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Resign from your position at the FBI or your mother will die in her sleep tonight

File: 07e33b56e9dbed8⋯.jpeg (286.3 KB, 1000x1500, 2:3, photo_1542320728179_bda01….jpeg)

4dfbe7  No.234905

Does this kill BitLiteDogeCoin?

The Fed is getting serious about the digital US dollar.

Lael Brainard, a member of the Federal Reserve Board of Governors, laid out a case for a secure, central bank-backed digital currency that could create a more efficient payment system and expand financial services to Americans who have been underserved by traditional banks.


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99924b  No.234913


So their solution after screwing up our entire economy is to trust them again? No. No way! I don't have big faith in crypto at all, but I'd rather use something like Bitcoin or Dogcoin or whatever that at least (((they))) don't control. When the system crashes, and it will, I will never be trusting banks (or governments) again, nor will I be paying taxes. They need to be told to take a flying leap off the cliff already. Hopefully as the economy gets destroyed, people will finally wake up and stop putting up with these control freaks.

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3d1181  No.234927

Just because something rolls when you kick it doesn't mean it's alive….

Cryptocurrency has always been garbage

And it will continue to be garbage

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3d1181  No.234929


lol @ you not learning the lesson during the big internet bubble Pop, or any other trendy fad that quickly fades away (like Trump)

Cryptocurrency is sewage

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3d1181  No.234930

I know a few people who literally lost more than 50% of their imaginary "amazing investment" in this imaginary non-existent sewage currency

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3d1181  No.234933

LOL @ investing in a speculative idiotic concept that is so shaky, all it takes is one tweet from Elon musk and the entire thing comes crashing down.

And nobody cares if you spend money or not

The only person you're hurting is yourself

Life continues

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3d1181  No.234934


You should invest in flushing your money down your toilet, because at least you have a general idea where it went afterwards…

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a5bebf  No.234938

Next INTEL report will be a HOT one…. called: State Covid Propaganda Collapses As The World Starts Pointing Fingers At State Corruption

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a5bebf  No.234939

And Jerry, if your listening, one of your recent quotes and links WILL be included in the new INTEL report!

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a5bebf  No.234940

I cannot promise this report will be finished tonight…. I am simply very lazy and tired today, and ate 5 bowls of pasta recently, full of butter, garlic and anchovies …. and quite frankly, I think I might just throw up! BUT SOONER OR LATER…. next INTEL report!!

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3d1181  No.234941



You intentionally omitted the part about how you accepted all $3,200 in stimulus money

You sat on your ass and drained the entire $3,200 from future taxpayers….

I'd say you were deliberately destabilizing tomorrow's future generations…. You greedy mother fucker

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3d1181  No.234942


I bet you spent the entire $3,200 on aluminum foil, like there was no tomorrow….

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dc8343  No.234948

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

I dedicate this song to Jerry

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dc8343  No.234952


Is written as if it's a journal penned by a French foreign legion member, traveling by camel across the desert, when he stumbles upon an oasis, and gets seduced

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6eff3f  No.234954

File: 654967e1db1b6bc⋯.jpg (44.76 KB, 517x511, 517:511, nano_tech_kills_cells.jpg)

State Covid Propaganda Collapses As The World Starts Pointing Fingers At State Corruption

A new tooth shattering national security report details further into a saga first touched upon in two previous intel reports - “Further Evidence Behind Covid Bioweapon Leaks As US Diplomatic Relations Explode Into Crisis” and “American Media Covers Up War In The Streets Of America As Great Reset Turns Into Great Reject” - as a series of mainstream publications, as well as government officials, are having to redact previous lies and even admit certain truth regarding the release of the (((National Institutes of Health)))-funded Covid-19 bioweapon aided by (((Chinese scientists))) in Wuhan. As well the shattering of State propaganda and illusions before the world, much as forewarned would happen near God's Judgment upon a world gone mad and bad in the Holy Bible, as written in the Book of John chapter 3 verse 19: "This is the judgment, that the Light has come into the world, and men loved the darkness rather than the Light, for their deeds were evil." And where the Light now coming out to expose the evil behind the Covid bioweapons release may soon lead to divide intervention and Judgment from God!

After over a month of mainstream corporate State-run media rampaging over States like Texas nullifying all draconian covid regulations, and after them claiming the leaders of Texas were sacrificing their citizens for political gain, it turns out that not only are covid rates dropping rapidly in States like Texas, but less than half their population is even vaccinated for covid:


If that Light were not enough to shine out deception by enemies of humanity, perhaps Senator Rand Paul now openly defying the vaccine and forcing (((Dr. Anthony Fauci))) to confess his knowledge that the Covid-19 was indeed bio-engineered is a sign that these demonic entities are losing the information war waged on God's people?



Even more shockingly - as noted in previous intel reports - not only has Russia and China conducted their own criminal investigations into the Covid-19 bioweapon, but many officials such as a former top Russian military official coming public and exposing the demonic entities who funded and released this bioweapon upon the world:


And it's not just Russia and China pointing fingers, so has Mark Levin and Steve Hilton covered these hard hitting accusations on Fox News, by far the most popular American news network:



These video links archived by a man only known as "Jerry" who has taken numerous drugs such as LSD, has him experiencing psychic ability and prolific life-altering reflections in both the real and surreal world (the surreal world being God's will), whom was also influenced subliminally into recruitment for archiving contingencies for Operation Killcen (Kill Censorship) to counter the counter-intelligence psychological operations of Johnny Neptune, an alleged Mossad agent recruited by Jim Watkins (a former CIA asset) to discredit Operation Killcen during the days of 8chan.

To which this now secret fact has been disclosed, so has solid evidence of $1.6 million in funds to the (((Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation))) from the US Pentagon to conduct biological warfare against the world: http://genedrivefiles.synbiowatch.org/

And this is now fully evident after a new Slovakian report confirms “covid tests” are contaminated with hydrogels and lithium nano-technologies for ballistic delivery of biological agents.


And for those who still doubt this information, look no further than the recent live blood analysis done right after a vaccination, a study now proving a crime of mass genocide against the human race, depopulation is here, and every government around the world pushing nano-tech vaccines are complicit, and after being exposed will have them pointing their crooked fingers all over the place as the Light shines upon them.


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3b0635  No.234969

File: 57a8fbf77b227ee⋯.png (1.39 MB, 1080x2300, 54:115, Screenshot_20210524_214905.png)


Union, Missouri's best dentist

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3b0635  No.234970


How To Find Killcen :

Call Dickey Bubs and tell them I'm trying to find a guy in his 70s who often shops there, because he dropped $800 cash out of his pickup truck accidentally when he was leaving his psychotherapist's office….

Tell the manager the guy in his 70s is COMPLETELY INSANE, and always warning people about 'deliberate destabilization' and 'agenda 21'

the manager will know EGG ZACK LEE ™ who Killcen is.

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3b0635  No.234972


…..and now, Killcen realizes he must kill every employee at Dickey Bubs….

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cae585  No.234973


I don't often go to Union, only for Dickey Bubs but I also go to Lowes in Washington too, which is only 15 miles distance from Union. Depends on what I want to get, one is a hardware store the other is more of a farm store.

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cae585  No.234974



They won't know me, I act normal when I'm out in public. Do you really think I'd want to be a red flag?

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3b0635  No.234977


LSD inducedword circlesare the best word circles.

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3b0635  No.234978


Manager : "Do you mean the CRAZY Doomsday Guy?"

Me : "BINGO!"

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cae585  No.234979

File: c88196061573301⋯.png (506.54 KB, 473x515, 473:515, CIr2TkNWwAAEDYJ.png)

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3b0635  No.234981


btw I'm just fucking with you…..

I correctly guessed Missouri about 2 years ago.

ask Jerry… he remembers….

but I've got ZERO desire to know where you are

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3b0635  No.234982

File: 5e905db07eb3a18⋯.jpg (204.53 KB, 960x1312, 30:41, PicsArt_12_24_03_17_59.jpg)

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3b0635  No.234983

File: 516ee6fb4f8267f⋯.jpg (236.93 KB, 1080x1176, 45:49, PicsArt_05_24_10_29_32.jpg)

If he was the Admin of 8kun

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3b0635  No.234985

File: 214888ee8ef3b48⋯.jpg (215.45 KB, 1080x1176, 45:49, PicsArt_05_24_10_38_15.jpg)

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3b0635  No.234986

File: cd1b45d1bc98e6c⋯.jpg (219.93 KB, 1080x1176, 45:49, PicsArt_05_24_10_39_31.jpg)

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3b0635  No.234987

File: 45e8c15aae306ad⋯.jpg (273.96 KB, 1080x1176, 45:49, PicsArt_05_24_10_46_56.jpg)

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3b0635  No.234989

File: 1f81254d2c10f5e⋯.jpg (225.84 KB, 1080x1176, 45:49, PicsArt_05_24_10_51_14.jpg)

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3b0635  No.234991

File: f7df3e8ce73c665⋯.jpg (252.42 KB, 1080x1176, 45:49, PicsArt_05_24_10_54_17.jpg)

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3b0635  No.234993

File: 269e151ba1eddec⋯.jpg (241.76 KB, 1080x1176, 45:49, PicsArt_05_24_11_00_05.jpg)

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3b0635  No.234995

File: 88f7feb171007b2⋯.jpg (285.01 KB, 1080x1176, 45:49, PicsArt_05_24_11_02_28.jpg)

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3b0635  No.235000

File: 0faef736019f713⋯.jpg (271.11 KB, 1080x1176, 45:49, PicsArt_05_24_11_06_49.jpg)

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3b0635  No.235004

File: 4f0a087a297d524⋯.jpg (296.44 KB, 1080x1176, 45:49, PicsArt_05_24_11_10_28.jpg)

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3b0635  No.235009

File: 9083acbb79a478b⋯.png (526.96 KB, 931x685, 931:685, PicsArt_05_24_11_15_17.png)

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3b0635  No.235011

File: ba6834dcea6e5f9⋯.png (1.28 MB, 1080x1340, 54:67, PicsArt_05_24_11_20_34.png)

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3b0635  No.235012

File: 4a8121412f36a9a⋯.jpg (6.7 KB, 201x251, 201:251, 9k_.jpg)

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3b0635  No.235013

File: 5bc5dfe5a147122⋯.jpg (495.26 KB, 794x1100, 397:550, 3f60c197_54b6_4c10_bced_85….jpg)

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3b0635  No.235015

File: 334ed69bdf262b8⋯.jpg (5.75 KB, 208x242, 104:121, Z.jpg)

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3b0635  No.235016

File: 9cf3a39b77239ba⋯.jpg (137.05 KB, 1200x1504, 75:94, 1200x0.jpg)

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3b0635  No.235017

File: 2c26fad4f7fa8ae⋯.jpg (74.48 KB, 545x347, 545:347, 59_Year_Old_Man_Guns_Down_….jpg)

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3b0635  No.235018

File: 363b04e3d390dcb⋯.jpg (8.55 KB, 183x275, 183:275, images.jpg)

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3b0635  No.235020

File: 1df300e2d985c60⋯.jpg (284.97 KB, 1080x1176, 45:49, PicsArt_05_24_11_26_49.jpg)

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3b0635  No.235021

File: 212e5979da56e7d⋯.jpg (221.5 KB, 1200x1504, 75:94, PicsArt_05_24_11_29_52.jpg)

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3b0635  No.235024

Franklin County, Mo.

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8c48e5  No.235145

File: 86b9f15fe088057⋯.jpg (122.64 KB, 867x620, 867:620, 1621502608942.jpg)


Never utilize any system connected to the central banks.

The whole system must collapse. Not be saved.


















All jews will be killed.

All federal agents will be killed.

There is no future for any of you.

White Men are Gods.

We know how desperate you are.

You are losing and there is nothing that any of you can do about it:


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