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File: 7fceef2513766ee⋯.png (712.27 KB, 937x481, 937:481, mfw_i_was_the_bad_guy.png)

97d2f9  No.242870

>Be British WWII veteran

>Survive Dunkirk

>Rewarded with a mulatto grandchild


>100 years later

>new generation preparing to make the same mistake

>humans are garbage

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ae77bd  No.242940


Unlike you, that badass old man doesn't give a shit that his grandchild is mixed. You're a whiny 12 year old and that old man should skin you alive and eat your liver while you watch.

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97d2f9  No.242961

File: 63341ba1efd5d62⋯.jpg (168.84 KB, 1196x741, 92:57, racemixing_undesirable_res….JPG)


>that old man doesn't give a shit about the many mental and physical problems his mixed-race grandchild will suffer through life due to a relaxed attitude regarding race

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ae77bd  No.243071


No, he doesn't give a shit. He just loves his grandkid and his country. You are a mincing little faggot, unworthy to lick the shit stains from his skivvies.

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97d2f9  No.243166

File: 089fc9ea82027b6⋯.jpg (60.34 KB, 1738x233, 1738:233, racemixing_undesirable_res….JPG)


You've confused 'love' with selfishly wanting to make yourself feel good. If he loved his grandkid he would have worked to prevent racemixing in the family because of serious mental and physical illness attributed to miscegenation. But he didn't. Why? So he could feel good. Like he isn't a bigot. Because that's the world idiots like you have created. We are now victimizing people before they're even born so we can feel less bigoted.

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ae77bd  No.243180


>love is telling your granchildren that their existence is an abomination and they should never have existed

Never breed.

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97d2f9  No.243193

File: b7e343373d731cd⋯.jpg (164.27 KB, 1873x883, 1873:883, racemixing_undesirable_res….JPG)


Love is being honest but not brutal. If racemixing continues thanks to constant propaganda we will have generations of sickly individuals. Is this what you want? Now, the mixed race have an important role to play in ending this madness. They will be hailed as heroes, not disregarded as genetic freaks.

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b04141  No.243197


What a faggot you really are.

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f2c252  No.243419

File: 2164ff0373fcf63⋯.jpg (63.03 KB, 931x524, 931:524, mikaela_spielberg_getty_3.jpg)


Hes clearly very disgusted by what's happend. Everything is fucked. Look at that kid. He's not alone in looking like El goblino. Steven Spielbergs daughter btw. He's a jew so it it expected he'd do that to push their subversive agenda but in all honestly these race mixed people are just fucking DISGUSTING!

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ae77bd  No.243436


You are the most retarded person who has ever posted on this board.


>Hes clearly very disgusted

So, now you're claiming to be a mind reader? You're not at retarded as the other guy, but you're pretty fucking close.

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