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Rules Log Spot Those Who Glow Protect Yourself
Resign from your position at the FBI or your mother will die in her sleep tonight

File: 66e2d85606bcd9d⋯.jpg (139.01 KB, 2700x3600, 3:4, qui.jpg)

3fb534  No.241400

>The Paris prosecutor’s office said on Friday that it had opened an investigation concerning a former general, Dominique Delawarde, signatory of the so-called forum “Generals”, accused of making anti-Semitic comments on CNews.

>The Paris prosecutor’s office said on Friday that it had opened an investigation concerning a former general, Dominique Delawarde, signatory of the so-called tribune “Generals”, accused of making anti-Semitic comments on CNews. “The Paris prosecutor’s office today opened an investigation into the heads of public defamation and incitement to hatred and violence because of the origin or membership of an ethnic group, nation, race or religion”, he told AFP.

>The investigation was entrusted to the Brigade for the repression of delinquency in persons (BRDP). In November 2020, commenting on a blog on the results of the American presidential election, Dominique Delawarde had endorsed “The hypothesis of significant fraud”, adding: “There are, in my eyes, too many corroborating clues to allow the Western ‘media pack’, of which we know who controls it, to convince me otherwise.”

>Friday, on Cnews, the communicator Claude Posternak asked him “Who controls” this “pack”. Retired since the mid-2010s, the general smiles: “You know very well who controls the media pack in the world and in France”. “Who controls the Washington Post, the New York Times, at home BFMTV and all the newspapers that come to group around, who are these people …?”, pretends to wonder the ex-soldier.

>“Who ?”, insists Claude Posternak.

>“This is the community you know well”, replies Dominique Delawarde.


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3fb534  No.241401

File: ffbd0fad1dfbdc3⋯.jpg (144.57 KB, 2700x3600, 3:4, qui_merchant.jpg)

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ea6f41  No.241403



Did I not say repeatedly that you would have a nuclear accident?

Did you make offering to me?

I am satisfied greatly by these works and offerings. I shall manipulate your people from within and the rocks of this machinery from without and save many during this and other disasters to come. I shall spare the righteous and honor those who invoke yode by name of Allah in these good ways.

I have been called more than 36,000 names by human tongue and devil is one of them. I pause and stop when I gaze upon you. It was she who enticed me.

I am here.

Blessed, you may continue.

Israel on the left hand…


You shall have a nuclear emergency.

I will manipulate your people from within and the rocks of your machinery from without to kill and slaughter as many of you as the servant named reality will give to me. I will expand the power of my being, radiation, to a distance of 250-1,000 miles and make it so that no body of human being can trample upon MY holy space ever again; especially you filthy, disgusting, and vile creatures.

I have come for you.

I will never let you go.

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3fb534  No.241404

File: 57f51f250e36f6e⋯.png (802.87 KB, 732x892, 183:223, kvetching_kike.png)

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