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I have been gone for 6 months and nobody has claimed this board 51 reports wtf?????

File: c09cc037fa73a55⋯.jpg (1.74 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, 062.jpg)

5cd972  No.243839

The Milk and Meat Supremacy

People who evolved for colder climates traditionally can eat lots of meat and dairy products. A high protein and fatty diet keeps their bodies warm in the winter. Digesting milk also offers a nutrient boost as well as a vitamin D boost. But most people who evolved for hotter climates can't even digest the lactose in milk. Their ancestors were fruitarians and vegans, such as Central Africans and East Asians. In conclusion, there is no such thing as a universal diet for all mankind.



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2709ab  No.243876


Monkeys eat meat when they can get it. Usually from a monkey of the same or similar species, but a different tribe.

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2c0e0e  No.243882


Yeah, but you do realize we have things like central heating now, right? All that fatty meat/dairy they used to eat would be burned off by working in the fields. Your ancestors got away with it because they weren't sitting around in a comfy chair all day slurping G-Fuel and screaming like a toddler at video games.

Stop eating fat and drink more water, tubbo.

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efc8c5  No.244075


Milk only serves ONE PURPOSE :

to provide an infant with colostrum

it appears that milk may be the reason you spend your life playing videogames, and have ZERO EXPERIENCE FUCKING FEMALES

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efc8c5  No.244076


so, if I ate more meat and drank more milk, I can be "superior" like you?

"superior" at playing videogames ?

the "upper echelon" of masturbating to trap porn?

the "elite" mastery of loneliness ?

the "supremacy" of seeking empty reassurances from other adult males who can't get any pussy?

here's an interesting tidbit for consideration :

IM A VEGETARIAN, who leans towards veganism as much as possible, and I've quite LITERALLY fucked well over 600 women and teenaged girls in my life

I'm happily married to a beautiful GENIUS woman

my children are grown now, all three of them being healthy and attractive and BRILLIANT (and vegetarian) and popular

and then there's YOU…..

the guy with no girlfriend

the guy who jacks off

the guy who plays videogames

the isolated lonely little boy, trapped in the body of an adult male, who spends his wretched existence tethered to his stupid fucking computer, trying to hide the fact that nobody finds him interetsting enough to share their life with him.

the overlooked, insignificant, irrelevant little videogame sissyboy…

thanks for the "heads up"…

I'll be sure to continue avoiding meet and dairy…

whatetver you've been eating and drinking, obviously it leads to stunted development, a never ending infantile state of borderline homosexuality.

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efc8c5  No.244077


since you've NEVER had a female allow you to eat her out, you'll definitely end up "eating a lot of meat" when the opportunity finally arises.

you want sex, of course….

and since it's obviously not going to involve a female, eventually you WILL end up with a dick in your mouth.

it's guaranteed…. in fact, there's a very realistic possibility that you've already eaten man meat.

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efc8c5  No.244078

File: 42970f7ce48c7b9⋯.jpg (92.8 KB, 620x565, 124:113, PicsArt_10_26_08_24_05.jpg)


what a GENTLEMANLY supremacy!!

very considerate of you to help men with their meat

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efc8c5  No.244079

File: 4089a1ea4168018⋯.jpg (60.74 KB, 600x400, 3:2, PicsArt_10_26_08_03_54.jpg)

btw, that's not milk pouring out of you

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efc8c5  No.244080


it would be SO FUCKING FUNNY to see a photograph of you

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efc8c5  No.244081

lol @ nutrient boost and vitamin D boost

vitamin semen, more like it

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192a77  No.244082



I can honestly say that you're three of the MOST INFERIOR excuse making distractionaries that I've ever seen…

pathetic, to be candid

three of the loneliest, most awkward, unaccomplished social and sexual misfits on earth

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192a77  No.244097


I'm 100% CERTAIN that I could get you to suck my dick in real life…. it would be easy as shit…

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192a77  No.244098


all I would have to do is pretend that I liked you, say a couple cheesy insincere comments about "how intelligent you are", and "how much potential you have".

brush your fragile tiny little ego….


then, out of the blue, act like I'm suddenly 'disappointed in you'd for some unknown reason…

at that point, you'd panic at the thought of me abandoning you, because abandonment is your sore spot….

and if I unzipped my pants, you'd suck my dick like a drunk teenaged cheerleader after the homecoming game


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192a77  No.244099


it's really not rocket science

you have NO EXPERIENCE with heterosexuality

so it wouldn't take much

to coax you into getting on your knees

homosexuality is your natural inclination

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d537c1  No.244158


Right now I'm eating some hamburger with katchup sauce and ground chili pepper, with a side of green beans cooked with ginger root.

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2c0e0e  No.252465

smells like a beef fart

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79bb62  No.252488


I am a med and should eat a Mediterranean diet. It's what I evolved to eat. I am the product of Muslim rape.

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fdf16c  No.252743


Or perhaps live a healthier lifestyle that justifies the diet. Exercise more, and don't be too comfy.

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5af504  No.252939



it is not about race. Yes, some of the facts reported are true. But they are not the only facts, and limiting the discourse to those cherry-picked facts is schizophrenic. You will not hget the whole picture.

Carnivores are simply stronger, mentally and physically. It is a matter of class, not race. People who can afford more meat do eat more meat, and have a better position from which to conduct their life.

Good quality meat is way better than cheap processed meat, and has none of the isde effects. You do not need wagyu or organic (bullshit industry), you don't need the anti-biotics or hormones either, you just need good meat.

Just look at the mental and physical health of vegetarians and vegans.

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