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File: e8d029855da8180⋯.png (102.16 KB, 1355x499, 1355:499, Screenshot_128_.png)

b0dcb3  No.238484

Welp, another Jew-controlled western site to add to my blacklist, then

Xi Jinping was, and still is, right

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f6d192  No.238487

Fuck Biden. Useless senile fucktard.

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2475e0  No.238489

4chans a dead website now, it's posting activity is barely above other imageboards

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b0dcb3  No.238490


There's only 8kun and actual CCP sites left

Reddit - bans antisemitism and pro-China stances

Ruqqus - bans antisemitism, buys up guildmasters to ban pro-China stances

4chan - this shit

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2475e0  No.238497


Yeah, idk what to tell you, old people are just too jaded to care anymore as nothing changes and younger posters probably don't want to care

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a56ef0  No.238498


Bitchute just changed their terms and started banning people

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03cb4e  No.238511

The problem with 4chan is that it got too big and there are just too many fucking trolls, shills, fans and a myriad of other degenerate retards shitting up the board. And in order to stop that 4chan has to have Janny trannies and when losers on 4chan get power, they abuse it. You probably just got caught in the cross fire as the mod was trying to purge shit content. Places like here have very small communities. No need for mods. One guy spamming and talking to himself is not very disruptive. Hundreds of libtards posting tranny shit and BBC memes IS a problem.

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57fe64  No.238520


Sadly same with Dlive now. Now there is a snitch war going on and it's sad. Anyone who has anything they want to say that is not the established corporate narrative now is facing armies of bootlicking snitches. Total fucking communism today, gone global.

The only thing the internet is good for is a few outcast image boards, some news sites and the p2p networks & torrents still available.

If it ever gets much worse and decent alternative options go away completely, I'm dumping the internet altogether, just like I dumped cable TV 20+ years ago!

Luckily I saw this coming years ago and I backed up all kinds of media on multiple offline mediums (DVDs, flashdrives, external harddrives). My favorite movies, classic TV shows, a whole bunch of great music, conspiracy/prepping podcasts, books on pdf format, DIY tutorials, ripped Youtube videos (cooking videos, DIY tips, survival/prepping tips, homesteading tips, etc)….. pretty much anything I'd want or need I have backed up offline on several different mediums (multiple copies).

The way I see it, if the internet ever gets as bad as cable TV, at least I'll have physical copies available of anything worthy of having, much like I have VHS & DVD box sets of my favorite old time TV shows and movie collections. And yes, I have backup rips of those that are stored properly so they won't wear or tear.

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57fe64  No.238523


Anything that becomes 'popular' or 'populated' attracts the wrong crowd it seems. You start getting the trolls, the 'Karen' snitches, the propagandists (aka those who are actually paid to post narratives), shills (aka those who are actually paid to advertise merchandise or brands), the control freak mods/owners who will censor anything they don't agree with, the schizophrenics (people who reply to themselves or talk to themselves on the boards without any relation to the topics), and of-course the total degenerates who post pornography and snuff, et al.

Honestly I'd rather visit a nearly dead board like this than to be among an environment like the one described. Reminds me of IRL, I prefer to live rural than urban lol.

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b0dcb3  No.238527


>shitting up the board

the way it should be

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3489c9  No.238530


It's actually easier to get banned on 4chan than it is on reddit now, which is something I find highly amusing.

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03cb4e  No.238546


4chan was never supposed to get popular hence rules 1 and 2. I've read, back in the day only about a very small percent of society were on the interent

Sometime in the 90s and early 00s. Ever since shit like smartphones ANYONE and everyone is on the web, posting their bullshit agendas and propaganda. Creating safe spaces. Censoring dissenting opinions and "harmful" content. The internet is normie central and just one more reason why small communities are better. I say the same thing about society. We should be living in small towns, farming, white folk only. We don't need cities. We don't need multiculturalism, we need a singular goal to just survive and expand our knowledge. We can't do that when we have to keep taking care of women, immigrants and queers who keep acting in childish, animalistic, or degenerate fashion

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b0dcb3  No.238801


i get banned in 1-2 posts on reddit, hard to beat that

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b0dcb3  No.238802


You don't need to live in the US and subject yourself to a future where you got browned.

I say Europe should just accept all US whites and US whites should self-deport themselves to Europe, where they can help deport the browns back to Africa.

Win win.

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2475e0  No.238835


but there's more land here in the US, if anything we need to get more whites here to get rid of the others, I mean it worked for awhile until WW2

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dba88a  No.238837

File: 237a64c0cac3abf⋯.jpg (52.68 KB, 600x701, 600:701, merchant_chinese.jpg)


>CCP sites

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b0dcb3  No.238841


Amalekites like yourself have no concept of cause and effect, which is why you are forever subject to a ridiculous system of colonizing other lands followed by being browned to death

Imagine if you actually studied the fall of Rome. Oh, wait, I forgot about the legendary Amalekite hatred for studying history.

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b0dcb3  No.238843



hitler greatest story is still up

cry more kike

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faed3f  No.238847

4chan is irrelevant

u guiz need to catch bigger fish

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48666f  No.238854


The Amalekites were a SHEPHERDING, SEMITIC people who occupied the wilderness in the Arabian peninsula. When Moses led the Israelites out of Egypt, the Amalekites were the very first people they encountered, and the Amalekites attacked them. They were a vicious people who were known for atrocities including carving off body parts, and as a result they are cursed by God.

Then we don't hear much about the Amalekites until much later, they appeared back on the scene in southern Caanan in great numbers and power, and were then decisively defeated by King Saul on orders from God.

> 18 And the LORD sent you on a mission, and said, ‘Go and utterly destroy the sinners, the Amalekites, and fight against them until they are exterminated’ (1 Samuel 15:18).

Curiously, a sick slave is discovered in a field during this narrative. An Egyptian man, who is slave to an Amalekite.

>David asked him, "Who do you belong to? Where do you come from?" He said, "I am an EGYPTIAN, the slave of an AMALEKITE. My master abandoned me when I became ill three days ago."

If the Hebrews encountered the Amalekites as they made their way north, it's not unreasonable to suggest that the vicious, warlike Amalekites would have also ventured farther south into the lush Nile Delta, since the entire military force of Egypt was at the bottom of the Red Sea.

Egyptian historian Manetho describes the arrival of the Hyksos people, "Rulers of Foreign Lands" who are a shepherding people and who set up their base at Avaris in the eastern Nile Delta. They conquered all of Egypt "without a fight" and ruled over it for 400 years. They were greatly hated by the indigenous Egyptians. Several of the dynasties of Egyptian pharaohs were actually Hyksos dynasties, and were not ethnic Egyptians. They were eventually driven out of Egypt and then the New Kingdom was established out of Thebes, in the south, marking the beginning of Egypt's greatest age.


However, the Philistines were descended from archaic Greeks, so there is a relation there between Philistines and white europeans. (Though the Europeans have since discarded their pagan idols and converted to Yahweh worship as a result of the message of Christ).

— The Amalekites, meanwhile, were utterly wiped out as a people and ceased to exist thousands of years ago. This was due to the righteous judgment of God on a truly wicked and diabolical group of people.

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72b6ff  No.238858


>Anyone who has anything they want to say that is not the established corporate narrative now is facing armies of bootlicking snitches.

That's the neoliberal totalitarianism that we live under: https://vjmpublishing.nz/?p=25059

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72b6ff  No.238859


>I've read, back in the day only about a very small percent of society were on the interent

It was known as the Golden Age of the Internet, see the essay 'Four Ages of the Internet'.

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b0dcb3  No.238878


Amalekites are Nephilim specifically. The Book of Enoch outright claims that a half-breed between a fallen angel and a human being is a white man. Hence, you cannot be white without Amalekite blood.


Read Enoch 105 1:3 dipshit, it outright states that whites can only appear due to being an Amalekite, or God wanting to make a certain book describe an Amalekite by writing a character to have Amalekite traits.

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b187d6  No.239462

File: 4aee19393878e18⋯.jpg (53.71 KB, 720x317, 720:317, William_Pierce_on_Christia….jpg)

>unironically thinking the buy bull is redpilled

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c0a220  No.239472

why did moot sell the website to a chinese double agent

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53a3c5  No.239477


haha, I got warned for mocking the retards on there with the utterly ironic

>the quality of posts is extremely important to this community

lmfao they actually pride themselves on the shithole they've become and take it very seriously if anyone wants to shake up the degeneration they enjoy wallowing in

their plan must be to run the website into the ground so nobody except the most schizophrenic scatophilic 'alt-right' idiot feels at home there.

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b0dcb3  No.239483


If the Chinese ran any site they would not censor anything that the west hates.

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4b575b  No.239501

File: 2cb4e57dbc9b222⋯.jpg (59.61 KB, 600x851, 600:851, e1c.jpg)

>not political

you know I used to be a retard like you who cried over getting banned from 4chan….Everyone on 8chan told me to fuck off, so I stuck around. This place has really gone right back to where it started from…..nothing.

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f6d192  No.239507

We need a state sponsored CCP chan that has a high IQ position on CP of white girls.

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6733b5  No.239544


Depends upon what that picture was that was deleted, doesn't it?

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6733b5  No.239545


>I'm a National Socialist.

>Literally hates 70% of the white people for his 0.25% pagan, most of which are jews.

Core to national socialism is the idea of each people ruling themselves. Not a tiny bunch of pagans ruling all white people. Replacing jews with pagans is retarded level degenerate thinking.

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02e6c9  No.239738


> I've read, back in the day only about a very small percent of society were on the interent

t. newfag


>I say Europe should just accept all US whites and US whites should self-deport themselves to Europe

No. US whites let their country get jewed, and their ancestors abandoned their homelands. Deal with the consequences of your actions.

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6733b5  No.239747


>No. US whites let their country get jewed, and their ancestors abandoned their homelands. Deal with the consequences of your actions.

That's black gibs level thinking, anon. You should be ashamed, but you're obviously not here to contribute.

1) The country was jewed right after the American Revolution with the 1st Bank of the US (Rothschild) Then came the war of 1812 when we got rid of that bank. We lost the war and came the 2nd Banks of the US (Rothschild). President Jackson killed that bank.

The Rothschilds came back with the Federal Reserve in 1914.

No one here was alive at the time the US was jewed, so saying that the present generation needs to "deal with the consequences of your actions" is retarded, stupid and unworthy of the high intelligence of /pnd/ and you need to neck yourself.

>No! There was always a huge number of people on the internet!

Absolutely true, Anon. This is not a retarded statement you made at all.

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b0dcb3  No.239835


its star of remphan i think


if i get banned from a site it validates my worldview that the CCP was, and still is, right

that's why i keep getting banned from sites


He does not hate Christians, he think they need to be freed. A perfectly valid opinion. The war between Christian NatSoc and Pagan NatSoc has yet to conclude, and both have their good points.


>No. US whites let their country get jewed, and their ancestors abandoned their homelands. Deal with the consequences of your actions.

Or that, but then 8kun will cry


>The country was jewed right after the American Revolution

Being Jewed is part and parcel of not living in your ancestral ethnostate

Without the binding force of culture and soil, the blood would wander and fragment, and, as a result, become weak and easily subverted.

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