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Rules Log Spot Those Who Glow Protect Yourself
Resign from your position at the FBI or your mother will die in her sleep tonight

File: ee559234bc2f7a7⋯.png (111.01 KB, 653x1647, 653:1647, Screenshot_2021_05_28_Tind….png)

File: 63f2f42d90cf705⋯.jpg (108.01 KB, 634x427, 634:427, 2_moms_from_haiti.jpg)

a6fde7  No.236161

Jewish divide&conquer based on vax

Possible Unit 8200 startup to round up unvaxxed and kickoff dividing society on the basis of injection. Reeks of usual suspects

>A new dating app is seeking to be the matchmaker for those opposed to getting inoculated against Covid-19

>started by two moms in Haiti


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6be43b  No.236168

FIRST THINGS FIRST: Never trust any website that demands a lot of personal info or your real phone number!!! It's one thing to give them a 'burner phone' number, but never ever give away your real info!!! If you date someone online, use an alias, keep using that alias UNTIL YOU GET TO KNOW AND CAN TRUST THAT PERSON!!!

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6c0bb3  No.236264


nobody cares about vaccines

why do YOU care about dating apps?……..

……………..can't find a girl in real life?

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6c0bb3  No.236265


TRUST ISSUES : the post

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924577  No.236276


> meet a thot at a bar goy

dating apps *are* real life now

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96ef36  No.236335


Never use apps to date.

As a matter of fact, never date.

Women are as evil as jews.

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3eef9c  No.236997


No you dummy, that's a good thing. The vaxxed zombies are spreading the jab.

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b4676c  No.237002


Do you know how many social sites over the years have baited idiots into giving all kinds of personal information away…. to then simply dox and have others harass them later on? Not everyone is a total idiot! There are real honeypots out there, the first thing is never give out a personal email addresses or personal phone numbers. Set up some disposable email account that doesn't have any personal info connected to it. Use a "burner phone" where it is not registered directly to you (aka pre-registered). Oh sure, the feds do have them tapped for drug dealers, but it's not a big deal to use them for legal purposes and dogging invasive con artists or nosy employeers who like to snoop on their workers.

The point is, you can still hook up with dates and meet them, under an alias like "Bob Vonda", keep a relationship going for a while till you can really trust that person and later disclose to her who you are and apologize and tell her why you decided to do it. If it's any relationship worth having, she'd forgive you and chuckle at your absolute utter "paranoid fantasy."


Not for all anon, I can still find some women out there wanting to find a hunk to buy them a drink at a local bar. Thing is, it's not as common today as more of the youth tend to rely on all those damned apps.

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