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Rules Log Spot Those Who Glow Protect Yourself
Resign from your position at the FBI or your mother will die in her sleep tonight

File: cbe191905cd17bc⋯.png (23.05 KB, 739x212, 739:212, Niggas_B_Free.png)

3627e5  No.240907

Niggaz got dey own independence day now!

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a8ea50  No.240909



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f07aa5  No.240936

Is there an actual new holiday or is Joe Dementia just babbling?

That is, is there another day when I don't go out to the mail box?

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969e8b  No.240937

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

And there you are in your mid 30s living in your mother's house… Independence comes quicker to some people than it does to others

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969e8b  No.240938


Just imagine the celebration your mother is going to throw when you finally start paying your own internet bill

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193df3  No.240939

What's the traditional way to celebrate this holiday?

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3627e5  No.240941


Juneteenth has pretty much always been a thing in TX. Now it's national.


Stab a white person.

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ee757e  No.240953

I suggest everyone ignore the holiday and use it to work.

Post pictures of working.

Ignore the holiday.

Im sick of the government declaring sections of what day means what. They need to shut the fuck up.

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3627e5  No.240970


I'm going to fully and openly and publicly celebrate it just so I can look at every nigger I see with the smuggest of eyes and say, "Look what else we stole from you and made our own."

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aa47a1  No.240975


Fuck holidays in general. I haven't celebrated any holiday since I was a dumbass teenager. Since before the politcal correctness got to them.

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