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/pnd/ - Politics, News, Debate

and shitslinging
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2f81e1  No.240966

Activity on this board, and even 4/pol/, has decreased significantly since the loss of Bibi. Why?

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2f81e1  No.240967

h-hello? is anyone there? it's anon..

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8f171d  No.240991


JIDF is on vacation.

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db4527  No.240994



There are still a lot of shit posters making jackass threads, however. True believers I guess who think that by showing the world how wicked jews are with their shit post that they will prevent "annudda shoah"

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ff45dc  No.241010


It's because of SHIT lame threads. SHIT threads that have NOTHING to do with politics, news or debate (even the thorny topics and issues mostly gone ignored). Many of the most 'in-your-face' events are not being reported, and when some are posted those threads get slid and in some cases, outright deleted. Highly damning leaks exposing insider corruption have gone pretty much completely ignored too. Anons rather post non-issue crap about Publix, trannies, niggers and fags, or petty BS that doesn't affect any of us like celeb hollywood garbage, and then the blatant bot spam threads mixed into the catalog. Seriously, I'm not going to be spending most my time on dying boards that only focus on absolute garbage either. /PND/ was once better than this, thorny topics were debated and reported without much blatant censorship… and then it started to glow hard and many anons decided to ditch this place. And yes, this place glows today, absolutely.

PS: Bibi's loss is funny and all, but will Israel really change for the better or stop corrupting and influencing other nations? Highly doubtful!! Expect more of the same corruption and arm flexing.

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