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Resign from your position at the FBI or your mother will die in her sleep tonight

File: 25b90a9474a3a08⋯.jpg (661.77 KB, 1125x1459, 1125:1459, white_genocide_propaganda_….jpg)

420123  No.240041

I fully realize how gullible white women are. I’m just shocked they’re saying this out loud.

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f0781f  No.240052


<gleans his 'full realization' about women from an instagram post by a Kardashian

no wonder you're alone for the weekend

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f0781f  No.240054


oddly enough, you still haven't managed to find a white woman who's gullible enough to date 'you

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74bf28  No.240156



>literally a c.i.gay outlet

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961580  No.240161

There is a reason why the true Catholic church said

1) women make a vow of obedience to their husband in marriage and men are the head of their families. .

2) women cannot be priests.

3) women cannot teach men, only young children.

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3960aa  No.240189

File: 818e153148a9a74⋯.jpg (99.71 KB, 1024x973, 1024:973, 1619535960509.jpg)

who the fuck cares you dumb nigger

keep twitter shit on 4chan

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e2d3f0  No.240409

Who else would it be? Poor, retarded spics and niggers??? Garbage thread but then OP is a, Slate reading faggot.

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