38be88 No.242099[Last 50 Posts]
Pasta contains some Trade secrets and Top Secret information that will really make the j*ws sweat I acquired due to financial dealings. My tor to sock5 chain is fubar on 4chan for some reason.
- By The Bird of Hermes
First of all the philosophers stone is real, you all received subtitle threats as children's that would enable those of you on the right side of the bell curve to identify how to act in the event you figured every thing out. Some received Harry potter and the philosophers stone other kids such as myself who tested on the right side of the bell curve were given special more direct curriculum where a random spook you would never see again shows up and reads you a book aptly called "Top Secret".
For most of you the process of demoralization is complete, in fact I have yet to come across a single 'person' who can correctly comprehend the implications of the following information. I will now describe how to stop and even reverse ageing.
Red Mercury, Mana, The Philosophers stone, Soma, etc. The stone has many names but they are all the same thing, It is made from gold or other precious metals. The bulk of alchemy is directly related to many many methods of rendering gold into a bioavailable state so that it can be consumed. In modern times I find one can skip the many pointless steps by simply preforming a reduction reaction of gold. The one hang up in this is all the most efficient reduction reactions are essentially precursors to METH, you see by simply substituting finely divided gold for pseudoephedrine in a common METH recipe using red phosphorus and iodine or better yet Bromine you come to the same product ancient alchemists spent moths to obtain.
I would focus your research efforts on bromine as it is the red element of blood and the most bio available formulations can be had from it, adding a stochiometric amount of metallic potassium after 72 hours at 100c will decrease the acidity and turn it into a more water soluble red salt, this concoction than has the excess bromine removed through careful distillation or evaporation. The substance resembles blood in every way even taste. The following was a brief synopsis on my own personal research, keep in mind there are hundreds of ways to accomplish this same task. One could also use actual blood in place of bromine is some instances.
You then preform the ritual of Count Saint Germain consumption of an unspecified amount of a substance called "the masters white drops" daily for a period of 40 days while maintaining a fast consuming nothing but distilled water. By day 35 your hair and teeth will begin to fall out then your skin will begin to peal off and after you are done molting like a snake by day 40 new hair, teeth and skill will grow in their place. As to the estimated daily amount of "The masters white drops" for this particular ritual I would say no less than 5 grams of gold that has been rendered into a white monomer form via reduction or no less than 2.5 grams of the more bio available form rendered into non caustic salts from perhaps the bromine process.
As to groups this knowledge is common to I believe the following are applicable: "The Church", Definitely the Jesuits, Upper tier of freemasons, Anyone with "Top Secret" clearance, People with deep red hair, Mormons, The heads of vineyards, The heads of oil refining, 'weather modification corporation' employees, doctors, dentists, pharmacists, the J*ws. Its best to keep in mind that anyone who was told this knowledge is either under an oath of secrecy or a NDA and will refuse to speak with you, that being the case with 99.9% of people who hold this information. Only some one who can figure this out for themselves will be free to speak and that is so rare as to be considered something you will never encounter, The majority are held under threat due to a power structure that uses this information for control.
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38be88 No.242100
As to grape vineyards (wine) and Orange juice growers this is how the operation operates. The juice is concentrated into large vats and then sulfides are added usually in the form of Sodium metabisulfite's, This causes the precious metals concentrated in the juice to drop out of solution and precipitate at the bottom of the vats where they are collected. This process can take months to ensure maximum yield of mostly Iridium the lack thereof deprives you of the health benefits therein. Take note next time you take a trip to a wine shop that every single bottle is labeled as containing sulfides. Orange juice is far worse in this regard, they label nothing and actually add un labeled fragrance back into the solution so it still smells like Orange juice. The elite consume this stuff in mass and sell the toxic byproduct devoid of nutrition back to you.
As to oil refineries, through a system of fractional distillation the precious metals are extracted from the rich biomass, the byproducts are than sold to you as fuel such as gasoline that is then burned in your vehicle so that the excess precious metals can be further extracted via catalytic converters. Bet you always wondered why tweakers tend to stealing those things for "scrap" as the police would say.
As to drugs well its all a scam, the world is run by people who want to control EVERYTHING, under the Taliban they reduced heroin output if Afghanistan to 10% of world output under the USA it is back up to 90% of world heroin output. The Heroin is then flown into the USA on C-130's specifically by the CIA since they can bypass customs entirely. The story is the same with other drugs as well such as MDMA, Weed and Meth typically distributed by freemasons in cooperation with local LE. The drugs are designed with just enough of the specific precious metal to get you "high" then amalgamated with mercury to ensure it is an overall determent to your health specifically mental health. As to the specific precious metal responsible for what drug I have not studied in detail, I do know Platinum is MDMA, made without the adulterants it would likely provide a "high" without negative downsides.
As to the addition of fluoride to water supplies, this one is relatively simple to explain. The lesser halogens specifically Chlorine and worse still fluoride have the effect through replacement reactions of displacing the red bromine in our blood forcing it out. This has added benefits such as suppressing formation of bio available organometallic compounds from forming causing constant hunger. In a sense you need to eat more and get less out of it. The effect on uptake of precious metal formation into amines is even worse still, it would lead to a substantial lack of iridium in the brain causing a reduced IQ as ~10% of the brains dry weight is Iridium it is a crucial element to intelligence.
As to how "The philosophers stone" actually works. Once Gold (III) if sufficiently broken down into a monomer form of gold (I) it can subsequently undergo formation into an Amide and then subsequently into a protein, You are built out of proteins ergo it is simple enough to say you are held together by these metallic bonds formed with carbon, hydrogen and various other organic compounds. Your food contains proteins made of lesser metals now imagine if you will being able to form the building blocks of your body out of precious metals. This is the goal of the elite as doing so will substantially increase your "power level" so to say, monomeric precious metals are also room temperature superconductors. The true philosophers stone however is very dangerous, it is red and the gold atoms have undergone a state of Superdeformation. The black market for this substance is out of Switzerland, it is prepared in the LHC last I checked the price it was ~250,000$ per pound. Quite a deal considering how potent the substance is compared to the white variant, beware if you ever come across it as consuming large amounts will cause unwanted side effects in conjunction with a substantial increase in power, you will have to turn your back on the sun and depending on how much you took perhaps permanently. historically there are a few methods to make this red variant without a cyclotron however the take years and I will say no more on this subject as it leads to danger for yourself and others beyond what you can currently Conceive. Only by reading hundreds of old alchemy texts and studying superstition's about vampires will you come to understand the full implications.
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38be88 No.242101
As to why we hate you. Having read all of this I am quite sure that none of you will take appropriate actions. Any sane man would be forming a militia to string all of the dentists (mercury fillings), doctors(using the hermetic arts to poison you for profit) and pharmacists up on light posts, you should all be hijacking the fluoride tankers headed for your town then dumping the poison into neighborhoods of the rich. I hope you are prepared to watch your children suffer and die having every last drop of time and energy extracted from them to the medical institution, indeed I find the parasites far more human then you sad to say. Nothing can satisfy us other than to see you all suffer and die. The bulk of you can no longer produce anything useful, you all believe flipping burgers for a week entitles you to a brand new Iphone, an object that took a person in China far more time and expertise to manufacture.
As to what I am doing now. I am conducting financial probes by exposing people to Top Secret and select trade secrets in order to determine the response proles will have to WW3. Conclusion is 90% population reduction for the USA being the probable and optimum outcome with the surviving percentage being of low labor potential ergo we are building a underground shelter to manufacture replacements using old alchemical homunculus techniques to mass produce clones.
This is a small investment corporation with no need of Top Secret clearance as well as no affiliation to secret societies as such this this post breaks no NDA or vow of secrecy since we are all smart enough to come to this knowledge on our own without help in one way or another. We all sleep clutching a full auto firearm, surrounded by enough 'red mercury' to take down a sky scraper. No one will take us, your enforcers live in fear preferring to commodify you all with speeding tickets vs risking their lives stopping us. We all believe in the constitution and words of the founding fathers as the supreme law of the land, we are more human than you. No one will tell me what weapons I am allowed to bear the 2A as interpreted by any sane scholar is shown to give you the right to bear arms not against your fellow man but against the government itself as written by men who had just used firearm's to overthrow the prior government it can mean nothing else.
I hope you all enjoy being organized by this disorganization. None of you will do any, enjoy being replaced during the fake war to come.
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4aa68b No.242105
you are the ONLY person who thinks you're interesting.
Q: how's the lack of a sexual & emotional companion working out for you?
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4aa68b No.242106
nobody's interested in reading anything you pist
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4aa68b No.242107
lol @ that STUPID fucking picture
who's the sissyboy that can't afford a decent oxford shirt and buys discount ties?
lemme guess :
Mommy bought it?
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4aa68b No.242108
….as if anybody's gonna 'repost your GARBAGE anywhere', just because you got banned again…
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4aa68b No.242109
A G A I N : you quite literally don't know how to convince a woman into bed with you
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4aa68b No.242110
Goodwill ?……
Salvation Army ?…….
Walmart ?……….
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4aa68b No.242111
obtaining a girlfriend is one of THE easiest things a man can do. it's simple. it's primal. it's fundamental.
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4aa68b No.242112
tell us why IMAGEBORED culture is so important to you, but getting a girlfriend is something you've never even tried before
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96daf3 No.242139
Doing just fine, I kicked her out months ago because she kept interfering with my alchemy research. Threatening to send me to a mental institution and everything.
I was going for a more Frances E Dec vibe, there is a lot of top secret into in that post but you always have to come off as schizo or it never stays up on the internet.
Everything is custom tailored and the tie is Scottish lambs wool. Yes I do go outside wearing a shirt and tie with a tailored wool hooded wizards cloak. Blame crypto for making random people rich enough to spend money on such things.
Imagine wanting these modern thots, you are just jelly because me and my science bros are going to have access to infinite wifus via mixing alchemy with cloning.
I can only imagine the jewish neck bead that gets paid to write this crap.
Thats 2 fucking hours, just no…. time stamp it newfag.
Is 8kun just full of 4chan rejects, this is the vibe I am getting, for one what makes you think some edge lord posing with a FN P90 in a shit/tie while wearing a wizards cloak gives 2 fucks what people think much less some one who wastes time posting this pointless crap for (you)'s.
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88fc48 No.242143
>Is 8kun just full of 4chan rejects
brah you literally made a thread on 8kun asking us to re-post your thread on 4chan you 4chan reject brah wtf
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96daf3 No.242150
Do me this favor and I post a picture of my ex GF wearing a tie with a ledger on her tit and chainlink is a scam written on her chest BUCK NAKED
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88fc48 No.242151
Listen to me very carefully..
During my entire life on this planet I will never do what you asked.
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fbbbc6 No.242153
Why is getting a girlfriend so fucking important? I've ahd sex. I've had to compromise. I've committed. It's all bullshit. None of it is worth being around annoying women all the time. There is no value to being In a relationship with anyone. Especially women.
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96daf3 No.242157
Good job with step 1, now make meth out of gold instead of pseudoephedrine and become immoral.
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96daf3 No.242158
> and become *immortal…….
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96daf3 No.242160
Many men would pay for this uncirculated treasure from the blockchain wars.
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fbbbc6 No.242162
Annoying weeb
Why haven't you killed yourself yet?
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96daf3 No.242164
I have already tried everything even suicided by cop, quantum immortality has cursed me to always escape my pursuer's unharmed no mater how much I "poke the bear".
Seems I am not awaited in Valhalla, I am cursed to always find a way to keep living hence how I stumbled upon the secret to immortality. This hell will never let me go.
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65e247 No.242176
tell us why IMAGEBORED culture is so important to you, but getting a girlfriend is something you've never even tried before
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65e247 No.242177
So you're openly admitting homosexuality?
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96daf3 No.242181
Rabbi is going to bump this until it dies due to the content being legitimate breech of top secret information.
Stop fixating on sex you heeb, the topic is clearly red pilled schizophrenia.
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fbbbc6 No.242183
I'm admiting that libtards are fucking retarded.
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fbbbc6 No.242184
Haha thought you were responding to a different post by me. Just because I reject women doesn't mean I choose to be gay. It's natural to be attracted to the opposite sex. And I am attracted to a vagina that I can stick my dick into for the sole purpose of procreation because that's the whole point of sex. What I'm not attracted to is the personality the vagina is attached too. Women are fucking stupid and sex isn't enough for me to want to be with them in any sort of long lasting relationship. I get that most of you are lonely pathetic losers willing to simp for "quality" women but I'm not going to degrade myself by committing and compromising with some dumb broad
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da7276 No.242185
hahaha the loquacious, excuse making HOMOSEXUAL
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fbbbc6 No.242187
Oh right. Schools out for the summer. Go play fortnite and Jack off to anime, Billy. Go simp for more bath water and eat tide pods. It's all you're good at doing.
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da7276 No.242188
the fantasy world delusional procrastination techniques of mommy's little videogame sexless hitler
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da7276 No.242189
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da7276 No.242190
see how easy that was ?………..
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da7276 No.242191
let me guess :
because immortality ?
autoimmune disease ?
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da7276 No.242192
HINT : just because you're on disability doesn't mean you have to live with your mother
HINT : just because your mother bought you a computer, that doesn't mean you have to be an isolated closet homosexual, continually fabricating excuses and justifications for your sexual and social failures
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da7276 No.242193
HINT : just because you're on disability, doesn't mean you have to be alone, with no boyfriend or girlfriend, no 24-hour life companion
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da7276 No.242194
HINT : just because you're on the internet, that doesn't mean you have to be a cheap imitation of a satire of a parody of an unoriginal predictable trend-following imageboard assclown faggot
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da7276 No.242195
HINT : just because you have access to a computer doesn't mean you have to be an embarrassing loser
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fbbbc6 No.242196
I have Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays off. And only work like 4 hours on Wednesday and Friday. The weekends i work morning to evening.
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fbbbc6 No.242197
You're the one spamming nonsense and assumptions because you're probably an assblasted cunt who seethes at a wise man. I come here to vent a little and than I go laugh at the world for pretending that women have value or that niggers are anything more than savages.
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96daf3 No.242198
Behold 2 sock puppet's the left and right hand of a jew bump and spam nothing but trash to bury the thread in garbage. Any experienced anons will clearly recognize this. Your tactics are not just out dated they are retarded as fuck.
I'm going to spam this often anywhere I can behind a TOR to SOCK5 chain just to fuck with you all.
Drink bleach
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da7276 No.242199
HINT : take a bath
you're covered in your own unique DISGUSTING BIOFILM
you're a slouching petri dish
it's calledSOAP
It works in conjunction
try it one of these days
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da7276 No.242200
1 : walk into a bathroom
2 : plug the drain in the tub
3 : turn on the water in the tub
4 : there are two different handles
5 : one is hot water
6 : the other one is cold water
7 : adjust the temperature of the water
8 : remove your clothes and get in the tub
9 : wet your skin
10 : rub soap over your body with a washcloth
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da7276 No.242201
re : assuming
These are observations, not assumptions
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fbbbc6 No.242202
Take a bath she says
You're covered biofilm she says
Not realizing that being in a bath of still water is technically being I'm a bath of still water and biofilm. You need to pay attention when you're in school, dust. Not sucking dick behind your boyfriends back
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da7276 No.242204
Soon, you'll be ready to make friends !!!
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da7276 No.242205
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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da7276 No.242206
I bet you give dedicated, sweet head
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da7276 No.242207
once you 'have your skirt lifted', I'll bet you become a DEVOTED SERVANT, willing to toil for hours on a penis in your mouth
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96daf3 No.242208
Ima go to bed while these chat bots argue with each other then post it again when I wake up due to favorable disinfo tactics results to be added to my research notes for militia members.
Clean it up Jannie, these things are clearly do not pass the Turing test.
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da7276 No.242209
nobody reads your words
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da7276 No.242210
I am 100% ABSOLUTELY POSITIVE that you'd clock in on some guys lap, and put in several hours of sweet sweet cocksucking
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da7276 No.242211
you're unclean…………
you smell weird………..
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da7276 No.242212
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da7276 No.242213
What are we gonna do with a dirty soldier early in the morning
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96daf3 No.242385
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