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Rules Log Spot Those Who Glow Protect Yourself
Resign from your position at the FBI or your mother will die in her sleep tonight

File: e5f01c91d6d1d66⋯.gif (462.68 KB, 1915x897, 1915:897, ItsTooLate.GIF)

83f5e1  No.239170

Fauci warns of COVID-19 Delta variant now spreading rapidly in U.K.: 'We cannot let that happen in the United States'

This is your last warning.

After carefully weighing all the arguments in the vax debate it's clear you need to get vaccinated.

Yea Fauci had some bad luck that the GOP is trying to exploit. I'm not playing that right v left game. We need to replace one if not both parties so don't be manipulated.

I'm sick of seeing white people being manipulated by the Jewish media. Btw did you know in Florida it's illegal to say the Jews run the media, thanks to Desantis.

Yea dumb fucks, don't wear a mask and don't impose any restrictions so we can allow this virus to get around the vaccine.


'OJZXJK NL/ADFZX?ldakf /akx

Yea go listen Q Anon who ever the fuck that is.

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b31284  No.239174



Fuck you lying murdering scumbags.

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b31284  No.239175

The Wuhan biowarfare lab was actually funded by US taxpayers (thank the NIH for investing in Chink bioweapons like Covid-19)

https://archive.md/gK4i4 = naturalnews.com

https://archive.md/olHCK = dailymail.co.uk

https://archive.md/Snz0N = newsweek.com

https://archive.md/dN38X = infowars.com

https://archive.md/DgXWn = thegatewaypundit.com

https://archive.md/MZGtL = thenationalpulse.com

https://archive.md/SMhEV = zerohedge.com

https://archive.md/8y1SG = judicialwatch.org









In fact, The US State Department was also tipped off back in 2018 and refused to do anything about it:

https://archive.md/oAN9A = zerohedge.com

https://archive.md/FWaWH = washingtonpost.com

https://archive.md/06BTD = thegatewaypundit.com




Virologists Say 'Genetic Fingerprints' Prove COVID-19 Man-Made:

https://archive.md/slsDd = zerohedge.com

https://archive.md/ojBdZ = msn.com



Funny how all the players involved, such as Dr. Fauci of the NIH, support ID 2020 ironically:

https://archive.md/JvD9g = zerohedge.com

https://archive.md/Y13B7 = washingtontimes.com



And we all know Gates is behind it already:

https://archive.md/g0cXA = nationalfile.com

https://archive.md/nMtmy = vigilantcitizen.com

https://archive.md/qNrrx = newswars.com




Their official agenda website: https://id2020.org/alliance [http://archive.md/ZNRGI]

BUSTED: NIH Owns Financial Stake In Gates-Funded Coronavirus Vaccine:

https://archive.md/LdgQZ = nationalfile.com

https://archive.md/oUUFA = zerohedge.com



BUSTED: Leaked Fauci Emails Discuss Covid ‘Gain Of Function’ Lab Experiments:

https://archive.md/jB2uA = citizenfreepress.com

https://archive.md/GZNBP = zerohedge.com

https://archive.md/suwW7 = zerohedge.com




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b31284  No.239176

EcoHealth Alliance President Peter Daszak – who collaborated with the Wuhan Institute of Virology on research funded by Dr. Anthony Fauci’s National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease – appears to boast about the manipulation of “killer” SARS-like coronaviruses carried out by his “colleagues in China” in a clip unearthed by The National Pulse.



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cd5295  No.239177


If you want to save lives you would be promoting Vitamins C & D (not the cheap Walmart crap!), the liquid vial drops of raw Vitamin C & D as well as Zinc supplement and Chaga mushroom powder (which is a natural anti-viral). Those vaccines won't do anything but break down the immune system and make it MORE susceptible to the virus.

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83f5e1  No.239178

File: 53343385a9bf5d9⋯.gif (152.93 KB, 1910x1009, 1910:1009, Circa1998.GIF)


It's not the "China Virus". It's a engineered bioweapon designed to specifically target white people and Iranians. In this piuece hge mentions white people having 50% receptors and Ashkenazi Jews having zero. I'd like to verify that.

No surprise it's spreading thru the UK and we're next. That's what it was designed to do.

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83f5e1  No.239179



This guy says Ashkenazi Jews don't have receptors for this virus or something like that. It's in the second half.

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83f5e1  No.239180

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



i was shocked how quickly they blocked access to it. All stores that sold pewt supplies had signs up banning its use for covid.

So this turned out to be true.

If you take Ivermectin you will not get sick.

White countries are blocked from Ivermectin.

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b933dd  No.239242



>it's the jewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwsssssssssssssssss!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yeah, they said the same thing about the black plague. Centuries later, white people finally figured out that it was being spread by fleas on rats and the reason "muh j00z" were immune was because they were doing something white people weren't: cleaning their houses out of grains during Passover. See, rats have a breeding cycle like all mammals. Just happened to coincide with Spring/Passover and it's against Jewish law to have grains in the house at that time. No grains in the house means nothing for the rats to eat. So, the rats moved on to greener pastures - the idiot white Europeans, who apparently loved feeding rats and got themselves all plagued up. But, since the Jewish households were clean, the plague was blamed on the Jews - never mind the fact that the virus actually originated in ……. FUCKING CHINA.

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848fb2  No.239377




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848fb2  No.239378

you can purchase Ivermectin at any feed & seed store

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848fb2  No.239381

and no matter what that 'doctor' says, there is ZERO evidence that ivermectiin has any efficacy treating covid

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6df693  No.239417

I hope everyone listens to OP and gets the jab and drops dead

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83f5e1  No.239555

Today's the big day, i'm going to get my first dose of Moderna.


The coronavirus variant driving India’s devastating Covid-19 second wave is the most infectious to emerge so far. Doctors now want to know if it’s also more severe.

Hearing impairment, severe gastric upsets and blood clots leading to gangrene, symptoms not typically seen in Covid patients, have been linked by doctors in India to the so-called delta variant. In England and Scotland, early evidence suggests the strain — which is also now dominant there — carries a higher risk of hospitalization.

Delta, also known as B.1.617.2, has spread to more than 60 countries over the past six months and triggered travel curbs from Australia to the U.S. A spike in infections, fueled by the variant, has forced U.K. to reconsider its plans for reopening later this month, with a local report saying it may be pushed back by two weeks. Singapore found that the mutation accounted for 95% of the local Covid samples linked to variants of concern. Higher rates of transmission and a reduction in the effectiveness of vaccines have made understanding the strain’s effects especially critical.

“We need more scientific research to analyze if these newer clinical presentations are linked to B.1.617 or not,” said Abdul Ghafur, an infectious disease physician at the Apollo Hospital in Chennai, southern India’s largest city. Ghafur said he is seeing more Covid patients with diarrhea now than in the initial wave of the pandemic.

Choose wisely

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3f941d  No.239585


Go ahead and take your experimental bullshit, but please, stop shilling it here, or I will continue posting links to the corruption!

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83f5e1  No.239806

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


You guys are having a problem determining who's information is credible and who's full of shit.

Here's a credible source, listen and listen well motherfuckers.

This is life saving advice.

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465e8a  No.239810



We'll soon see who is correct (and not from any agency but from real life experiences and population rates), those that have taken the vaccine or those who have not gotten it. Either way, it's a gamble. Trust a corrupted system and liars, or trust and hope your immune system beats covid naturally. Time will tell us all we need to know.

PS for those who don't know: Biden was ordered - likely under threat by Big Pharma much like Trump was - that his administration must have a 70% vaccination rate by July. They have privately threatened to publicly fry Joe and his administration if they don't get to that rate….. thus all the shilling. What I told you is a little known open secret already.

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b5b0f1  No.240006


>Hearing impairment, severe gastric upsets and blood clots leading to gangrene, symptoms not typically seen in Covid patients

sounds like symptoms of an experimental vaccine


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607391  No.240235

File: ab0c273a94c0e9f⋯.png (2.83 MB, 1920x2500, 96:125, vax_genemod.png)

File: 251246bbf42169d⋯.png (205.62 KB, 860x575, 172:115, vax_infertilty.png)

The most alarming effect of the genetically modifying treatments (all these so-called "vaccines" can modify your DNA easily through pic related) is the destruction of our connection to spirit, the conscious "self" that drives our motives and desires. So not only extermination, but turning of the surviving folks into robots.

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83f5e1  No.240343

File: e396b41830be717⋯.gif (3.04 MB, 700x456, 175:114, Video_shows_how_coughing_s….gif)

Wtg dumb shits, now we have a virus capable of getting around the vaccines. It's a fucking killer, super contagious. China's issuing dire warnings and at this point their govt is more credible than ours.

Now listen up, I'm going to keep this simple.

Wear a N95 mask or better anytime you're in public plus social distance. While you're in public shut your face, nobody gives a fuck what you have to say. We do this for 3 weeks and eradicate Covid.

There's one good thing about this Delta variant it should destroy Desantis's presidential ambitions.

Rochele Walensky wants white people dead, don't give her the satisfaction. You listen to me not her, get at least one dose of the vaccine.

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2ed7c2  No.240344


> You guys are having a problem determining who's information is credible and who's full of shit.

I have no such problem. As soon as I stopped taking "health" advice from MDs and went natural all my health problems went away and I haven't been sick since. We can argue about who is credible, but there's no denying that anyone with an MD after their name is full of shit. The only question is how full.

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2ed7c2  No.240345


> It's a fucking killer

There is no hard evidence that anyone has ever died from covid. The original claim came from China and everything after that is just speculation based on believing the original claim. But no one has ever done a scientifically valid experiment showing that having the covid virus increases your chances of dying

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83f5e1  No.240347

File: 6a2a0acdbc3032e⋯.gif (58.92 KB, 1099x829, 1099:829, getvaxed.GIF)

File: e09ce8c0fdb549c⋯.gif (116.14 KB, 1532x866, 766:433, GetVaxed1.GIF)

To get ahead pf the anti vax propaganda.

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042b3d  No.240349


Actually if you catch it and develop natural antibodies (these are totally destroyed by the vaccine if you get it) you will be virtually immune for 10+ years. Catching it naturally imparts (for all practical purposes) a long lasting natural immunity.

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042b3d  No.240350


Poast more Big Pharma whores plz

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042b3d  No.240352

File: 4af0d1e53400a6e⋯.jpg (32.89 KB, 591x1280, 591:1280, covid_cant_move_sideways.jpg)

Oh this is the 'famous indian variant'…

So I follow this insider kike, and I have for years, guess what he said today? He said that the 'vaccine' is race specific and meant to murder Europeans only. He was literally advocating for the genocide of all Europeans from little children to adults under the 'reasoning' that at any second, one of us could turn into Hitler. So, take it if you want the kikes to murder you. And he had this very long justification for why it was actually 'ok' to murder all Europeans.

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042b3d  No.240353


are you retarded? the passover is 'no leaven' not 'no grain'. ps that fucking article is about JEWS DESIGNING BIOWEAPONS TO KILL OTHER RACES…SO YES IT IS THE FUCKING JEWS.

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55f07e  No.240405

Retard known as OP, read the Lancet paper. These shits are 0.1% effective hahaha.

In the Pfizer application to the FDA for emergency usage, they say it DOESN'T!!!! prevent you from getting or spreading ANYTHING. What they say it does is, 'may'!!! 'reduce symptoms by 50%'.

Also, the Indian government, says there's no such thing as the indian variant which is what they're now calling the 'delta' variant. Interesting how all the new names are mental states… yeah you probably didn't make that connecton.

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cf32d6  No.240493


Nigger, the only reason I'm not dead yet is because I hate fucks like you more than I hate myself. Mind your own fucking business.

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83f5e1  No.240790


Update, if possible avoid the MRNA vax's. There is a conspiracy but it's not to kill you, it's to dumb you down. Which the current vax's do quite well.

Novavax is the vax of champions, pass it along.

Lets hope the Novavax becomes available,

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83f5e1  No.240791


I'm helping to keep you alive, wear your mask until the Novavax becomes avail.,

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d2495c  No.240793


Fuck off. Never had a covid vaccine and NOT going to take one. You know where you can shove it commie.



Pretty much THIS. And btw, the vaccine is much much more deadly than the bio-engineered coronavirus….. you'll all see within a few years hahaha!

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d2495c  No.240796



Cat is already out of the bag, glowies!

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a8ceb5  No.240832


As a cancer survivor, I feel surviving the Doctors and countless mistakes more of an achievement than beating the cancer. I was losing the fight and every new torture they came up with made it worse. I survived by quitting the docs, exercising, and cutting sugar and grains out of my diet. The surgeon did a lot of damage and removed several parts that I needed so I will never be 100% again. I now know I could have solved the problem in the first place by NOT following the USDA recommended diet and never agreeing to allow the docs take 20 years off my life so they could rape my savings and my insurance company.

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83f5e1  No.240934

Breaking news out of the Jpost.

Ivermectin works.

The antiparasitic agent Ivermectin

Sheba’s Schwartz, a tropical disease expert, recently told the Post that he has new proof that ivermectin, which has been used to fight parasites in third-world countries, could help reduce the length of infection for people who contract coronavirus.

Last week, he completed a double-blind, placebo-controlled study of 100 people with mild-to-moderate cases of COVID-19 that tested whether ivermectin could shorten the viral shedding period, allowing them to test negative for coronavirus and leave isolation in only a few days.

According to his still unpublished data, Schwartz said, the drug was shown to help “cure” people of the virus within just six days. Moreover, the chances of testing negative for coronavirus were three times higher for the group that received ivermectin than the placebo, he said.

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83f5e1  No.240935

There's that link


Remember 04/2020 they already knew Ivermectin was a miracle drug..

You got to remember, we're Goy and our entire existence is to make Jews rich. So they suppressed Ivermectin.

The above drug trial is a random double blind.

Not Trumptards talking out their ass or some clickbait.

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312323  No.241132



Yeah brO 420 WHOOOOOO!

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