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File: 2a02990ef34d798⋯.gif (1.56 MB, 380x488, 95:122, biden_deal_with_it_2.gif)

571c9f  No.244856

>Sen. Jim Risch, R-Idaho, led a letter with seven of his GOP colleagues to Senate Small Business Committee Chairman Ben Cardin, D-Md., calling for another hearing on Dilawar Syed, Biden's nominee for SBA deputy administrator.

>"If an individual who supports these accusations was to be confirmed, it would hinder the close cooperation businesses in America and Israel have in areas such as cybersecurity, artificial intelligence, medicine, bio-medicine and more," the letter concludes.

Biden is making it difficult for Israel to steal our technology. Oy vey!

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b90731  No.244864

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Mark my word, all these Trumptards will be manipulated into supporting Desantis because of something retarded like mask policy.

The gullibility of what white people is astonishing


Q Anon and Jesus

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e5939f  No.244880


I guess they shot themselves in the foot, and I hope they keep on doing it too.


I don't really care if Republicans stall their agendas anon. They're all bad agendas. If it were my way you would never see Congress pass another law or massive budget ever again.

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b25ebc  No.244897


< has an opinion


< thinks anyone wants to hear it

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1e1909  No.244899


>Mark my word, all these Trumptards will be manipulated into supporting Desantis because of something retarded like mask policy.

Hopefully it will play out like 2020 did.

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d2e165  No.244902

>oh noes! Biden's an antisemite.

that's not how the game is played.

Israel was created to gather 6 million jews to be sacrificed by fire.

Odd how when they started the project they didn't know about nuclear weapons.

Once the temple is rebuilt, they will destroy israel, "sacrificing" 6 million jews in nuclear fire. The fire will be lit by Iran, most likely.

This is supposed to bring about the rule of the world by satan, with Satan working through the 13 bloodlines.

Your part in this? You're part of the 93% of humanity they kill off because they don't need you.

You don't believe it? That doesn't matter, they do. They own the banks, the governments, the media and the schools. What you believe or don't doesn't matter to them. You're just as dead.

You'll follow any leader that kills off israel and solves "the jewish problem".

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b25ebc  No.244905


you must've missed the memo

jews run the world

lol @ your life being spent

trying to pretend there's a

'burgeoning movement'

and that you're 'part of it'

your team can't win

you don't know how

that's why you failed

if your team could win

you would've already done it

a long long time ago

jews controlled your life

before you were even born

the day it changes

I'll let you know

Now, run along

and complain

with your imaginary


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b25ebc  No.244909


< Mark my word

I just went ahead and marked all of them

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571c9f  No.244912

File: 4d8130fe9199aff⋯.png (292.61 KB, 1821x926, 1821:926, israel_created_to_be_destr….PNG)


>Once the temple is rebuilt, they will destroy israel, "sacrificing" 6 million jews in nuclear fire. The fire will be lit by Iran, most likely.

1. I look forward to fighting in Armageddon. Even if I'm taken out before I can land a single punch, it will be pretty cool bragging to your friends in Heaven that you were technically part of the Apocalypse.

2. Their strategy relies on deception. Prophesy isn't black and white – there are countless ways on interpreting a single prophetic word, which is why interpreters are so often mentioned in Old and New Testaments. Fake Jews are only trying their best to achieve what they assume their father, Satan, desires. But look at their failure thus far! All it takes to upend their attempts is simply telling the truth. People learn the truth, deception fails to work.

3. "Israel" is the Church. The illegally occupying Jewish State is a farce. Fake Jews interpret Holy Scripture like atheists - they are a mundane people - but Holy Scripture is not of this world.

Do not be afraid.

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b25ebc  No.244913

File: b17f88c200b7eea⋯.png (314.65 KB, 1015x1145, 203:229, PicsArt_07_01_04_16_45.png)

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b25ebc  No.244914


< Doesn't realize Harmageddon is a MOUNTAIN, and not a hypothetical "final battle"

< Believes in "heaven"

< Believes in "god"

uneducated, gullible white trash

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b25ebc  No.244915

it certainly didn't take much to hoodwink you into an ENTIRE LIFE'S BELIEF SYSTEM, did it ?

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571c9f  No.244916


t. mundane atheist fake Jew

Don't worry, Mordechai, us gullible white trash will ensure the Diaspora is annihilated with the Jewish State, so no anti-Christ giga-kike can rise. We'll be fine :)

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b25ebc  No.244917



You gullible trailerpark white trash

weak and powerless christians garbage

will continue doing what you've always done

whining, pouting, and FAILING

jews owned your great grandfather

and your grandfather

and your spineless dad

and your mopbucket mother

lol @ you thinking you're the

generation that can break the

centuries-old legacy of failure

hint: if you were able to attract a (female) sex

partner, maybe you'd have great grandchildren

and they'd also be tethered to their genetic

ineptitude and laughable history of incompetence

but you won't have kids

because you're a weak

sedentary lazy slob who

lives his empty existence

in empty imageboards

thinking he's intimidating

and masturbating to chump porn

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b25ebc  No.244918


you're an isolated inexperienced

videogame imageboard pornography


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571c9f  No.244919

File: 205296c505e05a0⋯.png (171.85 KB, 1080x468, 30:13, Why_Jews_Hate_Christianity.PNG)


You're projecting your own worry onto everyone else. I think you've just realized that your own people have set up 6 million of you for nuclear Hellfire. It has nothing to do with white trash but the Jewish Elite you are defending in this very thread. Cutting off your face to spite the nose, Moshe? When such a genocide fails to manifest the desired outcome, what happens? The Diaspora becomes vulnerable. And you know what the dogs and jackals do when they see a weak, vulnerable, and injured prey?

This is coming and very soon. The only way to prevent it is capitulation.

Something to think about :)

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b25ebc  No.244920


the ONLY reason you're in here complaining

is because of your family's history of failure

winners don't complain

go watch another porno, sissyboy super mario

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571c9f  No.244921


I'm no longer addressing your projection, bro. I feel like I'm just engaging your mental illness. If you'd lie a conversation or debate then I'm around. But I predict you will impotently spam the thread because you're afraid of the truth.

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2b6e5f  No.244922




Either filter on sight or migrate.

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571c9f  No.244923

File: a04c219f1f92b3d⋯.jpg (22.82 KB, 300x360, 5:6, thumbs_up.jpg)

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b25ebc  No.244924


no, I'm NOT……

I realize that the cornerstone of your

transparent "superior self" clownshow

is an OBVIOUS inferiority self perception

and just like all inferiority complexes,

you are compelled to continually tell

yourself that you're "better than"

to you, EVERYONE is "projecting"

or "kvetching" or "larping" or "this"

or "that" WAAAHHHHHHHHH !!!

So everyone EXPECTS IT from you

"complaining" is what you do………

it's the only thing you succeed at

it's how we can tell you're still alive

Nope, videogame sissyboy….. nobody's projecting

I'm making simple observations

and you're a powerless bitch

like like "mopbucket mommy"

effeminate and alone, bitter

and whining, but nobody listens

your entire family bend down for jews

and they always will, little boy

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b25ebc  No.244925


in other words, RUN AND HIDE….. right?

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8d7296  No.244926


do you suggest EVERYBODY use your famous "run and hide" sissyboy technique, or just that one loser?


since you're a "run and hide sissy filter coward"

I'll just post it again

no, I'm NOT……

I realize that the cornerstone of your

transparent "superior self" clownshow

is an OBVIOUS inferiority self perception

and just like all inferiority complexes,

you are compelled to continually tell

yourself that you're "better than"

to you, EVERYONE is "projecting"

or "kvetching" or "larping" or "this"

or "that" WAAAHHHHHHHHH !!!

So everyone EXPECTS IT from you

"complaining" is what you do………

it's the only thing you succeed at

it's how we can tell you're still alive

Nope, videogame sissyboy….. nobody's projecting

I'm making simple observations

and you're a powerless bitch

like like "mopbucket mommy"

effeminate and alone, bitter

and whining, but nobody listens

your entire family bend down for jews

and they always will, little boy

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8d7296  No.244927



the two sissy-filter cowardly queens of THE SS

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39dd2f  No.244928

you're going to have a hell of a time

"Taking back what you never had"

if you can't even handle ME

you LITERALLY run & hide behind a sissy filter

at the behest of another coward

how "intimidating" you are

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39dd2f  No.244929


Nice NYC 1998 dragqueen art show latex faggot pic, btw

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39dd2f  No.244930

File: 76fbcac8dd02202⋯.jpg (228.93 KB, 1080x1296, 5:6, PicsArt_07_01_06_37_44.jpg)

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39dd2f  No.244931

I'm guessing you're going to TAKE THE WORLD BY STORM while playing videogames and jacking your lonely unused little dick to pornhub?

you're a weak Effeminate Little Child

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ccf53d  No.244932


when big meanies show up run and hide LIKE ME

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ccf53d  No.244933

File: e04a78329420e61⋯.jpg (222.14 KB, 1080x1296, 5:6, PicsArt_07_01_06_49_39.jpg)

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ccf53d  No.244934

fashion trend-following out of shape potbelly Overwatch/Anime,/Porn/Imageboard creampuffs

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ccf53d  No.244935



Sassypants faggot

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ccf53d  No.244936

you haven't even had a gf, been married or had kids

and you're ALREADY washed-up

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ccf53d  No.244937

because your legacy is VIDEOGAMES

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ccf53d  No.244938

I've never seen such SUPERIOR MEN who can't even get pussy, and spent their lives sitting in a bedroom with a game controller in their chubby soft hands

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ccf53d  No.244939

You're BETTER ….

better than ANYONE

you're stronger



better in ever way


yet you've never seen an open vagina

in real life, and at this rate

you never will

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fa0ecc  No.244947




Now that's funny.


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983bad  No.244952


>Sen. Jim Risch, R-Idaho, led a letter with seven of his GOP colleagues

Why do republicans lick jew-ass?

The real reason?

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571c9f  No.244954


I think they're convinced that if Israel falls the Anti-Christ will rise. They're brainwashed Evangelicals. But luckily everyone has reached the point where Anti-Christ or not the Jewish Question will be answered.

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67fc21  No.244965

File: 8ec811204ab4e0a⋯.png (440.49 KB, 596x926, 298:463, open_vagina.png)


>seen an open vagina

open vagina?

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6cb87d  No.245446

He still fucks kids. I don't idolize pedophiles.

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571c9f  No.245470


No one said Biden is good, only that he's bad for Israel.

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de9aaa  No.245506

File: c642f76070adf3a⋯.jpeg (12.24 KB, 177x285, 59:95, download.jpeg)


>I have a one track mind

>supporting niggers, trannies, liberal agendas and the poor and stupid can all be forgiven if you don't outright support Israel

You're a fucking retard tranny enabler. Kill yourself.

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571c9f  No.245507


>they prefer niggers, trannies, liberal agendas an stupid more than jews

oy vey

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