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Resign from your position at the FBI or your mother will die in her sleep tonight

File: 420b8e9b4b67512⋯.jpeg (20.72 KB, 400x400, 1:1, David_Chipman.jpeg)

dabac9  No.243292

>confiscates your high capacity magazine

How do you respond?

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171d32  No.243311


With another high capacity magazine. Bitch, you think there's only one?

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00adfb  No.243313

>write something incriminating so i can report your post to the fbi

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dabac9  No.243326

File: a98896a3b48a6e9⋯.png (598.64 KB, 640x765, 128:153, David_Chipman.png)


>implying you can compete with David Chipman's manboobs

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00adfb  No.243380


fucking gross bro wtf

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e0219a  No.243444


Him personally showing up at my door? I'd probably laugh and hand it to him because I appreciate someone with that level of badassery. Gotta admit, knocking on someone's door and demanding they hand over their weaponry is pretty fucking ballsy.

If cops do it, well, that's a different story.

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91e7ab  No.243543


guns are out of date. dji drones are the new ak47 of the taliban

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91e7ab  No.243544



1. drones are disposable

2. each drone is a delivery vehicke of 1 payload munition

3. one drone fighter carries about 15 drones presently.

4. drones support mulyiple modes & can be used in different ways, it is uo to the operator

5. drones can be programmed to take optical commands by gesture, in combination with qr codes designated by operators


guns obsoleted swords

drones obsoleted guns

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91e7ab  No.243545



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139c42  No.243706


And then they'll lose TONS of taxpayer money, throwing this country into a deadly domestic war, the whole economy collapses and the government is quite literally HATED by the whole world in a FAILED STATE!

But I agree with you…..


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62c396  No.243707


If they create a civil war like this, the economy will fail, we will simply no longer pay our taxes, we will squat in our homes armed and ready for war and the collapse of the United States. And if another country like Russia or China comes in and neutralizes the government, we will sit back and let it happen because they are too treasonous and stupid to be cared about.

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dabac9  No.243891

File: 481e371df596a59⋯.png (1.79 MB, 961x855, 961:855, David.png)

"David Chipman has been on the leading edge of ATF scandals for decades, all the way back to Waco – and now he shills for gun confiscation with Gun Control Inc.," Brown said. "Chipman has embraced every hair-brained gun control scheme proposed, so of course Biden and Harris chose him – he’ll fit right in with their corrupt administration."

National Rifle Association spokesperson Amy Hunter said Biden's decision to nominate Chipman to lead the ATF and tap former Judge Merrick Garland as attorney general, who was confirmed in March and has expressed support for gun-control policies, "has made clear his sights are set on restricting the rights of law-abiding gun owners while ignoring criminals and foregoing substantive measures that will actually keep Americans safe."


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b7b6ce  No.244255

have gun

shoot bad guy

cops shoot you

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dabac9  No.244765

File: 875bc480c920eab⋯.jpg (1019.01 KB, 1723x7594, 1723:7594, david_Chipman_info.jpg)

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