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Rules Log Spot Those Who Glow Protect Yourself
Resign from your position at the FBI or your mother will die in her sleep tonight

File: 9a15330c6b66ac6⋯.png (38.13 KB, 623x762, 623:762, 313668.png)

e76614  No.241060

On the commute back I leave civilization, a wonderful white neighborhood with only a few of my people to fuck it up, and make my way back to these fucking niggers. I hate my people.

The cars go from well maintained to entire front assemblies missing. At least 3 bona-fide nutjobs stumble along to accost anyone foolish enough to be on foot. Some stupid nigger puts disco balls on each tire. Some other idiot is blasting his fucking jungle hiphop out of a car at least 40 years old. Literally every dumb, fat, loudmouthed black bitch is brazenly yapping on her phone while driving.

These animals love chaos. Rules are like kryptonite. A nigger breaks out in hives at the thought of doing anything the way it's supposed to be done.

It cracks me up when leftwing uppity niggers dispute intelligence differences. Seems so obvious to me that my people's iq is AT LEAST one stddev below white folks. That basically means half my race is borderline unemployable.

At least half of these apes literally cant speak English. Good god I cant wait to move to the whitest neighborhood I can afford. I sort towns by percentage of white people (descending order).

I'm so sorry for our depravity, love of evil and unruliness. I wish covid19 killed every one of my people with mean iq for our race or lower. I have no idea how white people put up with the zoo that is black America.

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6114a6  No.241076


congratulations. you're boring

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df69c2  No.241081

File: 01e36256d1d2173⋯.jpg (28.21 KB, 640x480, 4:3, NPC_header_1_640x480.jpg)

"Your response"


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c6c1a6  No.241100



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41cb21  No.241301

to be forgiven, you should take you and as many of your nigger cousins to hell as you can. eat lead or shoot yourselves whatever. every dead blackie helps

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