jerry to delete me

so he was being a transparent hypocrite

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6ce39d  No.245117


Well Jerry is doing it the right way at least. He's supporting alternative platforms that safeguard those with anonymity aka by not needing to digest too much detailed info to register to those platforms in the first place. He likely has 100 obscure temporary disposable email accounts with no personal info to register to alternative platforms. THAT is how you do it correctly. Only sites like Twitter, Instagram and Facebook do not accept those, and require REAL PHONE NUMBERS…..

That's because they work with the feds to spy on users!

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74e232  No.245119


Yeah but WHO CARES ?

Jerry's board is TOTALLY DEAD

nobody finds 'freedomzine' to be appealing

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6ce39d  No.245120

Every so-called "alias" on a Facebook has a REAL PHONE NUMBER that can be used to IDENTIFY that poster!

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74e232  No.245121

who gives a fuck what jerry's doing?

it's like he opened a restaurant

that only serves rancid boring bike

so of course he's got ZERO customers

His restaurant is dead

So what he does in there doesn't matter

To anyone

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6ce39d  No.245122


Same with any Gmail accounts you register with too! REAL PHONE IDs required!!!

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6ce39d  No.245123


I like his board, he has a lot of good tips in there, many of which were my own!

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218bbb  No.245124

Oh this is a good comment!

>>244878 (my own comment)

>>245090 (spook anon replies!)

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0aff6c  No.245143


as if you can "teach me" what I already know


I already know, and I don't care


nope …. his board is WORTHLESS GARBAGE

and the only reason you go there is charity

……………………………..you feel sorry for him

like a shitty tone deaf singer

and nobody comes to see him sing

in an empty nightclub…

except for his mommy

the one person clapping their hands

in the awkward silence between songs


I don't click links…

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6af53e  No.245569


I had to leave 4chsn for green pastures. Hopefully Lurking will do me good and the constant demoralizing threads and bant aren’t to much to sift through here. Glad to be here into the shadows I go

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4c36f9  No.245573

No lab leak here! Man eat bat! Man catch virus! We KILL MAN!! Glory to the CCP!

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3eb57a  No.245601


>retard meme pics

The ZOG-fags pushing the Covid-hoax shit hard now.

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