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File: f158a8795f958d6⋯.jpg (671.87 KB, 1680x1050, 8:5, Jew_IQ.jpg)

2ff69f  No.243967

Imagine being the kike Elite and thinking that by causing sexual degeneracy, financial and government corruption, a migrant crisis… that you'll convince the "sleeping masses" that sexual degeneracy, financial and government corruption, and a migrant crisis are all bad. What do they call this concept? Tikkun Olam? Imagine thinking the masses don't already oppose all the evil you're creating solely to convince the majority to oppose it!

>muh great social experiment

These "people" are as immoral as they are dumb and I can't wait until the "sleeping masses" rips and tears at every last one of them.

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f3a24e  No.244239

>Low IQ Azhkenazi myth

How the fuck do you subvert WITH LOW IQ




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2ff69f  No.244245

File: 05ec5324c5fee31⋯.jpg (162.36 KB, 838x960, 419:480, brainlet_merchant.jpg)


This kike is a perfect example of why Jews are defeated. They confuse the willingness to lie with intelligence. He might as well have said

>how the fuck do you made a million $$$ selling drugs if youre a dumb nigger!

>niggers are the masterrace!

No… they're just willing to do wrong. Like Jews.

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739ce8  No.245216

File: 5e239584b97b6ca⋯.jpg (280.06 KB, 1920x1070, 192:107, ffeaddfd56fd59059f76b8670d….jpg)

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2ff69f  No.245221

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4ae67e  No.245280

Some one once told me they needed to deconstruct the country in order to reconstruct… But really they are deconstructing with no real plan other than hope for a miracle that it will reconstruct itself… Or they planed the whole thing plan on things getting better and if it not for them deconstructing the country in the first place we would be like 10 years more advanced by now.

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31fb54  No.245574

File: c16f2a935eeba86⋯.jpg (73 KB, 422x326, 211:163, mensa_chapters.jpg)


Another way to test the "smart jew" myth would be to look at proxy measurements, such as the racial makeup of mensa. If Jews are as smart as they claim to be then they should make up the majority of the people in mensa.

Unfortunately the US Mensa does not ask people what race they are when they join. However, they do track the number of members in each local branch. Maybe someone can break down these numbers a bit further.

If you know the racial demographics of these cities from the US census bureau, and the average IQ of Whites, Blacks and Hispanics, you can calculate the number of Whites, Blacks and Hispanics eligible for Mensa in each of these cities. If you know what the participation rate is, then you can calculate the number of Whites, Blacks and Hispanics that are members and then, from pic, the number of Jews who are members. Then you can compare this to the Jewish population in each city and work out what their IQ is. Assuming that participation in Mensa is the same everywhere, that's five unknowns (White, Black, Hispanic, Jewish participation rates plus the jewish average IQ).

If someone finds the racial demographic statistics for each city, I will do the calculation later and post results.

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2eab5b  No.245580

Imagine being the goy OP in fantasylamd thinking that someday there will be a baseless avalanche of "evidence" about this presented in the media that we control

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c25397  No.245600


>How the fuck do you subvert WITH LOW IQ

The rule of the Kikes isn't possible without millions of loyal Christfag servants, who would turn every white male child into a faggot, and marry every white girl to a nigger, if they thought it was what the Sky Kike wanted them to do.

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