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Resign from your position at the FBI or your mother will die in her sleep tonight

File: 9f0d3c2252a0f7b⋯.jpg (11.29 KB, 500x303, 500:303, BillGates.jpg)

dd38f4  No.234321

>Bill Gates slowly builds a reputation of benevolence in public health and a portfolio of medical IP

>A (surprise) pandemic occurs

>Poor countries demand relief from vaccine patent exclusions

>Gates resists

>Days later gets divorced and accused of pedo shit

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75bad6  No.234337

Remember that time he paralyzed 496,000 indian kids

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9c2aa2  No.234367


Everyone who is rich rapes children. All the rich people in the world must be killed.

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218bb8  No.234453


> accused of pedo shit

You fucktards here can't run anti-pedo. You will now come across as statist cucks who agree with the establishment.

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82fb41  No.234951

I think it's pretty well established Gates is a creation and proxy of the High Jew Bank.

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47ef6c  No.234961

LOL! Work with the Devil, die by the Devil! Same with any mafia, once you serve your purpose, and you have been exploited, they'll toss you like a bitch tossing out a used tampon! His evil wife bailed on him within days LOL. That's how the world works. Do bad things, have bad karma.

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82fb41  No.235371

If you take the screen size to like 67% you can get to the 'let me post' function on the captcha. Get a load of this postin motherfucker!

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13a10e  No.235936


Imagine telling yourself that shit to coop with being a poor fag hahaha KILL YOURSELF RETARD.

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