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Resign from your position at the FBI or your mother will die in her sleep tonight

File: 79fce88f6d1c65e⋯.jpg (37.41 KB, 480x360, 4:3, Dangers_of_5G_In_Health.jpg)

e8e88f  No.239165

Does 5G shatter the minds of humans?

“Provide me with links to all the scientific published research that indisputably proves that the 5G 60Ghz millimeter frequency does not interfere with oxygen molecules in the atmosphere and indisputably proves that the 5G 60Ghz millimeter frequency does interfere with oxygen absorption within human lungs.”

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74df90  No.239173

I use a flip phone, no internet to it. I never ever put it up to my head when I make a call, always have it on speaker and away from my head. I've known since wireless phones first came out that the frequencies were bad for human health, this has been a long well known fact over the years, the problem is - as usual - almost nobody paid attention or cared. So it's going to keep getting worse and worse until people start dropping dead with brain tumors.

My recommendation: if you can manage it, use landline phones as much as possible. If you don't have landline, go for a cheap burner or old flip phone or jitterbug. Don't hold the phone up to your head, put that shit on speaker and talk from a distance.

Wifi is just as bad which is why I won't use any wifi internet.

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732b9d  No.239522


3G, 4G, 5G, it's all bad for blood cells and the neurological system, same goes with nearly anything wireless. Here's a tip for those living in a suburb or city: anything that can operate without wireless connections use! If you do happen to have a wireless modem, at the very least unplug it at nighttime before you go to bed! Never sleep near anything wireless! The computers I use are all hardwired and not in the same room I sleep for example. I do have a flip phone, but I don't have it near me, I place it down with the ringer and sound turned on MAX so I can hear it when need be. ANYTHING wireless damages you neurological system - ignore all the $$$ paid-for establishment bullshit $$$ that tells you otherwise!!!

PS: scientists knew this a long, long time ago! Those that warned about this were ridiculed, dismissed and replaced due to systemic corruption via government/big tech/industry!

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