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I have been gone for 6 months and nobody has claimed this board 51 reports wtf?????

File: 1e1b1ea85aa28bf⋯.png (1.04 MB, 988x1098, 494:549, monarchy.png)

b27383  No.243897

The kike queen and her shit family are on the way out.

Sorry, but no world Bolshevism via (((Catholic Monarchy))) for you :)

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da9939  No.243911


>Young people want X to happen

>Young people keep electing people who don't want X to happen

Youth is wasted on the young. They never do shit except complain.

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8979c0  No.243931

File: 30db6045282d1ed⋯.png (946.18 KB, 1080x1200, 9:10, PicsArt_06_28_10_56_48.png)

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b27383  No.243933


what is this shit attempt at a meme? fuck off boomer wtf.

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8979c0  No.243934

File: ce29e5876d5b563⋯.png (913.48 KB, 1080x1200, 9:10, PicsArt_06_28_11_05_31.png)

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8979c0  No.243935


lol @ the word "meme" actually being part of your vocabulary

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b27383  No.243936


>haha meme amirite?

dumb jew lmao

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8979c0  No.243937

File: 59ee9bfba23dc83⋯.png (1.25 MB, 1080x1200, 9:10, PicsArt_06_28_11_11_04.png)


"Adult Male Chooses Imageboard Catchphrases Over Heterosexual Relationships, study says"

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b27383  No.243938


"Johnny Neptune got raped so hard by Moarpheus he has actually changed personas."

I think the spastic faggot Jew persona was better than this laid back chill shit. You're garbage at this.

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8979c0  No.243939

File: 21397e90a9a071a⋯.png (1.37 MB, 1080x1200, 9:10, PicsArt_06_28_11_22_45.png)

"OP has no sexual history with females whatsoever, study says"

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8979c0  No.243940

File: d1f01ac8f2abb2b⋯.jpg (183.68 KB, 1656x1656, 1:1, 123762587_3418460071574595….jpg)

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8979c0  No.243941

File: 306a08c55eaa850⋯.jpg (172.46 KB, 1656x1656, 1:1, 118803805_3251409718279632….jpg)

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8979c0  No.243942

File: 278417ec9c6a247⋯.jpg (83.39 KB, 960x960, 1:1, 20292982_1408547115899244_….jpg)

literal white trash

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b27383  No.243943


lmao jew you are hopeless

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8979c0  No.243945

when EVERY television show from a certain country ends with an 80 year old man wearing women's underwear outside of his business suit, chasing another 80-year-old man around a park bench, while Scott Joplin music plays too fast in the background, obviously that country doesn't matter.

Nobody gives a fuck what the British think or say

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8979c0  No.243946


What the fuck are you even rambling about?

you're not making any sense

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8979c0  No.243947

File: 2fa2a3f80821db1⋯.jpg (45.02 KB, 630x470, 63:47, micro_penis.jpg)

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8979c0  No.243948

File: 30b0b365288688d⋯.jpg (29.81 KB, 300x250, 6:5, 4f5b76f6318a4672baaa30c20a….jpg)

Jim was worried he'd face a lawsuit, so he CHANGED THE SPELLING OF BIDEN

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8979c0  No.243949

File: ca7d22e2e66cde3⋯.png (793.9 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, Wendy_about_to_fuck_Amy.png)


here's my wife about to fuck a 21 year old girl named Amy that we met standing in line at McDonald's

Tell me some more imageboard catchphrases

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8979c0  No.243950


….and YES, that photograph was taken with a jar of vaseline, instead of a camera….

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8979c0  No.243951

File: d82a5e8a13ea282⋯.jpg (36.42 KB, 300x250, 6:5, 72853abeb1694def97293fcb65….jpg)


You should invite some of your imaginary friends to go to MAGAPALOOZA with you

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8979c0  No.243952

File: 1d4ae751c0216c4⋯.png (588.06 KB, 1080x2300, 54:115, Screenshot_20210628_233852.png)


….it's actually a still frame captured from the very beginning of a video I shot with Amy's phone…

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b27383  No.243955

File: adf7ca776b2c46d⋯.jpg (48.18 KB, 959x702, 959:702, Nobody_hand_sign_Moarpheus.jpg)








(((You))) got called-out and reverted right back to your original persona. Kid.. you are not on my level.

(((You))) have failed to discourage, deceive, and disarm. And seeing as your shtick is 2 dimensional I'm bored.

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8979c0  No.243956

File: 6404e29e258a328⋯.png (162.01 KB, 1080x2300, 54:115, Screenshot_20210628_234232.png)


Philip only gotthreereviews on his shitty "I'm fixated on child molestation, but I'm pretending to be an avenger" book PEDOGATE PRIMER.

of course, his mother Barbara Fairbanks gave it 5 stars, and of course Philip gave it 5 stars…

I wonder which of his family members only gave it 4 stars…..

regardless, Philip wrote the god damn book

but he STILL doesn't realize that

it's pronounced "PRIMMER"

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8979c0  No.243957


Dear Fuckface,

You're fascinating.

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8979c0  No.243958

File: fcf243900ff1e59⋯.png (897.19 KB, 1080x1200, 9:10, PicsArt_06_28_11_51_46.png)


I'm curious….. exactly WHAT made you think your opinions and beliefs were important to anybody else?

because that's all you ever do, is voice your repetitive opinions and beliefs, IN A COMPLETELY EMPTY BOARD….

it seems like the "nobody even reads your posts" thing would've been a red flag

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8979c0  No.243959


So you're going to stay awake all night in here again?…..

If you're ever going to find a job, you're going to need to start keeping a regular schedule

Speaking of which I just realized it's almost midnight….

This is actually a couple hours past my normal bedtime. I wasn't even paying attention to the clock.. I'm going to sleep now…

(also you're going to need to bathe before you go find a job, so that'll be a first)

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8979c0  No.243960

Have fun pretending like you have an audience

Goodnight, Job Seeker

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8979c0  No.243962

oh….. hold on

okay yeah, now I get it

Your feelings are hurt because I pointed out the fact that you're unemployed… now I get it

oh well

goodnight, Mr. Excitement

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16b0f8  No.243964

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da9939  No.252466

hail to the chief

he's your buddy and your neighbor

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