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Rules Log Spot Those Who Glow Protect Yourself
Resign from your position at the FBI or your mother will die in her sleep tonight

File: a7d90364c0e1cf4⋯.jpg (69.71 KB, 1200x630, 40:21, chick_fil_a_gets_on_knees_….jpg)

12c012  No.235848

REVEALED: Lockheed Martin executives attended three day 'white male reeducation camp'

Key top executives for the United State's largest defense contractor and taxpayer funded Lockheed Martin attended a "white men's caucus" which looked to help deconstruct "white male privilege and culture" and make them better allies.


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c1a9d8  No.235853

File: ea5e170e980e236⋯.png (45.63 KB, 905x310, 181:62, nationalinterestexcerpt.png)

File: 2c0264fd9f15c0a⋯.png (136.31 KB, 606x1616, 3:8, The_Grand_Narrative_Keith_….png)

File: 7f969ad08283e67⋯.png (34.32 KB, 485x350, 97:70, striker_liberalism_failed_….png)

Reminder that after the White revolution, we are buying Russian.

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1cf204  No.235857


shit fucking dogass garbage horse poo poo fecal tissue thread, lern how 2 thred nigger.

<no quotes from the article

<1 relevant image

<barely any formatting

<no archive link

you should be permab& for this garbage on my board, nigger.

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1f4eb4  No.235860


cope harder aaron

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1fd8a6  No.235864


It's like they want the US to lose.

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c1a9d8  No.235865

File: fdd4231d52c0d06⋯.png (205.84 KB, 1585x605, 317:121, mussolini_democracy.png)


No, it's like they have no other path to stay in power. Their system has been so thoroughly discredited, they don't have any pathway outside of allocating the meager scraps neoliberalism produces to brown people deemed "safe" by the Anglo-zionist establishment – hindustanis, niggers, gulf arabs.

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bb8db5  No.235891


lol @ you just now finally realizing that you're never going to accomplish anything.

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c1a9d8  No.235892

File: 392aeed5d752856⋯.jpg (845.51 KB, 1515x1279, 1515:1279, Eurasian_energy_flows.jpg)


There is plenty being accomplished by actors outside of the system.

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57eb75  No.235897


How do actors outside of the system act? Which skills should someone acquire?

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