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Rules Log Spot Those Who Glow Protect Yourself
Resign from your position at the FBI or your mother will die in her sleep tonight

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64ab1c  No.235341

Every problem we face was created to convince us of their solution. There is no NWO if you refuse to participate.

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71bc0e  No.235368

The proper reading list on the Rockefellers: Demarest Lloyd, Tarbell, Josephson, Allen

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05ad60  No.235840


Absolutely, 100% correct. Governments are not the solution. Institutions are not the solution. The educational system today is just as corrupted. The military is corrupted. Police are corrupted. If you can afford to not participate in anything and homestead, do so. If you need to work, either be self-employed or learn a trade and get to know some older people who know the trade who are willing to help you work your way up to success. Do whatever you can do to support local, don't waste your money with TV service or smartphones, boycott 'woke' companies and propaganda networks, become a prepper and work to become self-sufficient as possible and less reliant on the system. Look into collecting rain water and decontamination & filtering. Look into heating your home with a wood burning stove. Never give up your property or guns to these people without a fight if that's what it comes down to. If you know like-minded friends or family members you can trust, maybe get together and start up a small homestead group by pooling in your savings. If they try to come for us or kill us, kill them.

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808cb4  No.235866


Good advice. Years ago I briefly dated a girl who was part of a small Anarchist collective. There were 3 constant members who each paid their share of monthly bills. In their off-time they worked to produce and distribute anarchist propaganda, attend protests, and plan for their version of SHTF.

I wonder what anons could achieve if they chose to live this way even if only for a year or two.

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e2cb96  No.235868

tbh you are already living under the Jew World Order, so what's the difference?

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808cb4  No.235871


Esoteric and Exoteric. Right now we live under the esoteric Jew World Order. It's still supposed to be a secret that Jews control the world. As that veil lifts the masses learn the truth and that it's too late to stop, which is the exoteric NWO – when very little is hidden about the agenda, and which most likely results in mass depopulation and/or imprisonment.

Jews are anticipating the transition from esoteric to exoteric, as we're in the process now. But we can take control of how the process plays out and alter its outcome.

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7f1983  No.235872


>It's still supposed to be a secret that Jews control the world.

Where? In idiotic Anglosphere countries? It's not a secret anywhere else.

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808cb4  No.235873


There are degrees of secrecy. If everyone knows Jews control the world why aren't billions of individuals reacting appropriately by rising up? If Jews want to genocide Muslims also, for example, why isn't there legitimate Islamic resistance against Jews? It's always controlled opposition though. There's a degree of secrecy still in place.

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7f1983  No.235874

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808cb4  No.235875


>why aren't billions of individuals reacting appropriately by rising up?

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