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Rules Log Spot Those Who Glow Protect Yourself
Resign from your position at the FBI or your mother will die in her sleep tonight

File: 593385bf05458e1⋯.png (41.53 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, NED_logo_svg.png)

411e7a  No.233328

Why is noone talking about Carl Gershman?

The government is funding him to start revolutions in eastern Europe. He is also a communist! Former Young People's Socialist League Officer

Anytime socialism in congress is brought up its only stupid people like aoc. This zionist rat has been around for a while. Recently exposed by Russian hackers for trying to overthrow Belarus!

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411e7a  No.233330

File: eab15a4c01e07e6⋯.jpg (376.58 KB, 1920x2560, 3:4, IMG_0435_scaled.jpg)

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411e7a  No.233331

DUSA members helped form a bipartisan coalition of the Democratic and Republican parties to support the founding of the National Endowment for Democracy (NED), whose first President was Carl Gershman. The NED publicly allocated US$4 million of public aid to Solidarity through 1989.[217][218]


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6ac90b  No.233341

I think the NED is pretty well known among the kind of people who would find their way here. "Communist" might be a loaded word here since the organization historically is anti-Soviet.

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411e7a  No.233348


Carl Gershman (born July 20, 1943)[1] is an American civil servant who has served as the President of the National Endowment for Democracy since its founding in 1984.[2] Gershman previously served as the United States Ambassador to the United Nations Human Rights Council during the first term of the Reagan Administration.[2]

Gershman was the Executive Director of the Social Democrats, USA from 1975 to 1980, having previously been an officer of the Young People's Socialist League.[1] From 1965 to 1967, he served in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania with Volunteers in Service to America (now AmeriCorps VISTA).[1][3] He is currently a Senior Fellow at the Raoul Wallenberg Centre for Human Rights.

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6ac90b  No.233352


Yes, I'm aware of who Carl Gershman is. I stand by what I said and you supported it directly >>233331

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129141  No.233364


>He is also a communist! Former Young People's Socialist League Officer

This was an explicitly anti-Soviet organization. The thinking of these kinds of "Left" parasites goes like this: "America" integrated niggers, so "America" is morally superior to the USSR, which lacked millions of negroids in their socialist system. Plus anyone's socialism where there is ethnic homogeneity is just always national socialism, the great existential enemy of that thing called "America."

Plus you get paid to basically gatekeep inside the ZOG's labor bureaucracy.

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129141  No.233365

The great secret of the "American" "Left" is that young people are fooled into thinking something called "White Supremacy" rules the ZOG, despite all the niggers constantly on TV, nigger music on the radio, niggers marrying white women, and generally the nigger-mania that pervades ZOG-culture.

What is supposed to happen is that, when the young "Left" tards figure out the the ZOG isn't run by something called "White Supremacy," they begin supporting the ZOG as a way to keep forced integration with niggers going against the wishes of the masses of the White Nation. This how it normally works.

Disrupting this process involves going to young white men and women and pointing out the obvious; capitalists love niggers, love them so much they brought in hordes and hordes to "America" and forced Europeans to live beside them. Niggers are the original Great Replacement.

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6ac90b  No.233366

File: ed9ea6acfea98e6⋯.png (85.31 KB, 598x863, 598:863, USSR_not_jewish_1953.png)

File: 2000fdd107df4dd⋯.png (30.09 KB, 637x487, 637:487, mefobillsunzvalueofslaves.png)

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129141  No.233368


Yockeyism is the greatest ideological danger there is to "America," because it exposes the lies of the ZOG-faggots, as essentially engaged with the "Left" in "America" over a rhetorical war over who loves niggers more. The only reason a "Right" winger ever talks about spicks taking jobs is because they take nigger jobs first.

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