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I have been gone for 6 months and nobody has claimed this board 51 reports wtf?????

File: 680f3b2c344b5cc⋯.png (626.85 KB, 726x701, 726:701, fbi_wtf.png)

3f5b7b  No.242899

This isn't enough. We need our men in the FBI stimulating each other's prostate so they really understand the struggles of being LGBTQXYZ. Women can schedule in scissoring between firearms qualification and baiting good white people into saying something incriminating.

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8e06df  No.242903


The State Department is doing this too, likely every (((government))) alphabet gang at this point. They're a bunch of glowing commie faggots, ignore them. Don't let them goad you into doing something stupid. The whole system is a fraud, it's failing, it's insolvent, other nations are dumping the dollar and the country will collapse at some point just like the USSR. Be prepared, be vigilant, stay safe and do your best to become self-sufficient.

No matter what these idiots say or do, 90% of America rejects this kind of bullshit they keep throwing in our faces over the media. 90% of America is just living to get by without consuming this bullshit. Don't let it get to you or you'll be driven insane. Marxism will collapse naturally, it always does.

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3f5b7b  No.242907


>They're a bunch of glowing commie faggots

>The whole system is a fraud, it's failing, it's insolvent, other nations are dumping the dollar and the country will collapse at some point just like the USSR

Then this is on purpose by those very same glowing commie faggots. You think this is a good thing?

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8e06df  No.242916


I never said this was a good thing. It's actually very bad. However, lets face reality, there is not much we can do at this point but to prepare for the worst and try to become self-sufficient before this whole system collapses. Once that happens it's too late to turn back or prepare anymore, we have that chance right now so we best do whatever we can. If you want to win this war you need to keep a clear head and do what you can to survive what is coming and be fully ready to defend yourself, family and property.

If you desire to fight this uphill war, might as well get some kind of governmental job, infiltrate them and leak and/or sabotage their evil agendas from within.

Or you could do it legally and run for some kind of political office and try to remove a corrupt incumbent. It's really up to you how you want to deal with a collapsing Empire.

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3f5b7b  No.242920


Alright. Fair enough. I hope the flame of the human race is extinguished this time around.

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8e06df  No.242929


Right now this little stunt they pulled with a gay pride flag is actually pretty pathetic, it doesn't really change anything. Most Americans, like you and me, are equally disgusted and distrustful of this corrupted system. These little stunts are meant to goad extremists into doing stupid radical things that lead to SWAT raids against them or lead to their death. That's EXACTLY what these glowing feds want too. Don't let them mess with your mind like that. People understand this is all bullshit and won't have this in their own personal lives. TRUTH: I see more confederate flags today than I see a gay pride flag, which are pretty uncommon! Nearly all flags around my county are standard American flags and a few 'don't tread on me' flags scattered around. Some MAGA flags still up today too lol. I have not seen ONE gay pride flag waving in front of a house, not one!

Sometime you need to take a trip outside the cities of America and visit small town and rural America, and travel the backroads and junctions, and meet with some locals and talk to them. Nearly everyone won't put up with the crazy BS aimed at us by the subverted government and media. 90% of Americans live their own lives the way they always have and desire to.

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3f5b7b  No.242935


>just ignore it and live your life

isn't acceptable.

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1d7293  No.242937


That's because you're a fucking crybaby.

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1d7293  No.242938


>I have not seen ONE gay pride flag waving in front of a house, not one!

They're all over the place here.

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3f5b7b  No.242943


>stop loving your people and country, goy!

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1d7293  No.242947


It's not "your" country. It belongs to the niggers, fags and the communists, too. There is nothing you can do about that. Your faggot neighbor plowing his nigger tranny husband's asshole right now is 100% as much an American citizen as you are. Cope, crybaby.

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3f5b7b  No.242949

File: dc8cf22242fefb0⋯.jpg (116.04 KB, 1024x576, 16:9, america_hitler_2.jpg)


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8e06df  No.242953


Damn, that's sad. You might want to consider moving if you can manage to. Finding a new job is not too difficult if you are willing to work hard and don't mind labor work or truck delivery services which are still in high demand and desperate to hire workers.


America is fucking HUGE anon, …. HUGE! Have you ever traveled across the country before? I mean traveled from State to State, through small town America, on the junctions, back roads and older highways? The cities are a tiny blip and never really missed out here. There is a huge misconception among a lot of people who think urban politics and woes must be the same everywhere throughout America: it is not, not at all the same!

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3f5b7b  No.242954

You realize that if our top leaders in government, law enforcement, and intelligence, are purposely causing the fall of the U.S. then we will fall into the hands of Bolshevik genocide, right? City or homestead it won't matter.

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8e06df  No.242957


This is what I've been warning for a long time, and at this point, war is likely unavoidable so you best be armed and ready for it. The good thing is there are still a lot of good armed Americans that will not put up with it when they try to pull it off.

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3f5b7b  No.242959

File: 1a4d21f6595d928⋯.jpg (79.86 KB, 1408x684, 352:171, trump_bump_stocks.JPG)


good armed americans have already put up with it. pic related was a test to gauge reaction. they've tested the americans for decades and conditioned them to talk loud while moving quietly.

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8e06df  No.242962



To expand on this: the suburbs will likely be the buffer zones of war, wars will mostly be in the streets but there will be clashes between urbanites and suburbanites which will likely end up mutually equalizing one another. The survivors of this war in the buffer zones will then take advantage of resources they can scrape together and form factions, which will then head more rural. This is where the threat of marauders for homesteaders and preppers come from. Some survivors likely won't have the stomach for another war and will lead them to finding shelter and others they can trust. Other hardened fighters with PTSD and cold hearts will keep on wanting to rob, rape and loot. There will be wars between them and those in the rural areas too. Government will be dissolved at this point since the economy already collapsed and no one is paying taxes nor is there enough human enforcement left either. Average 'cops' will become something of the past for at least a decade or more. There will be broken up factions of criminal marauders, preppers/homesteaders, militias and resource 'war lords' who are determined to protect certain key resources and areas of land. Everything will be very much guerrilla warfare for a while till the American population is reduced to 50 million or so. The survivors will all be hardened killers at that point and will have the guts to take the nation back.

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3f5b7b  No.242964


Long before this happens Russia or China or both will swoop in to save us from the problems they themselves created.

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8e06df  No.242965


Yes, but red flags and bump stock bans does not equate with mass gun confiscation. And the bump stock ban was already repealed in courts and declared unconstitutional. Bump stocks were never too common anyway, the only reason most even know about them is because of the ban in the first place.

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3f5b7b  No.242966


>red flags and bump stock bans does not equate with mass gun confiscation.

what is slipper slope? what is conditioning?

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8e06df  No.242968


When they actually go door to door, you will see civilian and law enforcement death rates skyrocket I can assure you. That day is far from happening at this point. It would trigger an event bigger than they could handle or control. That's the point about the collapse actually, when the system collapses, political power and enforcement goes down with it.

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8e06df  No.242969


They could try that yes, but they'd be better off waiting till enough have died off and the military too is fully neutralized. The military has contingency plans for these kinds of events! They'll still be fully armed and around.

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3f5b7b  No.242970


two more weeks


military is compromised. same as law enforcement. they will not protect you.

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8e06df  No.242973


>military is compromised. same as law enforcement. they will not protect you.

I never said ANYONE would protect you but yourself. Note that I did say most Americans would not survive this war, I doubt I'll survive this to be honest. BUT there will be factions of armed Americans still alive, and the military too (and there are a whole lot of those types who will side with us when this shit goes down, they're keeping their heads low today, they have to!)

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3f5b7b  No.242974


two more weeks

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8e06df  No.242976


Thanks for the heads up. I'll keep track the best I can. Note that when things go down, this will not just be average kinetic warfare either. There will also be a takedown of our power grid and internet eventually. You must prepare for that in advance. Another thing this country faces is a level of defection from the current corrupted system the likes which have not been seen since the first civil war. You'll see it at all levels: civilian, law enforcement, military, etc.

Another threat: the mRNA-altering vaccinations which are meant to weaken and cull people via slow kill. This too will become a deadly pandemic which is why the (((Bolsheviks))) have been trying to vaccinate as many Americans as possible before a takeover event!

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3f5b7b  No.242977

File: d03139d2ff7e81c⋯.png (21.51 KB, 602x796, 301:398, soyjak_3.png)


I've informed my Mother of our situation. World annihilation is just around the corner.

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8e06df  No.242978


Our enemies, foreign and domestic, intend to hit us all at once very hard: stirring a civil war, exploiting the pandemic and vaccine deaths, destroying our access to the global supply chain, knocking out the power grid and internet. They have this very well planned out, that is why we must be prepared for the very worse and except the reality being presented to us, and find ways to mitigate these threats the best we can. There WILL be a lot of American survivors that find common ground though to preserve liberty, life and property the best they can. Our only hope is when they go for a full Bolshevik takeover we can muster enough defense against it for long-term resistance. We will certainly see many former brass organizing with us too, and these people have connections inside and out.

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1d7293  No.243060


You said that 2 weeks ago, faggot. Nobody believes you anymore.

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1d7293  No.243065


>I mean traveled from State to State, through small town America

I was born and raised in a small steel-worker town of less than 3,000 people in Texas. People still hang pride flags.

No one group "owns" America, no matter how much you try to believe it.

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3f5b7b  No.243143


just wait two more weeks

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472d10  No.243475

They're taking over. It's over. It's so fucking over. I so wish I could kill myself. Why does it have to be so hard.

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3f5b7b  No.243477


cry moar lil girl

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472d10  No.243484


It's one thing to fly your countries flag because you're in that country. But a fag flag implies we are all fags/fag supporters. It's fucking stupid. It's propaganda and they have good goddammit reason to generalize a country like that. Fags wants equality, well Where's the im normal and proud flag? The hetero flag? The white pride flag? Something needs to be done. Don't be around tomorrow

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3f5b7b  No.243487


fuck off, officer moshebergstein

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472d10  No.243507


What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over 700, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, and now you’re paying the price. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.

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1d7293  No.243540

File: 9ce37647c1410d4⋯.jpg (38.77 KB, 750x603, 250:201, This.jpg)

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472d10  No.243678


I was thinking about this today. There's this show called squidbillies on adult swim. And the show is about a family of squid rednecks but the twist is they dislike white people. It's not a show with blatant anti white propaganda but they are still allowed to belittle white people. You won't EVER see a show making black people the villain. In family guy there's an episode where quagmires sister is being abused by, You guessed it, a blond hair blue eyed Aryan God. And another episode where a cool smoother black dude comes to visit and oh surprise Lois used to date him. None of this is surprising givin that artist are typicaly liberal douche homosexuls. If the black man was EVER portrayed as he is in real life, you bet your ass niggers would be up in arms. But not white people. We have nothing to be offended by. It's a disgusting society we live in today

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08512d  No.243711


I'm in Missouri and I have never seen a pride flag outside a major metro area. Perhaps maybe I'm just too rural though, don't know.


It sometimes feels that way anon, but again, most of America does not care less about their bullshit. They're not forcing it on us the way you think, in reality, they're only forcing it on themselves. What a completely faggot government we have, huh?

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3be433  No.243712


Please stop paying Jews to brainwash you with TV. It's one thing if you like good shows (77 Sunset Strip, Kojak, or even modern ones like Breaking Bad) but you can get those shows on DVD box sets. Stop wasting money on complete Anti-white bullshit propaganda. You're only helping aid the problem.

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0a5b5f  No.243714

Do you know where I see even more sodomy flags than on government buildings? On churches. Most churches in my city have multiple sodomy flags flying, and usually next to a BLM sign.

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1d7293  No.243729


Are there major metro areas in Missouri? Aren't there only like 7 million people in the entire state? Not meaning offense, just seems like the whole state is pretty rural to me.


To be fair, a lot of the times there are rainbow flags all over churches because the rainbow has been a symbol of Christianity for 2 thousand years. So, don't assume rainbow flag = sodomy flag.

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683ba0  No.243757


The military will break up and go to war with itself.

Do you honestly think the military is a hive-mind? It's made of people and when the paychecks stop flowing, it will fall apart just like anything else.

Most officers are rich boys who wanted to impress girls and the enlisted are mostly guys trying to secure some financial stability in their lives just like anyone else. Less than 15% of the military is made of combat MOS personnel and the rest is support and logistics. When the government crumbles, the military will splinter. Contingencies my ass.

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9aa9f3  No.243758


>Are there major metro areas in Missouri? Aren't there only like 7 million people in the entire state?

Most of Missouri is extremely rural and has a lot of tucked away communities which is perfect for homesteaders and preppers, yes. However we have a few big metro areas, the biggest being St. Louis (proper and all surrounding suburbs) by far, as well as Kansas City and Springfield which are also pretty populated. Most other cities and towns have anywhere from populations 3 (yes, I've driven by one lol!) to 15,000. I said most, there are some with more but not too many. I'd say overall Missouri has 3 or 4 major metro areas. The rest of the state is rural and populations very well spread out.

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cb6ecc  No.243761


Good point, but I did mention there would be a lot of 'defection' but perhaps you explained it better than I did. Yes, the country would indeed breakup into many armed factions.


Best to avoid any of those as they are NOT preaching the scripture if they condone homosexuality (which is considered A SIN in the Bible!) Those churches you see are corrupted and subverted.

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472d10  No.243792


My brother pays for HBO max so no skin off my nose. But besides that those shows have a good sense of humor. At least the first two seasons of family guy were good. Squidbillies is good until the 5th season. Anyways, I don't really watch TV by itself. I'm usually doing something else while I have background noise on. But I pick up on key words. Like "chalkey" and "equality" and it makes me wonder why white people insist on feeling so bad for niggers so much. It's disgusting the way we care about something so destructive and stupid. They're akin to retard children that christ cucks think are so goddamn precious and beautiful.

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1d7293  No.252467

how's the finger banging goin'?

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