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I have been gone for 6 months and nobody has claimed this board 51 reports wtf?????

File: d1c262fbb67c045⋯.jpeg (477.23 KB, 1919x1279, 1919:1279, static_politico_com.jpeg)

5d8dd6  No.243582[Last 50 Posts]

Why take something down that's going to go back up anyways?

Guy has carte blanche regarding decorations and he has not replaced Trumps golden curtains.

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e11b8a  No.243639


You haven't looked very closely have you?

Those aren't the same curtains.

These are a much darker color amber

And they have a different pattern sewn in them

Trump's Oval Office curtains were lighter

With their own distinctive pattern sewn into the fabric.

While I agree that they look somewhat similar they are not the same curtains

HOWEVER : why did Trump keep Obama's wallpaper in the Oval Office?

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d5f570  No.243673


>this concerned over interior decorating

Show tits or fuck off.

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9f7cb3  No.243717


the other anon was correct. they're different curtains and valances, and completely different wallpaper. he was also correct that trump kept obama's wallpaper in the oval office during his entire 4 year administration.

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49ec4f  No.243719


If you really want to question a conspiracy theory I'll give you a very good one some are starting to ask….

FACT: It's the US president that is control of foreign and domestic use of US Army deployment…. OK, basic fact. Another fact, Donald Trump held yet another major rally recently in Ohio. What photos were captured there recently? …. US Army deployment for his protection.

Now here's the question: Why would Joe Biden send the US Army to a Trump rally to help protect him? Who knows. I'm not into the Q larp but something is odd about it. If you want to go into conspiracy about Trump and Biden, start there.

Personally I think the whole political side show is completely staged behind the scenes these days by governments and internationalists. They pic the winners and losers and we are just watching a big show.

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9f7cb3  No.243721


Jerry, you need to get some sleep, dude…

the military was not there 'to protect trump', dumbass.

the military was there to attack trump's white trash supporters, in the event that people like you decided to show your ass again like you losers did at the Capitol

(trust me, bitch…. we are NOT going to let that happen again… next time, the military will kill all of you no questions asked)

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9f7cb3  No.243722


<Personally I think the whole political side show is completely staged behind the scenes these days

so in other words, the mania has already begun transitioning into paranoid schizophrenia….

perhaps your daughters should consider finally signing the 10-13?

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9f7cb3  No.243724

lol @ "the military"

it was THE NATIONAL GUARD, einstein

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9f7cb3  No.243725

<If you want to go into conspiracy about Trump and Biden, start there.

no… nobody's interesten "going into a conspiracy" about ANYTHING

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9f7cb3  No.243726

only YOU AND QFAGGOTS are still interested in fabricating boring insane conspiracy theories

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d5f570  No.243727


The US Army cannot be deployed on US soil, dumbass. Also, if you can't tell the difference between "US Army", "Ohio National Guard", and "A bunch of fat dweebs cosplaying as army men", then you need a bullet to the face.

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9f7cb3  No.243728


Don't be so hard on him… he's been going to a live personal problems ever since the election.

It's been very busy staying awake for days in flights of uncontrolled frantic mania.

It's only 6 AM where he is, and he hasn't slept since Friday night.

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9f7cb3  No.243730


Nancy knows the full list of atypical antipsychotics, so she can recommend the right medical management of your organic psychiatric disorder once the 10-13 is signed.

and who knows?… maybe if you comply with the medical regimen, you'll stabilize somewhat, and your daughters can petition the court to let you begin doing occasional home visits?

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9f7cb3  No.243731


lol @ speech to text typos hahahaha


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9f7cb3  No.243733

"If you really want to question a conspiracy theory I'll give you a very good onesome are starting to ask"

lol yeah, sure….. "some" are starting to ask….

"some", like your "reliable sources" who indicate Trump is still the president, and he's going to suddenly appear back in the Oval Office on the 4th of July, right ?……….

isn't that right ?…..

You said Trump is STILL "potus"

Biden is not actually president

It's all a "big show"

Nothing is real

Existence is not real

it's all a big "planned out show"

A fabricated reality….

Reliable sources

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9f7cb3  No.243734


< "Personally I think"

Stopped reading there

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d5f570  No.243735


The only conspiracy theory worth paying attention to right now is the "birds aren't real" theory. It's "flat earth society" levels of hilariously genius.

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9f7cb3  No.243736


During the final 6 months of 2020, I offered to bet him $1,500 cash that trump was going to lose the election


And although he insisted "trump was going to win", he still wasn't confident enough to bet the measly $1,500…

I also offered to bet him $2,500 cash that Kelly Loeffler and David Perdue were both going to lose the Senate race.

He didn't take me up on that wager, either….

Now here we are 8 months later, and he has been been going downhill the entire time, unable to sleep for days, frantically typing out insane diatribes that nobody will ever read…

He has also begun insisting that Trump is still president…

Notice he's managing to avoid terms like "won" or "lost", and instead is relying on the ambiguity and vagueness of the term "still president"…

This is he last-ditch desperation of a man whose house of cards has come toppling in.

He insists that trump will magically appear in the Oval Office, either next week on the 4th of July, or "by the end of the year"…..

Trying to give himself a little wiggle room

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9f7cb3  No.243742


the biggest story I've seen about it involved a huge billboard right near where I grew up in Memphis, at the corner of S. Highland & Walker…

I grew up on Central Cove, just a couple blocks away.

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9f7cb3  No.243744

File: e56213fbe8dbced⋯.png (2.01 MB, 1080x2300, 54:115, Screenshot_20210628_100145.png)

There was a big article about it, the 'biggest' thing I've read about it since first hearing about it, and only finding it MILDLY clever at best.

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4327a0  No.243748






Nope, got up this morning, checked some news and saw it in a headline from Rense.


Eat shit too.

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9f7cb3  No.243749

File: 091f8fb0f3f713b⋯.png (2.47 MB, 1080x2300, 54:115, Screenshot_20210628_100158.png)

btw, that little white business that resembles a house on the other side of the parking lot?

well, that's BROTHER JUNIPER'S…..


no shit……. it's AMAZING !!!

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9f7cb3  No.243751


Oh I thought you were JERRY

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4327a0  No.243752


No. All I said was I think the whole system is fucking rigged and the joke is on suckers who rely on this political shit show! I'm done with it, last time I reply about this stupid topic too.

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9f7cb3  No.243753

File: e2fa2ea0433fb02⋯.png (2.38 MB, 1080x2300, 54:115, Screenshot_20210628_100648.png)

BROTHER JUNIPER'S isso God damn goodthat people actually TRAVEL FROM OTHER STATES just to stand in line and eat breakfast

I've done it myself, a few times….

I've LITERALLY driven from Atlanta all the way to memphis, just to eat there

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9f7cb3  No.243754

you honestly CANNOT even imagine how fucking good it is….

the only way to know is TO GO THERE AND EAT

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9f7cb3  No.243755

to say "it's the best breakfast I've EVER eaten in my life" is an understatement

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9f7cb3  No.243756

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Like I said, moderately clever at best

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9f7cb3  No.243760

File: c78b01a81cfd8b9⋯.png (1.12 MB, 1904x1080, 238:135, PicsArt_06_28_10_20_55.png)

they got the wrong story that day

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9f7cb3  No.243762


"last time I reply about this stupid topic too"


which topic ?…. the drapes?

or are you talking about your misperceptions regarding The Natl Guard?

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9f7cb3  No.243767

File: 435d4a72024619c⋯.png (522 KB, 1080x2035, 216:407, PicsArt_06_28_10_32_58.png)


Brother JUNIPER'S is just a few blocks up from where I grew up on Central Cove

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86b6d6  No.243768


About all of this bullshit really.

Lookie here: >>243708 (!!)

This is all a major psyop and there is a covert WAR against America taking place, right now. Politics is a total DISTRACTION!!!

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9f7cb3  No.243769


well, recently Jerry has beenmaking YOU seem SANEso it's understandable why I got the two of you confused for a minute there

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9f7cb3  No.243770


so, in other words…..

you're saying that YES, trump indeed DID keep Obama's wallpaper in the oval office?

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9f7cb3  No.243771


If I'm not mistaken, what you're trying to say is is trunks drapes and valances were a much lighter colorr gold with a different pattern sewn into the fabric?

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4cea2b  No.243772


I know about Juniper backdoors in XP and the class objects within ROOT are completely gutted on my operating system.

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9f7cb3  No.243773

File: 5f04134cea2a2a5⋯.png (422.96 KB, 1342x1080, 671:540, PicsArt_06_28_10_36_12.png)


When I was a little kid, it was called MEMPHIS STATE UNIVERSITY….

Those were the good old days…

We were all little kids, riding around the neighborhood on our stingray bikes with banana seats….

and all the college students would run through the neighborhood, naked… STREAKING

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9f7cb3  No.243774

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


The world was so much cooler back then

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9f7cb3  No.243775

File: 359be932b6b7e24⋯.png (567.02 KB, 2300x1080, 115:54, PicsArt_06_28_10_37_11.png)



a very unique school…. it was built on the campus of Memphis State University…

It was an experimental school, built specifically for the Child Psychology Students at Memphis State to study the students, kinda like a "living laboratory"

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9f7cb3  No.243776

File: 992c49d696f80f6⋯.png (1010.27 KB, 1280x860, 64:43, 20210628_110348.png)


the entire school is a living laboratory….

Every classroom has an entire wall made out of two way mirrors, where the child psychology college students would monitor the elementary school kids…

The college students were "assigned kids", and they'd follow their progress…

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9f7cb3  No.243777

File: bb9268e9859d843⋯.png (1.15 MB, 1280x1154, 640:577, 20210628_110413.png)

it was an AMAZING SCHOOL…..

the food in the cafeteria was comparable to a good restaurant… we were all treated like royalty

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9f7cb3  No.243778

File: 299469051e595f5⋯.png (1.14 MB, 1080x722, 540:361, PicsArt_06_28_10_37_41.png)

the teachers were AMAZING….

the entire school was exemplary……..

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9f7cb3  No.243779

File: ca69a679ae7324d⋯.jpg (164 KB, 1024x407, 1024:407, PicsArt_06_28_10_38_20.jpg)

even as little kids, we all realized how lucky we were…


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9f7cb3  No.243780

File: 177f482542bfda3⋯.png (1 MB, 1325x2048, 1325:2048, EORJ2nBWoAAdhbS.png)

but the most privileged I've ever felt was


C.L.U.E. (creative learning in a unique environment) was groundbreaking back then when it first started…

These days, CLUE has devolved down to the level of your average "gifted student" program….

But not back then….. lol NOPE !!

it was brand new, and they hadn't quite figured out the entire "gifted student" thing yet

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9f7cb3  No.243782

File: 617b418cae93620⋯.png (1011.94 KB, 1080x2300, 54:115, Screenshot_20210628_111649.png)

Back then, it was kinda CRAZY……..

they selected 30 of us….

based on our learning abilities (an IQ does not measure your intelligence. it's a measure of your ABILITY TO LEARN)

also, they were looking specifically for CREATIVITY

I was chosen because of my artistic ability

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9f7cb3  No.243786

Like I said, THESE DAYS they let C.L.U.E. devolve down to niggers being told they are "gifted"….

but back then, we all WERE GIFTED…

we were 30 students, skilled in art, music, literature, science, math, etc

and like I said, they hadn't exactly figured the entire concept out yet, so it was kinda absurd…

They separated us from the other students, having us eat "teachers meals" at lunch, in a separate area of the cafeteria (and I told you the food was restaurant quality, but the "teachers meals" were actually gourmet)

They created special class rooms, filled with musical instruments, recording equipment, canvases & paint, sculpting equipment, movie cameras, science lab equipment, etc etc etc

They told us "do whatever you want to do"

if we wanted to create music, we had a recording studio with pianos and guitars and drums and horns, and special musical instructors to teach us how to read sheet music, etc etc

if we wanted to do artwork, they had a complete art studio, to paint or draw or create sculptures, etc etc

if we wanted to create films, they had all the equipment necessary to make stop-frame animations or create your own short films. They even had a prop dept where construction crews would build "sets" for our films

we were basically left to ourselves, to think up creative projects'

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9f7cb3  No.243787

File: 4424359e31b93a0⋯.png (1.25 MB, 1080x2300, 54:115, Screenshot_20210628_112523.png)

C.L.U.E. is now nothing like it used to be

(we were ALL white and gifted)

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9f7cb3  No.243788

I spent my time composing and recording original music, and creating films.

In the 2nd grade, I was doing animations and matte superimposition special effects stuff In my own original short films

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9f7cb3  No.243789

we only had to do the MOST BASIC 'regular school work's… just the minimum…

95% of our time was spent creating content

and going on special 'field trips' to learn about the art and music industries

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9f7cb3  No.243790


I really lucked out

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9f7cb3  No.243791

File: 5532a699e8d6e6e⋯.jpg (32.56 KB, 728x90, 364:45, d01bbb98fd944cbda81619d90c….jpg)

File: 9b154923c5ec797⋯.png (645.78 KB, 1080x1818, 60:101, PicsArt_06_28_11_47_13.png)

Im guessing Jim didn't want to get sued

so he intentionally misspelled BIDEN

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9f7cb3  No.243793

File: c581d5518e939af⋯.png (2.05 MB, 1080x1818, 60:101, PicsArt_06_28_11_54_36.png)

TOP = obama's oval office

BOTTOM = trump's oval office

Trump kept obama's wallpaper

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9f7cb3  No.243796

File: 7cc181d0bfe458b⋯.jpg (78.55 KB, 640x638, 320:319, view_of_the_resolute_desk_….jpg)


completely different drapes & valances

different wallpaper

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9f7cb3  No.243797


what have we learned today ?


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d5f570  No.243798


No, Jim is just a retard who can't spell.

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9f7cb3  No.243799


by the way, apparently you are oblivious to the fact thatin 2013, they built A SECOND, NEARLY IDENTICAL OVAL OFFICE IN THE WHITE HOUSE

That's right, dumbass !!!… The 2nd Oval Office is located in the south end of the adjacent Eisenhower Executive Office Building


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9f7cb3  No.243801

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


At the end of this video, Jim tries writing my name, spell the word correctly, and comes up with the stupid excuse.

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9f7cb3  No.243802

ooops !!!

I meant to sayCAN'T spell the word correctly

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9f7cb3  No.243803

Jim isNOTan intelligent man

he misspells and mispronounces words all the time …

For example, Philip Fairbanks road the ridiculous book PEDOGATE PRIMER….

And Jim Watkins was pitching sales for Philips shitty "book", and he called it "Pedogate PRIMER"

like PRIME….


Like the base coat of automotive paint

But that's not how it's pronounced…

a "primer" is a small book for teaching children to read, a small introductory book on a subject, a short informative piece of writing.

and it's pronounced"PRIMMER"

As if that wasn't already embarrising enough, EVEN PHILIP FAIRBANKS HOW TO PRONOUNCE THE TITLE OF HIS OWN BOOK !!!

that's right….. Philip WROTE THE BOOK, and didn't even know how to pronounce the title

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9f7cb3  No.243804



For some reason today my speech to text is actually MISSPELLING WORDS !!!

My speech to text just misspelled the word "EMBARRASSING"

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9f7cb3  No.243805


Would you like to hear something kind of interesting?….

Yesterday I noticed that if I use a VPN proxy from the UK, my Android Speech To Text recognition engine spells words with the British Spelling…

I'm not sure if you grasp what I'm trying to say:

The VPN proxy is completely separate from my phone's internal Android speech to text function, but if I am connected to 8kun through a UK IP address through a vpn, somehow my phones internal Android speech to text engine SPELLS THE WORDS WITH BRITISH SPELLINGS

like "flavour", or "spelt", or any of the other decidedly creepy gay spellings used by British faggots.

that doesn't even make sense…..

The internal speech to text recognition engine should NOT be effected by the VPN's IP location

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9f7cb3  No.243808

File: 710769d72d7d7e6⋯.jpg (507.54 KB, 1919x1279, 1919:1279, PicsArt_06_28_12_38_17.jpg)

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9f7cb3  No.243811


Trump didn't even replace Obama's carpet

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9f7cb3  No.243812

File: 61232a5c0a88c7d⋯.png (1.14 MB, 1305x1080, 29:24, PicsArt_06_28_12_52_42.png)

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9f7cb3  No.243813



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9b0473  No.253252

File: dec1499a69e24ee⋯.png (314.68 KB, 396x538, 198:269, Screenshot_2021_07_21_6_48….png)
















Hello, are any of you guys interested in joining my political club to discuss Trump and the 2020 election? Email me at: benflee222@gmail.com and tell me from what board you came from.

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