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Resign from your position at the FBI or your mother will die in her sleep tonight

File: 7852e5e04aa39c8⋯.png (233.4 KB, 1343x590, 1343:590, Judeo_Capitalism.png)

a0edcd  No.240003

Here is the problem with Capitalism: People (usually Jews) who lack integrity and a system which has failed to protect the rest of us from them. It's about race and culture, not economic or social class.

That's what Bolshevik fail to acknowledge or perhaps even realize. It's always Jews. Always. Regardless of the economic or social class it's always a Jew.

If Bolsheviks were sincere about their quest for liberation then they'd be willing to address any obstacle even and especially if that obstacle is the Jewish anti-race. But I don't believe they are sincere. I believe they're people who also lack integrity or are themselves Jews. This is proven true time and time again. How many ecelebs were exposed as Jews or sharing Jewish sympathies?

Not Nazbol or Natsoc or any political system can arise to replace the current scam until everyone decides to accept the truth whatever the truth might be. Until then we'll suffer and die-out.

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c8aa93  No.240068


how are you enjoying yet another weekend alone?

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73c753  No.240077


Only race that could pull it off is whites. If you got rid of the other races (cap total non-whites at less than 3% though 0% would be ideal), most of us aren't capable of the empathy, foresight and self-sacrifice a prosperous non-capitalist society would require.

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