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Rules Log Spot Those Who Glow Protect Yourself
Resign from your position at the FBI or your mother will die in her sleep tonight

File: ac2f299457fe9f6⋯.png (220,25 KB, 985x789, 985:789, 1621572247603.png)

aefcec  No.234110

Have fun serving in the infantry with your girl diapers getting btfo'd by 3rd-graders and their moms


- the "three" other people on this forum

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3d67c2  No.234136


*teabags both of your eyes*

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e0d675  No.234139

Who is this fagbot? Johnny Neptune? He's a troll, not a bot. I think he did the same thing on 4chan boards (and likely other forums too), he once told me he loves to troll people and drive them crazy. I'll never forget he said he loved to troll conservative blogs and shame them as nonintellectual rednecks whenever they spelled something wrong. Honestly I think he's funny and unique, his style will grow on you after a while (like mold) but never forget, when Johnny finally repents and cries out to Jesus in prayer before he dies, God will forgive him!

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c7633b  No.234146


>when Johnny finally repents and cries out to Jesus in prayer before he dies, God will forgive him!

You have no proof of this. He is a classic destroyer who belongs to Oblivion. What would he give in remediation for what he has destroyed willfully and with malice thus far? No one wants something like that in eternity.

It is also not a good idea to let death grow on yourself anon.

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e881b8  No.234186

Any time the Jewish State receives legitimate criticism the Agent Provocateurs come out of their basements to generate "anti-Semitism" and replace an intellectual complaint with emotional immaturity.

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e881b8  No.234187

Here's a great example. These idiots are clearly Jewish and obviously working for Mossad. They try and make legitimate claims against Israel seem as hateful and ridiculous as possible. Jews are the single worst anti-Semites in human history.

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e881b8  No.234188

File: b2420dbf722273f⋯.webm (2,86 MB, 720x720, 1:1, antisemitism_herzl_in_act….webm)

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